Is it normal that i hate deceptive advertising?

I really hate deceptive advertising!!

Space Bags do NOT really come from space and urinal cakes contain 0% real cake. ANYONE can drink Monster energy drinks, not just monsters. The 'draft guard' I bought, turns out it was for doors and did nothing to keep me out of Vietnam. Doggy Steps did NOT teach me how to dance with a dog, it was literally steps for dogs. The Pocket Fisherman did not help me pick pockets like I thought it was supposed to.

Now I have no choice but to sell my Elvis collector's plates to pay my rent because I keep getting tricked into buying CRAP that doesn't live up to my expectations. The lady who sold me the plates assured me they would greatly increase in value over the years so it's time to cash in, baby!! I'm saving my NASCAR collectibles for retirement $. By then they should be worth a fortune.

is it normal to get upset over false advertising?

Voting Results
73% Normal
Based on 62 votes (45 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • dirtybirdy

    The wonder bra. Pffff

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    • That thing works because I wonder what's under there.

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    • NoraBaker

      And makes ya wonder why you bought it. :(

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      • dirtybirdy

        Don't even get me started on miracle grow!!!

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        • NoraBaker

          That's cause it only works when combined with the whip! Then the miracle happens! Wpssh!!


          Nah... Nothing.

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  • lmh

    Makes it really hard for truly worthy products to get our attention huh? ... Bums me out to...

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  • dappled

    God, don't get me started. I've written at least five pieces about advertising. It drives me mad!

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Frosties are not GRRRRREAT they are only cornflakes with sugar on them what is so GRRRRRREAT about that.

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  • bananaface

    Possibly the most ridiculous advert I've ever seen had a review which said "It really works". Part of me wants to go into a rant about how much stupid I think that is but I'm still flabbergasted. I feel like I've just misunderstood it. I feel that way about adverts a lot actually, although I think a lot of the time I do actually understand the advert, which is a shame. Seriously though, It. Really. Works? Whatwhatwhatwhat?! Just...what?! Why?! AHH, it's driving me crazy even though it came out earlier this year.D:

    I hate adverts. When they're not lying, they're manipulating the truth. They annoy the hell out of me. I haven't watched much TV in the past 6 months, so I'm not entirely sure what crap they've got out there now. I'm curious! I think I might watch a bit of TV to see what adverts are on now. It's near Christmas time, so there's bound to be a whole load of "magical" stuff out there.:P

    I'll be back!:D

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    • charli.m

      Those ones bewilder me, too.

      "It really works!" Oh well fancy that. I would have thought it would be best for a product to NOT do what it's designed to do...


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    • bananaface

      Lol, never guess what the first advert I saw said?:P Make this Christmas "magical". I'd like to see what's so magical about having Sky Movies. I'd also like to see how they "have something for everyone". Not most people, *everyone*! That's quite the claim. Does that only apply to people with Sky Movies, or do people who can't afford it have something for them too:S? And the movies they show usually aren't even that good either. Certainly aren't for everyone and they are definitely not magical.

      I know I'm probably being picky, but it really annoys me. Thank God I didn't see a cosmetic advert. The ones for women are beyond ridiculous and the adverts they make for skin products for men are usually just laughable.

      Anyway, to finally answer your question, I think it's normal. It's very normal for me anyway. I hate adverts! It's a bit worrying why they even have to lie though. Are their products so bad that they have to exaggerate anything good about them and twist the truth just so that anyone would consider buying them? Hmm.

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