Is it normal that i hate dogs?

I hate dogs so much.

Every time my neighbor's dog starts barking, it wakes me up. Every few nights, around 1 or 2 a.m. the beast starts yapping its fool head off. We complain to the neighbors, we complain to the police file reports, but still it happens all the time.

Dogs stink. As a paramedic I have to go into peoples' homes, and every home with a dog is dirty. Your house stinks like a dog if you have a dog. We have to very often trudge across front lawns or back lawns or through parkways with a patient on our stretcher, and we have to, out of habit, watch out for dog poop with every step. They are stinky, shedding, loud, dangerous beasts that poop everywhere, and people think we should all love them! Well how would you feel if you had to walk around a park that was littered with filthy baby diapers? Pretty gross, right? Well what is the difference?

Those teeth are sharp and their mouths are full of nasty bacteria. Sure, people have bacteria in our mouths too, but we don't go around putting our teeth and tongues on strangers.

I get so tired of having to carry pepper spray every time I go out jogging. Who are the fools who let their beastly dogs out to run around the neighborhood without supervision? Dogs like to chase! Yes, while I'm trying to improve my own health and fitness, I have to carry pepper spray to protect myself from your annoying beasts who run up, try to corner me, and then at best want to sniff me, or at worst want to bully me. In fact, I've been bitten twice: once while jogging and once while working as a paramedic. I'd be willing to bet that those "lost dog" posters you see, they aren't actually "lost" but probably "taken" because someone got tired of their neighbor's dog crapping on their lawn.

Dogs are so disgusting. They sniff their own butts and balls, they lick their butts, lick other dog's mouths, eat cat poop right out from the litter box (yum!) and then their owners let the vile beast lick them on the face! Astonishing.

I jog in the park sometimes, and every now and then I see a person carrying a little plastic bag, and the dog hunches over and lo and behold, the human bends over with the plastic bag and plucks that poo right up. Now, I'm GLAD the person has the CLASS to clean up after the dog, but seriously, is this the kind of life people want to volunteer for? Picking up poo from an animal?

It's a stupid, slobbering, shedding, stinking creature that depends on humans for its every nutritional need. It will love you regardless of if you are a murderer or whatever. In fact, it will love the murderer of its own HUMAN PACK if the murderer waits a few minutes and then offers it some food.

Dogs are disgusting, and I cannot understand why people have such a fascination with them. I'd rather have a pet cockroach than a dog. AT least a cockroach doesn't stink. I cannot understand why people love dogs so much and I feel like I'm the only sane person in the universe.

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91% Normal
Based on 2747 votes (2499 yes)
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Comments ( 176 )
  • hoojamuflip

    Thanks for posting this. It is so true, many times a nice run has been spoilt by some morons moronic mutt, even when I'm on my bike the dopey filthy stinking good for nothings have had a go. I like to think I am an equal opportunity dog hater but actually I am not. The ones I hate most are the ones that are capable of mauling a strong adult to death but claimed by the owners to be "great with kids". If these are appropriate family pets then can someone please explain to me why I am not allowed to own a Lion or Tiger, they are probably great with kids too.

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    • Tracerall

      I feel so better now I found this post. they are gross. They smell and always need to shit. I watch house hunters and people make house buying decisions based on their damn dogs. They need to make sure they have a dog toilet yard for it. And then people eat with the dog in the kitchen, it's gross!!!! I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels this way. I also love the way people bend over to pick up a warm, steamy pile of crap right before going home and eating breakfast lol. The aliens are up there laughing at us for sure!!!! People are gross.. I've seen 2 tapeworms come out of a dogs ass. That did it for me. I was a child when I saw this. We had dogs when I was little and our house was also full of fleas and dirt. It's just gross. I don't get the fascination. People that like dogs must be feces lovers

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    • Dayna2986

      LMFAO...I hate dog too. They are so selfidh

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    • KillAllRacists

      Yes they might have capability to maul, but do they? That’s like saying you don’t trust humans because they have the capability to kill. You see how stupid you sound?

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    • KillAllDogHaters

      So some guy's dog comes up and barks at you and that ruins your whole run? If you're going to have the mentality of a child, why not just scream and cry and hold your breath until it goes away (or until you drop dead from lack of oxygen, which would be preferred)?

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      • Lily11

        Are you mentally ill?

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        • DogsSuck101

          You must be a dog lover. So therefore, you're the mentally ill one here.

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      • Superunknown

        Sounds like you have the mentality of an asshole.

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        • Angryjay

          You know what, I don’t see what’s wrong with hating white people, but you morons get upset about it anyways.🤷🏾‍♂️

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  • Nikki56

    Why dogs are discusing to me:
    1. They stink, you have to wash them every week almost, you have to wash your hands everytime u pet them
    2. Their mean, even if you befriend them they will turn on u no matter what when it comes to food, or territory
    3. They have snot, always always always have wet dripping noses of snot, and they always just love to rub it all over you
    4. Their perverts, they will hump anything they find
    5. They stare at you while you eat, even cats dont do that! they have their own food!!
    6. They bark, they will use bark at anything and everything for a long fucking time.. like what the fuck is the point!!!??
    7. You have to cut their fur, dogs will not lick themselfs or keep their fur clean like a cat, you have to cut and trim them and spend about 50 dolars
    8. If they could they would be the owners of you, they always crave dominance, girl or boy.
    9. Their nails, okay and another thing you have to do for them, like they are little infints, if you dont cut them they grow and theyll claw you
    10. They eat shit,
    11. They roll around in shit
    12. They rub their ass's on the carpit
    13. They lick their balls, but they cant clean themselves!!
    14. they lick you, their breath is constanly disgusing and theyll just try and put their toung in ur mouth like a fucking nasty ass
    15. They smell each others butts
    16. They droll
    17. when you give them table scraps they make a huge mess of it, and get diarea yet they still want to eat more
    18. They chase cars, some chase cars and get ran over, survive, and chase cars the next day
    19. their stupid. They never learn from their mistakes
    20. They enjoy conflict
    22. Their always need need need, and they will never change
    23. They take up alot of room, expecially on the bed, where u cant even move because of them, and if you move them they get angery and growl like they have the right to fucking do that!!
    Okay im not saying to hate dogs with all of ur heart but most of the tine i feel that way!! i just want to fucking beat them up when i see them doing one of these things, but i dont of course, and if i pet them they want more petting like go the fuck away!!
    Ihave met some good dogs that were worth all of this, and when they are puppys they are pretty cute. Idont know if its just cause i grew up without them, but i fcuking hate them!! Cats are sooooo much better.

