Is it normal that i hate dogs?
I hate dogs so much.
Every time my neighbor's dog starts barking, it wakes me up. Every few nights, around 1 or 2 a.m. the beast starts yapping its fool head off. We complain to the neighbors, we complain to the police file reports, but still it happens all the time.
Dogs stink. As a paramedic I have to go into peoples' homes, and every home with a dog is dirty. Your house stinks like a dog if you have a dog. We have to very often trudge across front lawns or back lawns or through parkways with a patient on our stretcher, and we have to, out of habit, watch out for dog poop with every step. They are stinky, shedding, loud, dangerous beasts that poop everywhere, and people think we should all love them! Well how would you feel if you had to walk around a park that was littered with filthy baby diapers? Pretty gross, right? Well what is the difference?
Those teeth are sharp and their mouths are full of nasty bacteria. Sure, people have bacteria in our mouths too, but we don't go around putting our teeth and tongues on strangers.
I get so tired of having to carry pepper spray every time I go out jogging. Who are the fools who let their beastly dogs out to run around the neighborhood without supervision? Dogs like to chase! Yes, while I'm trying to improve my own health and fitness, I have to carry pepper spray to protect myself from your annoying beasts who run up, try to corner me, and then at best want to sniff me, or at worst want to bully me. In fact, I've been bitten twice: once while jogging and once while working as a paramedic. I'd be willing to bet that those "lost dog" posters you see, they aren't actually "lost" but probably "taken" because someone got tired of their neighbor's dog crapping on their lawn.
Dogs are so disgusting. They sniff their own butts and balls, they lick their butts, lick other dog's mouths, eat cat poop right out from the litter box (yum!) and then their owners let the vile beast lick them on the face! Astonishing.
I jog in the park sometimes, and every now and then I see a person carrying a little plastic bag, and the dog hunches over and lo and behold, the human bends over with the plastic bag and plucks that poo right up. Now, I'm GLAD the person has the CLASS to clean up after the dog, but seriously, is this the kind of life people want to volunteer for? Picking up poo from an animal?
It's a stupid, slobbering, shedding, stinking creature that depends on humans for its every nutritional need. It will love you regardless of if you are a murderer or whatever. In fact, it will love the murderer of its own HUMAN PACK if the murderer waits a few minutes and then offers it some food.
Dogs are disgusting, and I cannot understand why people have such a fascination with them. I'd rather have a pet cockroach than a dog. AT least a cockroach doesn't stink. I cannot understand why people love dogs so much and I feel like I'm the only sane person in the universe.