Is it normal that i hate being touched?

I don't like to be touched by other people. I really hate it. I feel dirty afterwards and I always wash my self and my skin. I think that the touch of other people is really repulsive. Is it normal? Does it happen to other people too?

Voting Results
53% Normal
Based on 73 votes (39 yes)
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Comments ( 20 )
  • tablescraps4812

    I don't like being touched, trust issues and all that. Touching takes a lot of trust. And it makes me feel like I'm dirty, too, but in the sense that I feel like a slut.

    It could be autism. My autistic brothers hate being touched. In my experience, the sexually abused also don't like being touched. (I'm not saying that you were, but there's a possibility. I'm very sorry if you were, and please stay strong and surround yourself with positive people and love. It's truly healing.)

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    • Anemistir

      It could be autism after all. I don't know...

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    • Anemistir

      Well, I am not an autistic... at least like all the others. It's not something that I show to people. I hide it. I try to avoid it as much as I can. When I am in a bus for example I suffer and I want to wash myself over and over again.

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      • GoraIntoDesiGals

        Then it's a form of OCD or germophobia.

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        • Anemistir

          Germophobia, I didn't know what that means, till I saw your reply and I searched about it. I think it's very possible that it's a form of germophobia. Thanks.

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  • shuggy-chan

    I want u ddance around u poking the air around u singing "I'm not touching u"

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  • Avant-Garde

    I hate being touched too but, I found I out that I was sexually abused as a child... Which explains a lot. It is possible to regress memories of abuse so, perhaps this is what happened to you too? Or, it could be something neurologically related, not necessarily Autism related. I suggest consulting a therapist to try to find out what caused this.

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    • tripw7

      Agree with Avant-Garde. You might have to go to a therapist to unlock whatever may have caused you to feel this way. Good Luck.

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    • Anemistir

      I don't have money to go to therapist. Even if I had money, I am not sure I would like to pay someone who is a total stranger to me, just to hear me speaking about my childhod. I can't trust strangers and I don't trust people easily in general.

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      • Avant-Garde

        I don't trust people easily either. Yet, I've only been seeing my new therapist for so far, only two sessions, and I'm both completely at ease with her and I trust her. I really think that the effect depends on the type of doctor you get. Also if you go in there feeling negative, you'll see bad things where they don't exist which can lead you to not benefit from the therapy. (I think this is the site where I found my current therapist.)

        I don't know what country you are in, but in the US the minimal is $110. Depending on where you are you might be able to find a program that offers affordable therapy.

        Good Luck.

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  • nanawhite

    You are normal.I feel the same. I really hate being touched by my friends in general and worst of all by complete strangers. I hate it when I am in the bus and my hand touches someone else's hand. Sometimes, there are even some random guys who try to put their hands on my shoulders, or touch my hand ewww Otherwise, I am not very cuddly. Most of the time i'm awkward when my friends or my parents hug me even if it's affectionnate. I don't know, I don't like it. The only person who can do it as much as he wants to is my bf. And I really enjoy it ! :)

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  • Flipflopofdoom

    well I don't mind when like my friends touch me like pokeing me in the arm or face or something like that but I seriously hate it when my parents or siblings even get NEAR me

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  • thegypsysailor

    You are missing out on one of life's greatest pleasures; being touched by someone who loves you.
    I hate being touched by strangers, but love being touched by those I hold dear to me.
    Moderation in all things is essential for a good life.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I love being touched. :)

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  • Terence_the_viking


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  • SHAKEStheClown

    Are you somewhere on the Autism spectrum?

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    • Anemistir

      As far as I am concerned, no. But I am not an expert.

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    • Or is it "on you".....

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      • Anemistir

        I didn't say it's on the others. It's definitely on me. It's me that I can't stand the touch.

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        • It can't be "on you" because you "are"......

          Hail satan.

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