Is it normal that i hate alcohol?
I don't like how it makes me feel. Drinking makes me feel groggy and sick in the stomach before it gives me any kind of good feeling. And if I do drink enough to get any good feeling from it, it's really not that good, and I'll always then feel sick as shit, be dizzy, and puke for too long a time period afterwards. Even the after effect I feel if I don't drink as much and it's not really a hangover, I have no energy, I feel nauseous, heartburn, irritable, and run down. I can definitely see how alcohol makes some people angry drunks. Drinking has always made people act crazier and more pissed off. I feel so much more relaxed and comfortable if I don't drink. I just can not understand why so many people drink. Is it normal to feel like this from drinking and to feel like this about drinking?