Is it normal that i had sex almost 5 months ago and..?

I had sex June 22. I got my period two times afterwards like a week or two ago I tested to see if I was pregnant it came out negative twice but I haven't gotten my period is 2 months which can be typical for me because I am irregular .. But I gained like 10 pounds recently and I feel yes I have been eating junk food but I didn't know that kind of weight gain was possible that quickly. please help me understand what is going on. Also I went to the doctor and he said it was very unlikely but it's happened to some people .... soooooooo idk

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Comments ( 24 )
  • Sog

    Did you actually take a pregnancy test?

    I doubt you are pregnant, but if it will put you at ease you might as well take one.

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  • whatdupz

    Best way is to go to the doctors.. It's really weird that it comes out negative on the test so I would just call them.

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  • Ellenna

    You don't mention what contraception, if any, you were using. If you're on the pill you need to find out urgently whether or not you're pregnant so you can stop giving the foetus artificial hormones

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  • thegypsysailor

    What exactly were you doing in biology when they explained human reproduction, playing with your toes or talking to some other idiot?

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    • Girl1234homie

      Why do you say it like that? What am I not understanding? I'm scared and just want an answer you don't have to be an asshole.

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    • Girl1234homie

      So could I be or not idk

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      • thegypsysailor

        IN my humble opinion and with my limited understanding of the female reproductive system, if you've had 2 periods between sex and now, the only way you could be pregnant would be a tubular pregnancy. If this was so, 5 months down the road, I believe you would be in so much pain that you'd need an ambulance to get you to the hospital, PDQ.

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        • bucho's_butt

          I think you meant to say in MY humble opinion...Emphasis on the in just seems misplaced.

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        • charli.m

          I know someone who was on the Pill and taking it properly, got her periods as usual, and didn't find out she was pregnant until she went into labour. She didnt put on weight until maybe the last few weeks - she was skinny, and just started to look a tad rounder, barely noticable. She had a healthy little girl.

          It's not very common, but it is a possibility.

          OP: if you're concerned that you may be pregnant, take a test, either at home or through a doctor. Weight gain can be rapid for many reasons other than pregnancy, btw.

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          • Ellenna

            Those aren't normal periods on the pill, you know, they're a withdrawal bleed when the hormone dose is stopped for a few days so we're all fooled our bodies are still behaving normally with artificial hormones.

            It is possible to get pregnant on the pill, although unusual, and still have what appear to be periods. No-one knows the long term effect on a foetus of artificial hormones during pregnancy

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            • charli.m

              Yes, I know that. But "withdrawal bleed" takes longer to type and people understand "period" better.

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          • thegypsysailor

            How did I know it would be you who "knew somebody"? I must be clairvoyant!
            Hey everybody, charli.m has once again 'proved' me wrong. Ain't life fucking great?

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            • charli.m

              You made no mention of me going to make a comment, imbecile. Additionally, I didn't "prove you wrong," you over sensitive arsewipe.

              Do you get butt hurt over absolutely everything? Please indicate where exactly this was an attack on you. Why are you so offended by people, particularly those you don't like, having information about alternative options?

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