Is it normal that i hate dogs?

Not necessarily HATE dogs, just, not fond of them. I've had dogs of my own before, but they were OK. I just don't like other peoples' dogs. They smell, they jump (not always), they drool, they're loud. I have converted to cats, now. Dogs are also too much work and I just think they are foul.

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70% Normal
Based on 81 votes (57 yes)
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Comments ( 82 )
  • AngelUnderCover

    I don't hate dogs. I just loathe them : they smell, they have to be walked, they are greedy, they have sharp teeth etc. My mom's bf has two of them and they are wretched animals and they smell so bad.

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  • bananaface

    It's normal to have a preference. It doesn't have to just be cats or dogs, you know:P. You can like both, I know I do. Anyway, disliking certain things is normal. I think a lot of people love dogs, myself included, but they aren't for everyone.

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    • DeerInTheHeadlights

      Thanks for being mature about it. All my of my friends say I'm a jerk for not loving their four-legged freak. Not to be mean, but, just don't like anything about dogs.

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      • purpleflower

        I know what you mean. When I make the mistake of mentioning to someone that I'm not too fond of dogs, they look at me as if I've done something despicable and totally revolting. It's an instant trust breaker.
        I should probably start making acquaintances with more cat people...

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      • NotStrangeBird

        "four-legged freak"

        Pretty mature.

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  • Sailor_Cosmos

    I prefer cats myself. Less work and just as cute.

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  • Shrunk

    I don't see the appeal with them. It's really disappointing to me that they are considered mans best friend and everyone loves them, even though they can be so disgusting and selfish, and their owners even worse. I read that a lot of animals behavior is misconstrued by humans as "love" when it is not the case in dogs language. Anyway I'm not so easily deceived by that and I think a bond is more meaningful when earned by trust rather than treats.

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    • NorthernStar

      Not everyone loves them. More people than you would imagine hate dogs, they're just not as vociferous as the teenagers on this site!

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  • -Solitude-

    I grew up with dogs. That's how I learned to hate them. They shit everywhere (including on my bed), and are obnoxiously loud. They also dig around in the cats' litter boxes and eat the feces. I understand I've just had a bad experience with them, but yes, I'm tired of dogs.

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  • disthing

    I love how people use hyperbole in their titles... Then disappoint us all by correcting themselves.

    IIN I HATE DOGS? *not hate dogs, just not fond of them

    IIN I WANT TO KILL EVERYONE? *not kill everyone, just some people annoy me and I want to throw paper aeroplanes at the backs of their heads lol!

    IIN I WANT TO DIE? *not die... just go on holiday for a while :))

    IIN I THINK WHITE PEOPLE ARE STUPID? *not all white people, just the stupid ones.

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  • Energy

    I dislike dogs. I was bitten by a dog as a kid and it was a huge bite. I had to keep seeing doctors about it. Now I'm afraid of them. My family recently got a dog. I thought I'd get use to it. It turns out it also bites. It smells so fucking bad! And my mom sounds retarded when she talks to it.

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    • NorthernStar

      Get some anti-freeze and "accidentally" let it turn over and spill. The dog will lick it up and problem solved!

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  • Moonbow

    A lot of people hate dogs, but many of them are afraid to admit it because sites such as this one attract dog freaks.

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    • What's funny is you probably have kids and think they shit gold cufflinks, when the truth is dogs are a tenth of the cost of a kid, even less than that in terms of stress and a dog will always be happy to see you. Enjoy your child bearing years!

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      • Moonbow

        What's your point? "Kids," as you call them, are necessary for the propagation of the human race. Dogs are superfluous and serve no useful purpose -- they aren't even natural creatures. And I don't know anyone who thinks their children shit gold cufflinks or anything else except SHIT! But at least children in developed countries don't shit in people's yards, in public parks, etc. and kill grass and other plants and pollute bodies of water! In some municipalities up to 35% of the pollution is caused by dog shit!

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        • SeverusFan23

          Dogs are WONDERFUL and USEFUL creatures. Stop bashing Man and Woman's Best Friend. Sometimes, dogs can even be better than kids (I'm not a kid hater btw). -_-

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          • NorthernStar

            Dogs are filthy pieces of shit! You don't have kids because dogs and humans don't have the same number of chromosones and dogs are the only things you ever mate with!

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            • NotStrangeBird

              Wow. Are you the representative of the dog hating crowd?

              If so, I'd say that maybe a change in management is in order if you dog-haters ever want to be taken seriously.

              Name calling, wild accusations, and nice anti-freeze comment too. Good job trying to put a face to the cause.

              I wonder who most people would choose to assosciate with? I know I wouldn't want some screaming, cursing, threatening infantile proto-person anywhere near me.

              Thanks for making my point for me, you small and angry anti-people!!!

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            • SeverusFan23

              SHUT UP! NO THEY'RE NOT! THEY'RE GREAT CREATURES! I never said we could reproduce with each other. Get over yourself.

