Is it normal that i get pissed at these terms?
I'm a girl, I currently live in Illinois for personal reasons, but my whole childhood I lived in Southern Georgia with my two older brothers and pa. Our mama weren't around much at all. We didn't go to school. (I have since took classes to work on grammar and reading and such, but I still don't sound as educated as some.) My brothers and I stole what we couldn't hunt or grow. Our pa was in the moonshine business. We really didn't have no friends; our family didn't have the best reputation where we lived. We always got called "hick" and "white trash"....
And now that me and my brothers have moved from the South, the name calling has only got worse. If someone tells a "redneck" joke when me or my brothers are around, they getting beat to shit. Nobody likes us around here neither. When I jear any of theseterms it literaly makesmy skin crawl. IIN?