Is it normal that i hate dead spiders?

I really, really hate the sight, and even the idea, of dead spiders. I don't mind live spiders at all. I could have them crawling all over me. But I couldn't even touch a dead spider. Seeing dead spiders makes me feel sad and sick and like I'm going to cry. Once I accidentally drowned a spider while having a shower and cried until I got out. Is hating dead spiders this much normal?

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66% Normal
Based on 35 votes (23 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • I skewer the dead ones on toothpicks and plant them in the ground outside as a warning to other spiders to keep out of my house.

    Vlad the spider impaler.

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  • not wanted dead or alive

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    Seeing a dead spider lets me know i'm safe. For now

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  • IrishPotato

    Dead spiders make me sad.
    Spiders are cool.

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  • FionnaCakeFan

    I don't like any type of spider. I already saw many of their eggling sacks. It's creepy...

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  • alv1592

    Spiders creep me out, dead or alive.

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    • gummy_jr

      Same here. Live ones chase you and dangle on spider webs in front of your face and dead ones just catch you by surprise. If I see a dead spider on the floor I will literally swerve away from it until I'm walking against the wall. Ugh... I just shuddered while typing this... OH SHIT A SPIDER!!

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    • heyitsmeteeheehee

      Same here, they give me shivers just thinking bout them

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  • RoseIsabella

    I wouldn't say I hate dead spiders but they make me sad. I never kill spiders. I take them outside. There are lots of Black Widows here in Las Vegas, Nevada and I know they're dangerous but I never kill them cause I feel bad since they're shy and usually run and hid when you disturb them. My folks come and spray for em when there are too many. The main reason for the spraying is to keep my cat safe. Feline security is of the utmost importance to me at all times. I don't worship my cat or cats in general but I can understand and appreciate the ancient Egyptian point of view.

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