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    • my one friends dog would eat cat-shit and then leave it out on the rug and his dog would shit & piss all over the house it would hold its shit and piss in while it was outside then come in and let it all out in the hallway

      or right by the door-entrance then sometimes i wouldn't remember to look down and I'd step in the shit then i get pissed off that i just stepped in dog shit again i can't count how many times I've stepped in the damn shit over his house and i tell him

      you need to clean all that shit and piss up
      and plus it smells very bad and a old moldy smell
      in the hallway of his house the dog is fucking retarded
      it rolls in raccoon shit and it drags its ass on the floor and rugs smearing shit everywhere on the floors i can't stand the dog sometimes cats are alot better then small dogs.

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    • Panndoria

      I think you get it ..I 100% agree!

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    • xxxyomamaxxx

      I agree. I can't stand those filthy things. They are the only animal i dont like. I love cats to but I'm more of a snake person.

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    • Heartz

      I agree. Cats are independent.

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      • Angryjay

        Dumbass, independence is not intelligence, and there are dog breeds with independence too.

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    • wistfulmaiden

      lol I agree with all of your reasons. But...I admit my cat does beg for food.

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      • Angryjay

        Cause that’s the only thing they love you for, idiot.

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    • Nayf

      Hilarious to read someone call dogs stupid, who spells disgusting 'discusing', drool 'droll', they're 'their', time 'tine', and so on ... damn, my dog has a better command of the English language than this fool!

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      • Vincienzo

        Hilarious to read someone wanting to convince us their dog has better command of the English language than a human being who he can actually understand and correct their spelling mistakes.

        Your post is the proof of the original post - next thing you'd say your dog poop smells of roses.

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        • Angryjay

          Dumbass, your grammar and commas are way off, so I refrain from acting like a smart-ass.

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      • capi2one

        I'm pretty sure it was a typo as to why there are misspelled words.....
        I hate my little dog, he is a disgusting smelly little rat. He threw-up on my bed the other day, and he is trained to get off the bed to throw - up, but instead he just went back to sleep after throwing up.
        One time he tilted his butt over the bed to take a shit....he constantly shits in my car. He will also shit on the floor and cage if he's not getting attention. I can't stand him, but I have to take care of him because it was a promised I made.

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      • qcbugz

        Oh cool, your dog can spell? your dog knows grammar too? wow just wow, I'm sure you have evidence for these amazing claims though right? I mean I'm sure you wouldn't want to be seen as one of those people who can't actually debate a person so you result to lowballing social punts that have nothing to do with the conversation at hand, to redirect the conversation itself.

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      • AUHHH

        Dogs are dumb and gross cats are better

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        • Angryjay

          Nah, cats suck, dogs rule. In fact, it’s been proven cats are way stupider...even you.

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  • Kingskidd

    It's totally normal, cause I share in your disgust with these filthy beast!! My partner has one, and I hate the damn thing...with a passion. I love him though, so I'm at what you may call a win/lose situation. :(

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    • littlelulu1999

      same here....I am at the end of my rope and predict the dog will be evicted soon.

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    • MinaBoBeana

      My husband loves dogs and takes them in and boohoos when I get rid of the nasty little tards.

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    • KillAllDogHaters

      Please do not have children with your partner. If a dog is too much, a child will be out of your league.

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      • IHateDogs

        Children are human, dogs are just filthy mutts.

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      • Heartz

        Babies are not animals. We don’t put them in kennels. I have 3 children and I hate DOGS. I would give my life for my kids. Your comment make no sense. Go lick your dogs a$$ and stfu

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        • Angryjay

          White women, they are much crazier and stranger than their husbands. In fact, they are likely to even have sex with an animal, so should we pin a dog for that?

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      • AUHHH

        Dogs can go sniff their own turd like they always do

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      • Lily11

        Wow. Really?

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  • kaboing

    I really hate dogs too. The small ones that yap all the time should be killed on sight. I hate it when I have to pass someone with a dog, and then the foul beast tries to jump me and the owner says 'don't worry, he won't bite'. I should answer with 'don't worry, I'm not going to punch you'. Dogs are dangerous animals; they can be trained, but not changed. Never forget that any pet you own is an animal and should be treated as one: with caution.

    I hate the owners the most: control your fucking mutt, or I'll do it for you.

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    • littlelulu1999

      'don't worry, I'm not going to punch you'.....LMAO....priceless!

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    • KillAllDogHaters

      If you try to 'control my mutt' for me, you will come down with a sudden case of Brains-Blown-Out-of-Cranium-and-Splattered-All-Over-the-Sidewalk Syndrome. I can fucking promise you that.

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      • IHateDogs

        I'd kick your dog if it ever tried to jump/lick me. And then I'd proceed to kick your ass all over the neighborhood if you dared try anything because of it.

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      • lmgg25

        You'd better try to 'control your junk' so you can get rid of your Bestiality-Zoophilic-Canine syndrome.

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    • bowfin57

      Dogs are hardly dangerous as far as predators/omnivores go. Their about as domestic as you can get.

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      • KillAllDogHaters

        Do not try to talk sense into these pathetic people, bowfin57. They simply do not live in the real world.

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        • lmgg25

          So, according to you I should sit all the day in front of a computer screen searching for hours for unknown people that hate dogs and troll them.
          Maybe you should go out and see a bit of REAL world.

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  • sarafj

    Dogs are vile disgusting creatures.......I hate dogs and their owners.The owners bark as much as the dogs

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  • BlueChloe318

    finally someone who understands me........ now i can relate to a person just like me..... yeah!!!!

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    • CoconutPump

      Ikr! When I said something like that to someone, they always dont agree. That situation is like my situation! And you know whats the worst thing? Cats are not alow to be in flats! You know why? All the dog owners complain that cats are filthy. So as dogs! In fact all animals are dirty! The residents complain that dog poop is everywhere. Then there is a pls pick up dog poop. And you know what? There is dog poop at the sign. -_-

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  • HwyDrifter61

    My girlfriend has a pug. This dog is dumber than a turnip. The stupid thing won't go out when its raining or snowing.
    in fact even when it does go out for a walk it'll save it up and shit in the house 2 minutes after he gets back in. I want to kill it in the worst way.

    And then it will stare at you for half an hour straight for no apparent reason.

    I don't particularly mind dogs as long as they belong to somebody else and I don't have to deal with it.

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    • tig256

      I agree. I'm dating someone now who has a dog and it smells nasty in his house! Like old socks...yuk! Dogs love anyone who feeds them.....they are always in survival mode..thats their nature. People that dont connect well with humans will get pets to fill the hole. It's sad that people resort to an animal to try and get love. Animals don't feel love like humans....they are pets! Not human! All dogs think about is their next meal or dog bone and they wait for their owners to supply that....that's the reality!

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    • Angryjay

      Oh my god, your grammar matches your iq, which is pretty low.