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  • purpleflower

    Hate is a strong word.
    But... when I'm watching a movie at a friends house and there 50 pound dog jumps on top of me and starts eating popcorn out right of the bowl, or when I try to make nice to the dog by letting it smell the back of my hand and my entire hand is suddenly clenched in massive and terrifying teeth, or when I discover that where my hat once was now there remains only a few shreds of fleece entirely drench in saliva, I start to become slightly irritated with the stupidity and entitlement of this so-called trustworthy and intelligent creature. Yes, hate is a strong word.

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  • Jeaneathean

    Friends of mine have dogs, and they are all really, really STUPID. They will not leave me alone (my feelings are distaste combined with a little fear), and the licky stuff makes me feel sick. I am washing my hands every ten minutes.

    One of them once stole some food off me just as I was putting it into my mouth. My friends just laughed as I spat into the sink in disgust and washed my face. These creatures are also very fond of sticking their stupid faces in your crotch.

    Aaaaah. That's better.....

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  • mysterymen3000

    A bitch is a girl dog

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    • purpleflower

      I can see that you just read the introduction to "Cynology For Dummies", would you like your diploma?

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    "They smell, they jump (not always), they drool, they're loud."

    Even that isn't universal.

    1) Smell - dog shampoo works well for that. Ours has peach-scented shampoo. We wash her about once a month, between flea-med applications.

    2) They jump - good owners can train dogs to only jump when invited

    3) They're loud - that's more breed-specific since some breeds bark less, and good owners can train barkers to be quieter

    4) They drool - Ok you got me on that one. You can't train that out of them. You CAN however pick breeds that don't drool.

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    • purpleflower

      My family got a dog when I was 11, I swear to you, even after you shampooed, rinsed and dried that dog with care it still smelled like that same horrible dog smell. It was quite the mystery, actually.

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    • Adia

      Personally , I don't want to put the time into taking care of a big or small useless cur. They simply have no appeal to me and I don't have the desire to suck 10 -12 years out of my life clean up and caring for something that needy.

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  • fairyprincess

    What a bunch of morons arguing about silly shit.

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  • Severus'sDaughter19


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  • d-elf i don't understand/ - see how this persons post is a troll is it because they commented back to other comments does that make this person a troll and ?how if they are answering all of you guys comments back this person is not a troll

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  • bemah

    You just have to get to know them.

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    • SeverusFan23

      That's right. If you get to know them, they'll turn out to be great creatures. ^_^

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      • Moonbow

        I'm sure if you "get to know" spiders, they would be great creatures. For your information, I know dogs, I've had neighbors who owned dogs, I've been around dogs in one way or another all my life and I STILL HATE THEM!!!!

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        • SeverusFan23

          This post has nothing to do with spiders fyi. Dogs are great creatures.

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          • Adia

            This post also has nothing to do with dog lovers.

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        • DeerInTheHeadlights

          But I like spiders..

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  • NotStrangeBird

    I judge people by their compatibility with animals.

    If they don't like animals, the hell with 'em. They are a non-person to me.

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    • DeerInTheHeadlights

      No, I love animals. Cats, especially. But I just don't like dogs. There's just something about them, I just don't like. Why does that make me a "non-person" to you? I am automatically this horrible thing because I don't like the same animals as you?

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    • NorthernStar

      So if a child has asthma and is allergic to animal dandruff and is therefore, incompatible with animals, then that child is a non-person to you. You're a Douchebag!

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      • NotStrangeBird

        Yes, I am a device for washing vaginas. You are quite astute.

        Nobody has said a thing about allergies in this thread. The thread is oriented towards HATING dogs. Your point is invalid even before you started the name-calling.

        What are you, three?

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        • Moonbow

          YOU said you judge people by their "compatibility with animals." A child with asthama who is allergic to animal dandruff wouldn't be "compatibile with animals."

          And BTW, dogs are not "compatibile with animals" because they chase down and rip apart every other animal they can!

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          • NotStrangeBird

            Thank you for your rationality and politeness.

            I used the word "compatibility" as a matter of choice, not necessity.

            Someone who has a biological or medical aversion has no choice. Many folks with these afflictions wish to have a dog but cannot.

            I apologize for the misunderstanding.

            But once again, in my defense this thread is not about biological or medical incompatibility, it is an emotional diatribe. The title specifically uses the word "hate". Nothing about allergies or the such, so I stand by my original statement.

            I also think you are referring to an extreme scenario by describing dogs "chasing down and ripping apart every other(?) animal they can". A well-trained housepet will not do this. That and I'd pay to see a dog do this to a moose.

            Some pooly trained humans WILL do this however.

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            • Moonbow

              In a study done in Australia, dogs that slaughtered dozens of sheep at the time were caught on video and tracked home to their owners and the great majority of them were so-called "well-trained" pets that spent most of their time indoors. The owners of the animals were in complete denial until they were shown videotapes of their wonderful, wouldn't-hurt-a-fly dogs chasing down and ripping sheep apart!

