Is it normal that i hate christmas music?
I just don't like Christmas music. It annoys me and I hate the Christmasy mood that everyone is in. And I want all corrolers to die. Now!
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I just don't like Christmas music. It annoys me and I hate the Christmasy mood that everyone is in. And I want all corrolers to die. Now!
Commercial crap yes, but old carols, hymns, the Messiah, etc.? They're beautiful.
I recently encountered a song which must be called, "All I want for Christmas is a Hippopotamus". No fucking joke. I wanted to take a shotgun to the overhead speakers. Dx
Not normal.
Christmas time (and its music) is a wonderful season; something that reminds me that humanity isn't a total loss.
I don't understand how anyone likes Christmas music of any sort. It's so god damn annoying. And it's even worse that it's pumped through every store constantly for the month of December (if not earlier)
I hate it more than just about anything. My neighbor had some on last week while he was decorating his house and was whistling along...I was not pleased.
Bah humbug!:P Ooh, and speaking of bugs, that reminds me of jitterbug, which reminds me of Wham, which reminds me of Last Christmas:P. And carolers put the hum in humbug! Bah, I'm so lame!
I'm in a weird mood at the moment. Sorry OP. You're normal to dislike Christmas music. There are some Christmas songs which I really dislike, especially that one about wishing it could be Christmas everyday, just shut up you turnip!
Normal except for wanting the carolers to die.. They're annoying but they have good intentions.
Fuck those corrolorolors!
Yes it's normal to feel this way. Thankfully it comes around only once a year, despite Wizzard's wish to the contrary.
I hate them too!!! I find them annoying but that's probably cuz my mom sings them in the middle of the summer!!
I'll listen to it on Christmas day, no more. It's about the max amount of time you can listen without hearing every song 5 times.
Most of those songs are horrible,but I have found a few nice ones. I just hate the sound of jingle bells and how they HAVE to put it in every damn song...
Bah humbug. Who let these mindlessly happy twit brains decide what music to play?