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    • daydreamer394

      You sound like a unempathetic soulless shell as well as a miserable bastard with a painful arrogance that repels everyone in sight.

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      • capi2one

        I hate it when people put other people down for not liking animals. Animals are very dirty and have very disturbing behaviors towards one another. We as sane humans have the right to want to live in a clean house and away from disgusting animals.
        If you love animals so much I think you shouldn't eat meat, cause other wise you ate just a hypocrite.

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        • Angryjay

          Btw, I’m not a troll, I’m just sharing my beliefs and opinions.
          Yeah, but I Be Friendly with all, but not white people because I hate them.

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        • KillAllDogHaters

          "I hate it when people put other people down for not liking animals."

          You then proceed to characterize all animal owners as insane and unsanitary. I think it has less to do with your dislike of dogs and more to do with the fact that you are an unbelievably stupid and dense human being.

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          • lmgg25

            "You then proceed to characterize all animal owners as insane and unsanitary"

            And so it seems you do, you characterize all people that do not like animals as unbelievably stupid and dense human beings.

            So, do you think you are smart enough to create a phychological profile out of a paragraph of an unknown person?

            I think the one needing psychological assist is you. Whats with that name "KillAllDogHaters"? Do dog haters deserve to die? Would you kill someone because he or she does not like a dog?

            Insane and dangerous people like I'm describing, and maybe you, should be the ones that be prosecuted and maybe executed.

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  • dogsaregross

    this post and most of the comments have MADE MY DAY. I live around people who are blinded by some stupid "dog love". They love their gross disgusting animals. It is just outright unnatural!!. I don't hate dogs any more than I hate any other gross thing, the problem is not the dog, dogs are what they are.. it's the fu*&$ng people who don't get it. They are so F'ing oblivious and think the rest of us should also love their germ ridden vermin.
    I am absolutely disgusted by them (people). Dogs are not meant to live in your house/apartment, especially 3-4 dogs in your 2 bedroom place shared with your children!! How gross are you!!!
    Not only is this habit disgusting, a health hazard, it is also unkind to the animals.

    Dog lovers are cruel to their animals many times, I just watched some stupid bitch come into a coffee shop with this large purse, waited in line for coffee, then went outside and put the bag down and pulls out one of those sickly looking poodles!! The thing was probably suffocating!!

    Then you have those douchebags that take their animals into restaurants, grocery stores, etc. I don't want to put my cold cuts in the shopping cart basket where your dog which is covered with dog shit and germs, has been sitting you stupid FU&^!

    Short rant.. it's been said before on other comments, the whole thing is gross, dog lovers are gross, dogs are dogs... not their fault.

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  • farrah

    I hate big dogs and their stupid owners.They always see you trying to move away from their dog instead of pulling the dog next to them and to and walking by they try and come near you with their my dog is friendly line.I hate your stupid dog so kindly walk by and keep walking. your dog is not friendly and i don't want it near me so kindly move it before i kick it a mile.I don't want to be your dogs friend.I really hate people who keep large dogs in apartments your large annoying barking mutt belongs in a fenced backyard that you own and if you can't afford one don't own the dog.Noone wants to come face to face with their your beast of an animal near their door,in the hallway ,or running through the apartment complexe because you couldn't supply it with a yard to run in so now you want it to bug all of us.Which is another reason why hate dog owners a large number of them and live in apartments.I don't like dogs and would never own one but if I did and owned a larger sized one I wouldn't expect it to live in small apartment.

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    • Linds

      Absolutely. That is so irritating that the owners think you have to mingle with their stinking mutt. I can not tell you how many times an owner expected me to pet their dog or say something nice. I just can't. All I ask is that you have the courtesy to respect my boundaries. I have left beaches because people now think it is okay to bring them there and let them run loose, even pits. So thanks to dogs, my whole day is ruined. I wish places could just be dog free, but the dog love cult seems to be growing. To me it is the sign of a sick society.

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    • KillAllDogHaters

      How do you know a dog is not friendly if you don't even interact with it? How do you know where a dog belongs if you've never even owned one? Oh, I know how! You're just talking out of your ass to justify your stupid, irrational fear.

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      • Heartz

        Some ppl don’t want to interact with dogs. They simply don’t like them. Why can’t some ppl respect that?

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        • lmgg25

          KillAllDogHaters just doesn't respect anyone smarter than him. Thats the reason he loves dogs, only with them he can feel smarter.

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      • IHateDogs

        I hate dog owners more than i hate dogs

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  • dustcollector2

    Today I learned that to 'combat' nuisance dogs GUNS aren't necessary because there are LOTS OF HUMAN FOODS which will do the job just as well, discreetly and over various time periods. For dogs that poop in your yard, just make them get chronic diarrhea (which will 'soak' into the grass and soil much faster!!) Dollar shop sugar laden cookies will make them drowsy (stay in fkin mutt house) other stuff causes anemia, weakness, depression ... WIN THE WAR ON DOGS "ORGANICALLY" :)

    (see website: "can i feed my dog this?)" For other Non-violent tactical ideas! hehehe

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    • KillAllDogHaters

      Yes, but guns are necessary if you want to stop some emotionally stunted man-child from killing or hurting your dogs.

      Annoying dog > Bullet in your head

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      • IHateDogs

        I'd put a bullet in your dog.

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  • Linds

    I also hate dogs and that is not about to change. Though I would not go out of my way to hurt them, I feel it is my right to live without having them forced on me. The stench makes me gag, I don't like the fact that they shit all over the place, tear up things. I find it very offensive that people insist on them using furniture that they expect their guests to use. i have declined many an invitation to places where there are multiple dogs and you cannot sit in (or eat) without them being all over you. I mean if you want to own a dog that is certainly your prerogative but do you have such little respect for your guests that you cannot keep them away (outside, in another room) for the length of the visit? I cannot make myself like them, and I have found it too uncomfortable to be in situation where I am forced to endure them constantly.

    In the old days, people had dogs who were more like dogs. They had dog houses and lived in the yard. If they did come indoors they had their OWN beds and were not allowed to use common area furniture. They didn't sit at the table with you and lick your plates and share your food. They were treated as dogs and not as children. I didn't mind dogs as much then, because they had their place, and owners respected their guests. And most people did not have a gazillion of them, if they had one. People didn't take take them to grocery stores and plant their asses where your dinner was gonna sit. Oh.. you saw the occasional guide dog, but not all these dogs that people say they must have go with them, for emotional reasons. Are people that fucking insecure?? It is definitely a society problem. People barely have the means to take care of themselves but they will help a dog before other humans. This world is not the world I grew up in.

    So yes, I think it is more normal not to like dogs, but the whole dog love thing is pushed but the media and the pet industry. When your family is willing to go without seeing you because you can't feel comfortable visiting a stinking smelling zoo at their place, and won't put the things up for a few hours, it IS a real problem. If dogs were dogs this would not even be an issue.

