Is it normal that i hate art?

I've never really been able to appreciate most art. I find it to be boring. Like those people in the museums staring at art on the walls, what are they thinking? Wishing that they could have done the same, or trying to impress other people?

Is this normal?

Voting Results
33% Normal
Based on 111 votes (37 yes)
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Comments ( 28 )

    Yes, ignorance is getting to be normal.

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  • kitty911

    u hate it cuz u suck at it

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  • sahtiwaari

    Art is not only those fancy paintings you see at the museums... Even comics and videogames can be art! I like the artwork of Roy Lichtenstein, it is so cool! Movies are art. Your favorite song is art. Games such as Okami are art. Your favorite book is also art. If it is a good artwork I don't know, but it's art! :)

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  • jabrogallo

    I think you phrased your question poorly. "Hate" is a strong word. You dislike or are indifferent to art which is completely normal and you have every right to do so.
    But if you want to take a common definition of art (as any creative process), you're constantly exposed to art.

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  • NNOOOOOooooooo! O.o

    The art in museums is not to everyone's individual tastes; however, it is usually significant to human culture in some way and that's why it's there. Gallery art is more specific to individual tastes and you have to know what your tastes are by looking at a lot of different types first. Personally, I have a preference for street art, figurative pieces, surreal, or images showing things like movement, wind, or sound. I also prefer a certain ratio of tones, hues, and contrast (typically 3:5). And I believe really great art stirs something in you; it forces you to think about something, usually something culturally/politically provocative or taboo.

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  • Anime7

    I like looking at pretty pictures, but I dislike dissecting drawings because I don't like being wrong in interpretation and I find the whole thing pretentious. Unless the authors states what the symbols are and why, I'm not interested in being lectured about what the point of the work is.

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    • lollipop1896

      I agree. I hate when people ask me what my drawings mean.

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      • Anime7

        I know what you mean, can't people just enjoy the beauty.

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  • ___

    I didn't appreciate art until I found artists that apparently had read my mind. That gave me new appreciation for other artists. I can look at (most) art now and see some value even if it's not pleasing to me personally.

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  • hoi_polloi

    To be honest art is much more than what you see in museums. I find modern art boring but I really like other art forms.
    As i was saying art is much more than what you see in museums or drawing. A lot of things can be called art. And a person who doesn't like art is emotionless and lifeless to me.

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  • AppleMind

    I dont consider many things in museums to be art. If its just a life-like painting of a person or landscape I see it as craft. It took great handwork to produce these images but not thought. To me art is about the thought behind the painting, sculpture, film, etc. The reason artists dont tell you what the work means to them is that it would make the work pointless. Why express myself through film if people just want me to explain myself? I choose to create art because I'm no good at expressing what I feel with words.

    Have you ever loved someone so much that no words could adequately express what you feel? I have, which is why I create art.

    Also, what the artwork means to the artist isn't important. It's what it means to you.

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  • whatdoyoumeannormal

    thats such a cliché thing to even say about art

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  • howaminotmyself

    Art can be seen everywhere, not just a museum.

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  • GreenIsNotACreativeColour

    Anything that involves or requires design and acts as an extension of human expression, even technical, is art e.g. carpentry, architecture, vidja games, storytales, you know what I mean.

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  • SplinterWingz

    I'm a anime/manga/cartoon lover and i'm a good drawer but I find art to be so dull and boring. I even did an art course in college and hated it.

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  • filiasan

    You have a limited view of what art is.

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  • lollipop1896

    I went to the Getty Museum in California and I didn't like most of the art, pretty boring. Art isn't limited to just museums though. There's this artist named Fredo who does these cool 3D looking drawings.- I am an artist.

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  • theaverageatheist

    as an artint i'm going to just say that art these days needs to be understood. know the back story of the peice, and the artist. his intent and symbology and hidden meanings.

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    • Geneva5

      Go jam your head even further up your ass...

      I'll film it.

      That will be "art"

      PS: level 90 neck beards can go and fuck each other in the cafe toilets.

      PPS: I am a " screen writer "

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I can't appreciate art either but I'm suffering from mild pervasive personality disorder, something just short of asperger.

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  • Aub

    It's normal. I love art, but some people don't, and some are just neutral. You like what you like, and you don't what you don't. There's nothing abnormal about that.

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  • madworld

    Art makes the world less boring, if anything. But museums are not the only form of art. Art encompass your entire life without you realizing. Also, design. From the websites you use, the animations or movies you watch, the appliances and apps and gadgets and posters and furniture... Art is everywhere and good design is never noticed. You don't know how or why, because it just IS.

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  • Couman

    I can see where you're coming from, but personally I don't hate art, I only hate Artists.

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    • Geneva5

      First mistake = calling yourself an artist.

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  • YumInsanity

    Every arts sucks dick. Staring at the ground is better

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    • Geneva5

      Many dicks suck art.

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  • LizardSkin

    I love art, as long as it's not stupid cartoons. (and no I'm not an artist)

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    I've always respected art but never was very drawn to it. I've seen the odd bit of street art I liked and A few Francis Bacon pieces but thats it

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