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      • Moonbow

        I agree with you, but the name-calling isn't necessary.

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  • SeverusFan23

    No it's not normal. If there's one thing i don't like and can't stand it's dog-haters. Dogs are WONDERFUL creatures! How could you hate such great creatures? What's wrong with you?!

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    • Moonbow

      Dogs are NOT wonderful creatures! Dogs are the only animals on earth that kill purely for sport. Unlike the wolves from which they are descended, dogs will come upon a flock of chickens or herd of animals and chase down and rip apart every one they can just for the hell of it -- they like hearing the animals cry in pain as they are torn limb-from-limb alive. Additionally, dog excrement kills everything it touches and pollutes bodies of water. I won't even go into all the people killed and badly injured by dogs every year. Anyone who loves animals in general, wildlife or the environment cannot possibly love dogs!

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      • SeverusFan23

        Yes they are. You're just another dog hater. Dogs are great animals. Did you ever consider how many owners ABUSE their dogs causing them to attack other humans? Dogs are not monsters. Humans pollute the Earth a hell lot more than dogs! Ever consider how many lives dogs save and assist every single day? Dogs have been Man's and Woman's best friends Eversince the dawn of time! Stop with the hating already.

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        • NorthernStar

          Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Dogs weren't around at the dawn of time, they were created later by man. God didn't create dogs, Douchebag!

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          • SeverusFan23

            My point is that they've been around for hundreds of years. Go be a asshole to someone else.

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            • Moonbow

              You're the one who made a false statement and someone needed to correct you, although the name-calling was unnecessary.

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      • disthing

        They aren't the only animals on earth that kill purely for sport. Where did you hear that?

        Most predatory animals will kill for 'fun' given the opportunity, they just don't often have that opportunity as hunting is necessary for survival in the wild. Cats are a perfect example of another domesticated predatory animal that will pounce and rip apart smaller animals without the intention of eating what they've massacred. Dogs aren't at all unique in this behaviour.

        Also, dog excrement is dangerous to humans but not to many other species of animal and it certainly doesn't kill everything it touches. Bird excrement, rat and mouse excrement, human excrement etc. all potentially harmful to us.

        Your last statement is ridiculous and you shouldn't demonise an animal when a lot of your reasons for doing so are wrong.

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        • Moonbow

          Read my post! Wolves don't kill for "fun," nor do any other pack animal, or any other animal in the wild. Aninmals in the wild kill for food and out of fear. Even well-fed wild animals in captivity kill only out of fear, not for sport.

          Dog excrement in water kills fish and other marine life.

          My last statement was spot on. When dogs are taken into areas where there is wildlife, they will chase deer and fawns and the fawns get separated from their mothers. If the fawn is lucky, it will be torn apart by the dog, if not, it will die a slow, painful death of thirst and starvation. Only a sadist could love something as vile, unnatural and destructive as a dog!

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          • disthing

            As I said, "Most predatory animals will kill for 'fun' given the opportunity, they just don't often have that opportunity as hunting is necessary for survival in the wild." Well-fed animals in captivity don't 'kill only out of fear', they just don't have the opportunity to kill. Predatory animals like lions, tigers, wolves, bears etc. would all kill prey if the opportunity arose, whether or not they have been provided with ample food; if they have the energy and the time (and haven't been specifically trained not to), they'll do it.

            Dogs retain a lot of their ancestors' instincts, including predatory hunting, so it's not that surprising that they have the potential to be violent animals. I totally disagree with your point that dogs are the only animal to kill purely for sport, I think that's simply incorrect and you're ill-informed.

            Furthermore, nature is brimming with violence and destruction. Morality is a human concept which doesn't apply to most of the rest of the animal kingdom and to point at dogs as though they are uniquely cruel and harmful is ignorant, and to point to lovers of dogs and accuse them of sadism is unfair.

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            • Moonbow

              You are delusional! Lions, tigers, etc. kill only for food or out of fear. When lions aren't hunting for food, they lie around in the grass and leave other animals alone. I wouldn't expect you to have actually READ anything about animals in the wild, but surely you've seen a few wild animal TV shows.

              There is a difference between "predatory hunting" and killing for the fun of it. Wolves are predatory hunters, but when wolves come upon a herd of animals, or even when they kill livestock, they kill just enough to eat. They don't chase down and kill every weak and young animal in the herd just for the hell of it. If wild animals did like dogs and killed for the hell of it, they would deplete the food supply and starve to death! Duh!

              Before you start passing judgment on others and calling people "ignorant," I suggest you get your "mommy" to take you to the library and while I wouldn't expect you to actually know where to look for books on the habits of wild predatory animals, you can always ask the librarian for assistance.

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    • Adia

      Easy. I hate dogs. How's that?

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