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  • 4124

    I like Chinese people they eat dog, the dogs that are eaten should be happy to be turned into the very form they love the most SHIT!!

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    • Heartz


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  • 4124

    I love it when dog owners get ripped to pieces by their own beasts, that's justice if your gonna get an out of control dog that has the potential to kill somebody's child or another life form then I am glad they chose to kill their owner, there are some clips on the internet of this go watch sit back have a beer and laugh.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    I think its very normal especially if you have a neighbor who doesn't control their dog.
    I don't hate dogs per se, but I hate when their owners don't control them and allow them to annoy everyone with their barking or crap all over and not pick it up.
    I also hate when people think their dog are human and have the 'right' to go into restaurants, parks meant for children etc. I do agree that most dogs can be annoying and too needy and yes dirty and gross at times.

    I am a cat person; my cat is clean, quiet, loving and pretty self-sufficient. I don't have to rush home to let him out, I can go away for a weekend knowing he will be fine with enough food and water, and the sound of a purring cat is much infinitely nicer than the sound of a yapping dog.

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  • ROOT

    Normal! I despise them. It wasn't always like that though, As a kid my family always had a dog. I enjoyed having a dog as a kid and there were never any issues, No mess ect ect. When I moved in with my girl friend things changed big time! She seems to be obsessed with dogs. Owning two they constantly destroy our home without even trying. They are well trained but that changes nothing, They just seem to spawn mess and stench. I've grown to actually hate them now, I think the public should be banned from owning them full stop. They can still be used as police, search, drug and bomb dogs ect because they offer invaluable service to humans. Outside of service they are just dangerous, Spread diseases, mess ect.

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  • strongangrydude

    My gf moved in with me, guess what she got, a stankn azz chihuaua. This basturd piss and pewps on the carpet and I am suppose to be okay wit that shit. She let the dog kiss her and feed it off her plate, wtf people, these are stanking azz dogs, go outside eat shit, sticks its nose up anothers dog azz, and u kiss the beast, wtf, then want me to kiss you and ur funky dog.

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    • ashaapathy

      Did you dump her?

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  • Dboyd

    I can't stand dogs.. like I feel like I have a problem I dislike them so bad. What's bad is my wife loves our two dogs. I do my best to tolerate them. I even do my best to emphasize with the feelings she has towards them. And by do my best I mean that I show little to no resent towards them around her. I love everything about my wife besides the dogs so I make it work because I know they mean a lot to her. Now, I view dogs on the same level as I view humans. I can't eat a single bite of food without them staring me down. So when some people might register, "oh that's ok, that's what dogs do," It feels the same as if a human was sitting there watching me take each bite, waiting for me to drop some on the floor, after he just had a meal himself. When I come home from work, I usually like to watch a tv show or two before going to the gym. I can't relax from them constantly moving.. constantly into something.. it's a lot worse when my wife is around. It's almost like they take advantage of her because she is always pampering them. Oh and when she's eating.. shoot me. The dogs will be in her plate, pretty much, to the point that I have to tell them to get down. When she gives them a bite, or I do, the smacking and they way they devour it without even tasting it drives me insane! Like they haven't been eating allll day.. my wife gives them so many treats. Like why do you want human food if you're just gonna swallow it whole?! Pissin, shittin where they please. Our male dog EATS his and the females shit! One day he ate some so I put him in his kennel. He threw the shit up in the kennel!!!! Guess who got to clean up the throw up shit combination?! I'm an intelligent, understanding, empathetic person. I am open minded and take everyone's point of view into consideration. I've tried my best not to, but I think I will always hate dogs.

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  • bad_cop

    I am not a dog person, never have been. I don't want a dog. However, I don't generally hate dogs and there are some breeds that I am actually fond of. BUT it's the dog obsessed culture that makes me resent them, whenever I am being honest and say I am not a dog person, I get weird looks and then lectures on how everyone should have a dog. By the way, I am allergic to dogs, so dog owners assume it's because I was never exposed to one. Nope, I grew up on a farm, had dogs, cats, goats, cows, chickens.. the list goes on. But has it ever occurred to people that dogs are not supposed to live inside their homes and sleep in the same beds with them??

    I often turn down invitations to go to parties or whatnot to homes with dogs, but I might have to stop inviting dog owners too! There is a family in my neighborhood, seven dogs and counting!! Their kids are super awesome and my son loves them. I asked the kids to come over and they did and as soon as they did, they stunk up the whole room, I felt as if a pack of dogs walked in! Needless to say, whatever the dander traveled on their clothes it was enough to make me miserable for the next 24 hours and I had to pull covers off the couch cushions and pillows and wash them otherwise even Benadryl wasn't helping! And it's sad, cause I like the kids but there's no chance in hell they're coming over again! And speaking of allergy, is it just me or does anyone else feel that mentioning their dog allergy is nearly equivalent to confessing an unforgivable sin?? I am SO ANNOYED!

    I used to clean homes, got a couple of clients with dogs, that's how I knew I was allergic, I went ahead and explained that to the client, said I will no longer work for you, she got upset with me, never returned my calls and I told her I'd finish that month so she has enough time to find a replacement cleaning person, but she never spoke to me again! Why are dog obsessed people lacking respect and regard for humans??
    One client wanted me to bond with her hyper german shepard so that she could have him out and about while I'm cleaning... WTH?? I get so annoyed when people expect me to get psyched about their slobbery jumping ball of fur, dude, I don't like my personal space to be invaded!! I don't like to be licked, sniffed, nipped, and I have all the rights to turn down your dog's desperate attempts to get my attention so I can keep on walking/jogging/working/whatever else I am doing in peace!And that's my biggest problem with dogs themselves, they're so needy, no independence whatsoever, my friend's jack russel would be jumping and jumping and jumping on you until you pet the damn thing... and my friend is like "hahaha that's just the way she is" well, what about the way I am? I have boundaries. Dogs and their owners have no idea what those are. And they lack any common sense when it comes to dog waste. Sometimes I fantasize about throwing a bunch of poopy diapers in the dog parks and see what dog owners have to say! I have all the rights to walk/jog/play at a park free of dog shit! PICK UP AFTER YOUR DOG! UGH!

    I also firmly believe that if a dog attacks a human, it must be put down. Must. Be. Put. Down. Don't even get me started! Well, guess what! Apparently that makes me a dog hater in the dog lover's book! Alright, call it what you will, sure, a dog hater I am. A neighbor was walking her yappy shitballs, I warned her that I had just sprayed weeds near the sidewalk with herbicides so she doesn't let her dogs walk on it and she was grateful. But yeah, I've been labeled a "dog hater" cause I refuse to believe that dogs rule! Rant over! Thanks for listening!

