Is it normal that i hate breeders?

I hate breeders. I hate them because they're ruining our planet when they should know that we're SEVERELY overpopulated and our resources are getting scarcer every year. Millions are already starving and going without things they need. That and kids in foster homes and orphanages grow up without loving parents because breeders are too fucking selfish to adopt instead of having 2+ kids. I believe that everyone should be under a 1-Kid limit and if they break the limit, it's forced Abortion and Jail time. It makes me sick at heart to know that humans value their own stupid, inferior DNA more than a child in need of adoption. Humans truly are selfish and live in a "MeMeMe" world. I can only hope that Karma gets every breeder back for having 2+ kids and not adopting.

If I was rich, I would adopt 4 to 10 kids from both Foster Care and other nations. But since I'll never be rich, I'll adopt one child that's 10-12 regardless of race or gender from Foster Care. So I'll be doing MY part in ensuring that there's one less kid that will age out of the system and I'll be the proud mother of a adopted son or daughter.

Voting Results
67% Normal
Based on 128 votes (86 yes)
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Comments ( 32 )
  • ihaveapoon

    You are an idiot.

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  • hairyfairy

    I agree, & I`m glad to see that I`m not the only person who thinks that we need drastic measures to control the world`s population. I think imprisonment & forced abortion is going a bit far, but I think that people who have poor genes, or hereditary diseases should be persuaded to get themselves sterilised, maybe offered money, or some other incentive. I believe that we need to get back to survival of the fittest to prevent the degeneration of the human race.

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  • I don't not agree without agreeing.

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    • OtherSide

      Your agreement is agreeable, and has been agreed with.

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      • I'm sure it isn't an agreeable agreement though, so I simply cannot agree with your belief that my agreement is in some way agreeable enough for you yourself to agree with. But I hardly agree with this type of agreement about agreeing in the first place soooooo....hop it.

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        • NormalIsOverratedBeANinja

          I agree.

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  • filiasan

    I hate them, because they seem to think it's right to do it, and that we're wrong for keeping the population down. Call it "reverse discrimination".

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  • soul-man

    How can you hate Kim Deal?

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  • Negima93

    I think the world is getting overpopulated myself. I don't necessarily like kids though. (Never grew up around them,I was the youngest in my family) A lot of my friends were adopted. I'm all for adoption. Many kids who are adopted get a much better life because of that

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  • when u adopt speak to others , show your conviction to these poor kids!

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  • thegypsysailor

    Yeah, another half way intelligent human on this stupid site!
    If all these "breeders" continue to overpopulate this planet irresponsibly, then there won't be enough food, clean water or air for all those people.
    It's so human to destroy everything we touch, but pretty damn stupid to destroy the only planet we have to live on, don't you think?
    Stop making babies and start making sense. Sterilize EVERYBODY for 20 years or so!

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  • dom180

    I would explain to you why a one child limit is a terrible, terrible idea, but from experience I can safely say that my attempts would be about as effective in influencing you as if I put a bucket over my head and started dancing and singing the praises of our great lord the red sheep until I vomited on my face. There are so many less flawed ways of reducing the damage we do to the planet than forced abortions and imprisonment, and if you can't see for yourself that that is a horrendous idea I can't help you.

    Good for you for wanting to adopt a kid. I hope you don't change your mind and do so.

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    • charli.m

      That made me snort :)

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  • Solarith

    Fuck I hate breeders

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  • Silverback133

    If we don't figure ourselves out (as a human race) the earth will naturally do it for us eventually. Only takes one giant natural disaster after another or virus to put our egos and population in check.

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  • Caity21Lifee

    Breeders.. eh so now were gooses and chunky squirrels?

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  • Caryopteris

    I have to admit that many of the women who are baby crazy seem to have nothing else going for them. It is quite disgusting to see women who have no job and cannot support themselves feel the need to bring babies into the world. They are so proud of themselves, but they are just causing problems. It is selfish.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    People having kids are not called breeders. Though parents should think before they have kids. However no one is FORCING people to have sex. So there is no BREEDERS as far as humans are concerned. So your post makes no sense.

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  • RelapseRaid

    Excuse those evil people for doing what we were fucking made to do.

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  • Shrunk

    Why just humans? other animals are "breeders" too...

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    • thegypsysailor

      Duh, maybe because we are no longer governed by the rules of natural selection?
      If another creature overpopulates it's environment, nature will starve it or a plague will decimate the population, or whatever, until it's population is once again at sustainable levels.
      But we humans soil all we touch, control all things which might harm us and are only a selfish blight on this planet, not in any way a good thing.
      We are destroying our own home all for money and nobody cares enough to do a damn thing about it.
      Even the lowest form of life makes some attempt to preserve it's environment, but humans "shit where they live" on a daily basis.

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      • Shrunk

        speak for yourself..

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        • thegypsysailor

          Actually, living on a sailboat in the Caribbean, I probably have a smaller carbon footprint than 99% of the "civilized" world. I make my own water, use solar power and travel by wind power.
          So I think I have a perfect right to chip in my opinions on this one, at least.

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          • Shrunk

            you make your own water? ..wut?

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            • thegypsysailor

              It's called desalinization. We remove the salt from sea water by passing the sea water through a membrane @ 800 psi; what remains is potable water. We make 35 gallons an hour.
              Got it?

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  • SHAKEStheClown

    Cheer up, they probably don't like you either.

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