Is it normal that i hate breeders?
I hate breeders. I hate them because they're ruining our planet when they should know that we're SEVERELY overpopulated and our resources are getting scarcer every year. Millions are already starving and going without things they need. That and kids in foster homes and orphanages grow up without loving parents because breeders are too fucking selfish to adopt instead of having 2+ kids. I believe that everyone should be under a 1-Kid limit and if they break the limit, it's forced Abortion and Jail time. It makes me sick at heart to know that humans value their own stupid, inferior DNA more than a child in need of adoption. Humans truly are selfish and live in a "MeMeMe" world. I can only hope that Karma gets every breeder back for having 2+ kids and not adopting.
If I was rich, I would adopt 4 to 10 kids from both Foster Care and other nations. But since I'll never be rich, I'll adopt one child that's 10-12 regardless of race or gender from Foster Care. So I'll be doing MY part in ensuring that there's one less kid that will age out of the system and I'll be the proud mother of a adopted son or daughter.