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  • KADster

    I think a better way to pose the question would be, "Is it normal for people to place a higher value on dogs (or any other animal) than they do on their fellow human beings?"

    That said, I am sick to death of inconsiderate dog owners, who think their fetish for dogs should be shared by everyone else. They spew venom and hate toward anyone who is not just like them, trying to shame people into joining the dog-lover cult. I actually liked dogs a lot better before I discovered those types of dog owners. Do you think if I could control how I feel about dogs so that we all get along better I wouldn't? Of course I would. But I don't like them and don't want to be accosted by them, kept awake by them, stared at, snarled at, nipped or bitten by them. Those of us who share those feelings are portrayed as mentally ill, when I think the exact opposite is more likely true.

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  • Sade23

    I HATE DOGS! But if you tell this to a dog lover they will look at you as if you are a terrorist. For five freaking months this disgusting beast has been barking 24 hours a day. I have called 311 fifteen times and they don't do shit. What kind of a person lets this filthy beast bark 24 hours a day - barks for hours non-stop. Thank you for your post, thought I was the only one that hated these disgusting beasts that eat there own vomit and crap.

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  • Luckycharms

    I'm seriously laughing so hard while reading this!!! Lol
    I have 3 kids and a husband that LOVES dogs!!! I agree that they are vile beast. I'm not a bad person for thinking/ feeling that way. I hate when " Dog people" try to put people down that just don't like them. Mabey some are loyal and obedient but then there are those that just aren't . They just suck! i just wish they'd go away!!!

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    • KillAllDogHaters

      People don't get mad that you don't like dogs. They get mad because you insult them and call them "vile beast". I'd say they'd be more than justified enough to give your shitty attitude right back to you.

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      • Heartz

        I disagree with you. My sister is a huge dog lover and she knows I’m Afraid of big dogs(she have 2 pits) and every time I visit she never put them away. And when I eat the dogs are under the table licking my hand and invading my space. When I told my sister I don’t appreciate the dog licking my hand she went ballistic (literally) we argued and she threw me out the house. She takes her pets out for a ride and she gets really angry when ppl didn’t say hi to them. I would tell her- sis, not everyone is a dog person and she would rolled her eyes. But, she’ll tell me in my face that she don’t like kids and babies, when I had my baby she said you know how I am. Hi and bye I don’t like babies.

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  • strongangrydude

    I am a plumber, so I have lots of experience with people and their dogs. I have walked in some houses and the smell is fucn awful, it made my eyes water and my nostrils burn. There was fur and pewp everywhere, sickening, how can people live live like that?, if you cant clean up after yourself, then you foe damn sure dont need a stankn azz dog,, house smell like pewp, funky dog and azz. Some people houses are still clean with dogs, yay!!! Some people refuse to put their dog away when I am tryingvto fix their plumbing, wtf, you didnt call me to come play wit ur dog, and its hard for me to do my job with your dog snapping at my heals. "hes all bark he wont bite", hears it all the time, but hell your dog is making me feel very uncomfortable, put the dog up dumb azz, if I had a pitbull snapping at u I am sure you would want me to put him up. I hate pewp, dont want to see or clean up any fucn pewp at all, the only pewp I didnt mind was the pewp I would get off my childs bottom. Dogs stink bottomlinr, they breath smell awful 2. Guess people want me to let their dog bite me, how bout I wup your azz right after I wup your dogs.

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  • crowns_20

    i know this post might be old but i just had to comment. i also “hate” INSIDE dogs. i’ve looked for other people’s opinions because i feel like such a terrible person. my boyfriend has a Basset Hound that he absolutely loves, INSIDE our house. 😾 okay, i’m confused because i feel love for this animal...? but i DO NOTTTTT want it in the house, and it being in the house makes me HATE dogs!! He STINKS. SO. BAD. For those of you who don’t know, Basset Hounds have problems with their ears sometimes which smells like a rotten sock that a hard working man has been wearing for a month (my way of trying to explain this), which also leads to hundreds of dollars spent on Vet bills so i don’t have to smell the wretched shit. This dog had his own recliner when i moved in, which i had to make my boyfriend throw out FINALLY after almost a year of my suffering. Well we got a new couch, and the dog decides to take over a different chair, that i now find so DISTGUSTING i don’t even like walking by it, much less trying to sit on it. I come to find this DOG on our new couch this morning and it sent such a rage through me, i like to walk around in my panties and i can’t even feel comfortable sitting on the furniture due to this. 💀 I popped the dog on the butt and sent him outside to play with our neighbor dogs. (i’m not mean to animals, and people that abuse animals should be shot) BUT, i simply do not think they are clean. I’ve addressed this to my boyfriend, but i also feel bad because he loves his dog so much, and i feel like he probably feels like i’m being mean, or trying to take over. As he says i’m “jealous” of his dog which pisses me off, and is obviously not true i just think it’s nasty as fuck. It has ruined our new carpet, by pissing on it when it gets mad at us i swear you can literally tell when you piss him off because he will stare at you with a smartass look and then we will later find a huge piss spot on the carpet. I’ve shampooed the carpet so many times i don’t know how there is any left... All because i didn’t give him a plate of human food, and got on to him for starring... Hes so fucking needy. He always falls over in front of you (has tripped me multiple times) for you to rub his belly...? Like i’m the one taking care of you and feeding you, shampooing the carpet where you PISS and you want me to rub your belly and say “good dog”. no. And if i do, i immediately have to wash my hands after. Dog hair on stuff EWWWW. And we buy dog food for NO reason, but to throw it away. Because this dog will literally starve himself to the point of you feeling bad and give him table food just because you don’t want him to starve to death, why would a dog do that to themselves? just to prove a fucking point? like i don’t understand and it pisses me off (and yes we have tried so many different kinds of dog food). I just don’t understand how someone can have so much love for such an ungrateful animal, to let it ruin your whole house. And not to mention the most disgusting thing of all, FUCKING RED ROCKETS?!? That reason alone is good enough for someone to know DOGS BELONG OUTSIDE. I mean, they’re animals for God’s SAKE. OUTSIDE is their fucking natural habitat.

