Is it normal that i get scared and i don't know what i'm afraid of?

I know I only have these small "panic attacks" in the dark. But I don't think im afraid of the dark. I don't know what I'm afraid of. I don't know if it is anything paranormal. I don't beleive in that stuff but I have absolutely no clue what scares the crap out of me. I don't know if it is any natural disaster like a fire or something like that.I might be afraid of people coming to my house or something like that. I have to have a sleeping pill so I wont be so scared at night. I sleep with a nightlight and I had to move my cockateil (it's a bird if you don't know) into my room so I don't think I'm completely alone. I have to go to a therapist and they won't perscribe anything so my sleeping pills are over the counter. Everyone can specify what they are scared of but I can't. Is that normal?

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68% Normal
Based on 25 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 2 )
  • ry1987x

    The same thing is happening to me as well. There's something I'm afraid of but I don't know what. I'm constantly checking doors, peaking outside to make sure nobodies lurking out there... Just anything and everything... The unknown is scary.

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  • DavidDash

    That's very very normal. Keeping it short, it has to do with stuff like your subconscious, primal instincts etc, search it on google/youtube. I forget what its called but theres a documentary on it.

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