Is it normal that i get so sad

I was abused as a child and I fell into a deep depression. My sister started drugs when I was little and I miss her. I would get sad for no reason and just want to cry but I couldn't and then when something small and insignificant happens I lock myself in my room and just have panic attacks and ball my eyes out and act like its such a big deal but I look back and realise it wasn't but in the moment I felt like everything around me was crumbling down. My parents don't seem to care. They've seen my scars they haven't questioned me about them. I ask if I can go to the doctor to do counselling and maybe check to see if I have a mental illness but they say I'm a drama queen and that I'm over reacting but I feel real pain, it's indescribable. I don't know if I'm imagining things or if I'm paranoid but I Am hurting so much. It's stupid but it still hurts. The mental pain is killing me and I don't know what to do. I'm underage so I can't go see anyone by myself, I need an adult. I've talked to my school but she said the she can't do anything unless I'm in danger. I've tried online but they didn't do anything.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • turdferguson73

    With or without your parents help, you need to seek counseling. You probably feel all alone and no one should ever have to feel so bad. I'm so sorry 😣 I wish I could give you a hug

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  • Pebrain05

    hello darkness my old friend,
    it's good to talk with you again,

    yes it is normal

    (que the "I have crippling deppresion" meme)

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  • yesnomaybeso

    I am pretty sure there is a way to go see someone even if you are underage. There must be someone in your school, a teacher you trust, that can help you get in touch with some psychologist or someone who can help and make life easier for you. Because I can see you have had a tough life, but it can get better, and it will!

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  • Homicidalmurder666

    Every One in life experience Hardship

    Be humble and never give up on life

    Because you haven't fully enjoy the happiness and joy in life.

    Be patience

    You can change your life through your decision alway choose positive choice.

    And don't listen to those faggot inner demon. They will destroyed your life. Tell them to shut the fuck up and eat a dick.

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