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  • Momof5

    I actually don't mind other people's dogs at all as long as they are responsible pet owners, and leash them and clean up after them. If they want to live in a house that smells like a barn and crap, fine. I just won't visit. I've had dogs my whole life, and didn't realize how disgusting my house was as a child until I left. And my parents tried to keep it clean. They can be sweet and loving, but honestly not worth the work, time, or expense. I have 5 kids, ranging from 19- infant, including a terminally ill 6 year old. My older kids (especially the 14 year old) begged me for a dog as a loving therapy friend for all we've been through medically. (The 6 year old, and my husband's cancer) WORST mistake of my life!!!! I have to keep my home super clean due to my daughter's respiratory issues,(plus I'm a neat freak) and the dog has anxiety and ruined parts of my house! We ripped up and replaced the carpet and some flooring, and eventually kept her gated in the kitchen where I can sterilize everything everyday. And guess what??? The kids hardly ever help with the dog or give it attention! I have been stuck with all feedings, all medications, training, brushing, baths, vet appointments, walks etc. Plus all the cleaning and scrubbing and mopping everyday along with all the washing of dog bedding etc. I told the kids we are going to re-home this dog now after 2 years, or send back to the shelter, especially with the demands of a new baby (our last). Of course they are devastated and begged to keep her. I agreed because I felt guilty, but the deal is she can no longer be in my house, because they never help. It's too hard on me and literally ruining my life. So she is now an outside dog for the past month. They are busy and hardly pay attention to her, ever. They forget to feed her and water her. So soon they forget their bleeding hearts. She is bored and constantly runs away. I'm not stepping in. I'm done, and I'm not going to be a slave to this animal I never wanted in the first place. Neither is my husband who told me not to ever get it from the get go. Im a sucker. I hate having a dog. I should not have felt so bad, and let my kids convince me they needed one because of their sick little sister always in the hospital, and missing me. I get it why people do have dogs, but I think they are filthy disgusting creatures. Every time the dog runs away I pray some family finds her and keeps her. It's hard to re-home her (I tried) because she is 10 years old, has anxiety, is on Prozac and has chronic UTI infections due to kidney stones and needs a $3000 surgery we can't afford​. She is over sensitive about cleaning her ears and clipping her nails, so that I have to take her to the vet and they have to give her anesthesia to get the job done (after she attacks half their office) and it costs a fortune! I've also spent a fortune on antibiotics, blood and urine samples, x-rays and the like. Not to mention the basics like expensive dog food, heartworm pills, front line, rabies shots, registration every year, beds, toys, bones, leashes, collars etc etc etc. For two years!!! When we got her from the shelter at age 8, we were transparent about our situation (medically and financially) and they said she'd be a perfect dog for us. When she showed signs of anxiety and going to bathroom in the house, and even some aggression towards the kids and I, I tried to bring her back within that first month...the shelter told me she was brought back 2 times before for the same reasons, plus not good with children and attacks other dogs and cats!! They also said if I brought her back they would be forced to euthanize her! I felt horrible, the kids were devastated, but now I regret not just bringing her back then :( I've done my best for 2 years to be a responsible dog owner, all by myself, and with my 6 year old getting sicker, and the new baby, I'm done! Honestly I think she should be put down, especially with her kidney stone issue. Now she sits outside alone, barking, in the heat struggling with her anxiety and UTI infections, peeing blood, by herself, no longer allowed in the house. I remind kids every day to give her meds and constant fresh food and water....and on occasion they do, but not all the time. But I'm not, and I'll be damned if I'm going out there to play with her. You've got to be kidding! Now she's really gross and disgusting! When she ran away this weekend, a nice neighbor took her in because her collar came off, and waited for animal control to put us in contact with each other. (Of course we had to report it, so we don't get fined) and my damn kids put up signs again because they get SO upset. He said that she came right into his house and urinated and deficated all over including his couch and bed. She was trained, but her anxiety, UTI's and old age is ruining her. No one wants this beast. Somehow she just needs to disappear. If I do it, my kids will be scarred and hate me forever. I looked into animal rescues, but because she is animal aggressive, they can't take her. So.. no rescues, no re-homing, no shelter, and my kids won't let me put her down. Now I feel like a terrible dog owner with her abandoned outside, even though I feel less stressed then when she was inside. (I still bring her in on incredibly hot days, or hard rain- ugh!) I feel trapped by this dog and I'm really starting to hate her. I find myself yelling at her all the time. Everything she does annoys me! I wish it was legal to shoot your dog here, because I'd have someone do it and I'd play dumb when she's gone, but it's not :( Any advice anyone??? I feel like I'm not normal and a bad human.

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    • daedra

      You are normal. You have SO much on your plate already. The kids will forget about the dog. And when they grow up, they will understand that it was not easy for you. Just take it to a different shelter. Maybe cross state lines so she has a chance at getting adopted. I'd hate the dog too but I already know I am not allowing any animals in my home for my kids unless they are prepared to care for it. If they even miss a feeding once, the dog would be gone. I don't want one, so I refuse to care for one.

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  • A27

    This is amazing! I don't know if people are still commenting. I grew up w/ dogs. I don't remember them bothering me as much as they do now. My biggest problem is the constant licking. I have that sound sensitivity. I want to throw up and/or hit something. Violent reaction. This really sucks, because I work with babies in private homes. I literally just turned down a job because of a large pit mix, that's supposed to be the 'sweetest thing'. I can easily see myself tripping or being knocked down while holding baby. Even worse. The mom lit a few candles to mask the smell during the interview. Which is really misleading. Otherwise I would've accepted job.

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    • Alexandria31

      I was beginning to think I was the only one who was so bothered by hearing a dog licking itself. Drives me up a wall. Especially when I'm eating and it just sits there staring at me slurping it's drool. I used to love dogs. Sometimes I still do but for the most part they annoy the fuck outta me. Barking, begging, licking, the list goes on forever.

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      • Ifuckinghatedogs

        Yeah it's funny how they will lick their balls but can be bothered to clean anything else on their body so they are constantly walking around smelling like a combination of shit, dead animal, and old socks. Gross

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  • stoletie

    I live in country, where za lot of street dogs.
    some of people feed up them, so on streets usually not one, but 2 and more of them.
    It is actually very dangerous, because the try attack.
    Once I saw how 3 dogs catched one cat, I tryed scream but they killed cat very fast.
    Next was my leg.
    Good things what people helped me, but everytime right now I cannot hear barking.
    I dont like dogs.
    And my boyfriend likes, so it is like battle.
    Good news - he anymore doesnt have, I told what I cannot live with this smell, dirty thing.
    Cleaning poop on streets.
    I dont enjoy at all.
    For me it is very anoying animals

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  • Nikki56

    chuwawas are loud rats

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    I have often wondered why I cannot stand to be around dogs. I wish I was not this way. My family makes me feel like I am evil because I don't want a dog on my furniture, peeing in my house, jumping on me and sticking it's nose in my crotch. I feel bad but I can't stand the how clingy and needy they are and how they stare at you beggin for everything and to be near me. I hate it but WHY? What made me this way. I was like this as a child too. Nothing bad happened that I remember I just remember feeling disgusted by them and angry it had to be in the house all the time.

    So if I am a good person and a great mom, why can't I make myself like dogs. I have been trying all my life.

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    • littlelulu1999

      Nothing wrong with not liking dogs....they are needy, disgusting, disease ridden animals, and humans have foolishly substituted these vermin for other humans....there is something seriously psychologically wrong with people that prefer pets over humans....seriously if one day we woke up and dogs/cats were wiped off the face of the planet, it would force humans to seek out other humans and treat each other with more love, kindness and respect....not to mention that our planet would be signficantly cleaner without pet waste....

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      • KillAllDogHaters

        "humans have foolishly substituted these vermin for other humans....there is something seriously psychologically wrong with people that prefer pets over humans"

        If I was surrounded by people like you, I'd find ANY ANIMAL more pleasant to be around. I think has less to do with psychological issues and more to do with the fact that this world is becoming more full of putrid "people" like yourself.

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        • Lily11

          You live alone with your vermin.

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    • Linds

      Exactly.. we are forced to smile and pretend otherwise be thought of worse character than an axe murderer. Jesus people, not everyone in this world has to like the same things. I think all the reasons for not liking dogs are valid and the reality is that for most of us, it's a boundary issue. People with dogs don't understand we want to be free of them. To me, they are just plain gross and I don't want them to touch me, or even sniff me. It's my damn right. I so with there could be communities that could be completely dog free. I know there are some for retired postal workers but I do not meet that criteria. We need to start getting more active in finding others that share this feeling and thus being able to have some numbers in making these sort of places happen.

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  • DogsSuck101

    I'm with you, dogs are disgusting, vile creatures. Always needing attention, shedding, begging for food. The list goes on; I hope they all go extinct one day. Cats are the best!

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  • daedra

    Amen to this. And yes, it's normal. I find dog lovers abnormal. I understand there are people that need to have a dog up their ass to feel worth a damn and validated, but I am not one of them. I loathe dogs. If I could wipe them off the face of the planet I would. They ALWAYS stink. No matter how often or well you wash them...they...always...stink. They ALWAYS bark. I want to put on a bark collar to every fucking one of them and turn it on high. Going for runs, I've been run up on on more than one occasion. Was ready to stomp this bitches dog out that was nipping at my heels. She freaked when I turned around and yelled, "GIT!" at it. Like...really? You're lucky I don't kill this worthless thing in front of you and hang it from your tree.

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  • Patriot1981

    I couldn't agree more. I used to be an emt. I hated going to people's houses because of the unexpected. Dogs are truly disgusting and nasty. I believe only stupid people are obsessed with these gross creatures. But yet I'm a whack job because I welcome birds in my yard. This is why I'm a misanthrope.

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    • lmgg25

      No, you are normal. Mutt-philics are only a noisy minority.

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  • 4124 Stupid girl treated it as her baby and it ate her lol her body is now in a form of pitbull shit who is gonna clean that up now?

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  • Goofygoof31

    I highly doubt anyone will read this far, but I too hate dogs. The stick their big snout in your crotch or up your butt. They whimper and whine when locked up, they bark when outside. They shed, they jump up and nearly knock you over, thet lick you to death. They don't listen, they destroy EVERYTHING, they are so annoying. We got a dog because my husband wanted one. Guess who is stuck dealing with her? Me. Everyday she gets on my nerves, then she makes me feel guilty for even having a dog. I would call it a lose, lose, lose situation.

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  • mm6969

    Dogs are needy and dirty

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  • dogpeoplesuck

    I'm not Asian, I'm far from Chinese... but China#1!
    Dogs are fucking disgusting animals and their owners should also be treated as such.

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  • PTSD

    I have an annoying ass dog that my parents bought before I was born. That dog always beg for food even though she has fucking dog food in her bowl. She looks like a tiny hairy rat always wanting food.

    I used to like dogs but not anymore. I prefer an animal who is cleaner than a dog.

    As other people said, I do agree that letting a dog lick your face is disgusting as hell.

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  • Demon50

    I agree with you.
    I grew up around dogs but it seems the older I get the more annoyed with them I get.
    I met a girl that has a dog and after a year she moved into my house with me along with the dog which at the time I didn’t see it as a big deal....Boy was I wrong.
    My house used to be clean but now it smells like old socks and freetos because of how dirty the dog is and he a smellier than any dog I grew up with.
    I take it into my own hands to wash him most of the time (once a week) because she only does it about once a month.
    Whenever we are watching a movie the dog is there constantly bothering us for attention and must have the memory of a goldfish because when I tell him to go lay down he lays down and comes right back about 30 seconds later and that process repeats throughout the entire movie.
    He constantly begs and before she moved in with me he slept on the bed which I refused to let happen.
    I thought about the times I stayed at her place and getting up in the morning with hair stuck to my face and all over my clothes.
    I feel like our relationship would be a lot better without him but I have to deal with it.
    I have a daughter and she loves the dog so that’s a plus but as of now he has taken over my love seat as his own and no matter how much I take a lint roller and fabric cleaner to it, it’s covered in hair and smells terrible so now it’s off limits unless you want to look like Chewbacca after you stand up.
    There’s plenty of other things like him licking everything and anything (armrest, carpet , wood floor and us and more...)
    He barks at any little thing, even an acorn dropping from a tree outside.
    She doesn’t seem to grasp that I don’t care for him as much as she does and like most dog lovers, they can’t see the other side of the picture.
    In the end I guess I lean more to the middle because he has grown on me but he also annoys the living shit out of me.

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  • AB1234

    I loathe dogs, too. For the same reason I would loathe being a teacher--irresponsible parents/owners. When people love something/someone (pets, children), they tend to tolerate poor behavior a lot more which means others have to suffer that poor behavior.

    On a recent trip to Boston, I was on a train with an elderly woman across from me. She was sitting next to a litte girl maybe 5 whose mother was on her phone. The child was kicking her legs violently into the old woman's shin. The patient old woman very gently put her hand on the young girl's leg to stop it (after having asked) and the mother started cursing at and threatening the elderly woman.

    I see the SAME kind of behavior EVERYWHERE all the time with dog owners. Dogs crap on other people's lawns or destroy other people's property or bark All. Night. Long. ... But it's always the other person who's negatively affected who has a problem for politely asking the owner to manage their animal's behavior.

    If you think this is a trivial issue, check out the article entitled "Don’t count on your HOA to enforce nuisance rules" in the Feb 19, 2019 edition of the publication Independent American Communities. That's the kind of hell that irresponsible dog owners subject others to throughout the US. And then it's up to the whim of law enforcement and the courts as to whether they want to help or not.

    There are MANY reasons to hate dogs, and most of them start with owners refusing to take responsibility for their animals.

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  • Nayf

    Not normal at all. Not even close.
    You're a vile, hateful creature who desperately needs psychological help

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    • UrnightmarefromHell

      Says the troll.

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    • lmgg25

      Says nayf, the multidisciplinary master Harvard psychologist with honors, isn't it?

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  • AJ10

    LOL. all of you are some jealous pieces of s***T! i love dogs! yes i do and dogs are better than humans!! so, all you people on here talking rubbish.. go get a life ! a real life instead of wasting your time hating on dogs!!I would pick a dog over any of you.
    I wish all of you get your faces chewed off

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    • Sarahlieving

      Umm haven't you noticed that your probably one against like 30? Yeah you are what you eat, and dogs eat shit soo.. they are shit so if you ike dogs then dont type in "I hate dogs" because it makes no sense so stop bitching about people not liking things that you do.. jesus.

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      • Nayf

        Yeah one against 30 on a dog hate website. But let's face it, most people posting on this site, as per you, clearly have massive psychological issues and can hardly be considered representative of mainstream society.
        To know a dog is to love it. Undivided loyalty, devotion, and affection. You'd have to be some massive kind of weird freak to think that anyone more than the extreme, bizarre, fringes of society dislike dogs

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        • dustcollector2

          I like my renter's dog because he's living here for now so I "have to" get along (plus he's the only one to talk to some days) BUT THE MESS he makes of the yard, the rats he attracts etc. I DON'T LIKE and so I'm set on kicking him out or degrading his health whichever is easier. When he's finally gone I'll miss him for a few minutes...then forget him.

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        • lmgg25

          Now a person disliking something "mainstream" is labeled as having "psychological issues".
          Seems nayf didn't get its daily dosage of mutt semen today, and it's making a mess in forums to relieve stress.

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    • hatedogs

      You are dirty antisocial scumbug that's why "dogs are better than people"! I HATE DOGS AND ASSHOLES WHO LOVE THEM!

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    • daedra

      Interesting. Dogs have literally no mental or emotional capacity to distinguish between love and rational thought. It's a pack animal, and you've merely replaced its alpha. It doesn't matter who you are, that dog will bond with ANYONE that feeds it, cares for it, picks up its shit, etc. And you would pick a dog, seeing as how your social skills are that of an outcast. And no dog will be getting near my face, I would gladly rip it's jaws from its skull or stomp its head against the pavement. ^_^

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      • lmgg25

        It's the reasonable response to any vermin, after all :).

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    • Caz1963

      Thank god that not all humans are like you. You love dogs and do you have a dog. And if you do, I bet you are an irresponsible dog owners.

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      • lmgg25

        Amen bro!

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  • lmgg25

    I feel the same way.

    The worst is that no matter where i go, I fing dogs everywhere. I hate when two or more dogs meet at less than 5 meters, they will always bark a very loud ensemble of obnoxious noise. No matter what the dogs are, the city, or the owners, If dogs meet they will fuck every one out in a mile around. I think it's the only thing in the universe that has a 100% chance of happening.

    I always think why people does not get tired of them. Every day seeing people picking shit with angst in their faces, sometimes disgust faces when they bark, bored faces while waiting the piss. When sunny, rainy, snowy, thundery, shitty... The weather does not mater. Then, spend about 40% of their salaries in mantainance.

    The only reason i think they have them, is because they can have someone to feel superior intelectually. But i cannot understand why so much trouble for that petty reason.

    And before returning to home, i prepare my prayers. Because I think i deserve a bit of relax and calmness. But no, among dozens of neighbour dogs, someone has to be barking all evening, with a chance to extend all night. And surprise! Why it does not bother the owners? If there is any scientist here, I have an unsolved problem that leaves quantum mechanics in diapers.

    And can I be helped by the law? Nooooo. Every developed country in the world have dog-first human-last laws. You can deprive a human of his food, his water, his sleep, his life... and nothing happens. But try to BEG the law for an annoying dog, and prepare to be prosecuted.

    I loathe, hate, despise, these filthy scum. If I could make them go extinct with the wink of the eye, my eye would fall apart from overexcerting.

    Thanks I fell not so alone now.

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  • cfree

    Okay, this isn't really a site designed for getting honest feedback, it's an echo chamber where you come to hear what you want to hear.

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  • Bubbles12

    No. It isn't normal. Most weird normal people like dogs. More people like dogs than cats. I don't hate all dogs. I like some dogs, love all cats.

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  • Aleu

    I only like huskies, but other then that i truly DESPISE dogs, i have this purse-sized poodle living next door to me its bark is so high that it drives me nuts when i try to study, no long barks.. Little quarter note barks

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  • yungathart

    Kill nothing! Pepper spray and a simultaneous NO! will do the trick. A few times and the dog will learn. If anyone harmed my dog they would not require a paramedic....BTW my dog is a Certified Delta Therapy dog....third one. Now, if you want to torture the owner, do it! If you are a coward hurt the poor animal.

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    • SweetAdeline

      Owners won't control their barking dogs. I lived near a family with a barking dog and we begged and pleaded with the owners and so did other neighbors. We also reported the barking to animal control and called the police, but the barking continued. It was so bad that the man next door to us was fired from his job because he was constantly late to work from lack of sleep, and we were constantly missing the school bus because we were so tired and sleep from being kept awake all night.

      Then one night, the barking stopped and we found out that someone had poisoned the dog. I don't know who did it, but even if I had seen them doing it, I wouldn't have said anything because for the first time in months, we were able to sleep through the night. I've always thought that the poisoning of the dog was a joint effort by the adults in the neighborhood, my parents included. I don't condone poisoning animals, but something had to be done. The police came around and asked if anyone had seen anything and I remember my father telling the officer that if the police had been as concerned when the dog was barking, they wouldn't be having to investigate a poisoning.

      If owners would control their dogs, people wouldn't have to poison them or shoot them, and your suggestion that people use pepper spray is laughable. Using a peppper spray on a barking dog will just irritate the dog and make the problem worse. KlondikeSam and the others are right, the only way to deal with a barking dog is to kill the dog.

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      • littlelulu1999

        in my neighborhood, people dump their dogs around parks and on much for man's best friend (oh the irony)....poison is owners should be confined to a country by themselves....or another planet (leave earth to humans so we can interact with each other) owners would eventually die off from the lack of human interaction, dog diseases, or waste contamination of the water and food supply, then the dogs would eventually die off since they are completely useless by themselves...problem solved.

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        • bowfin57

          Most folks love dogs. God what planet do you live on? Also the dogs wouldn't die off, that's why there's tons of feral dogs in Detroit. You must live under a rock.

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          • daedra

            False, most dogs WOULD die off because humans have fucked with their genetics so much they can no longer fend for themselves. All these fashion breeds and purebred pieces of shit would starve to death when competing with REAL dogs that are more genetically similar to wolves.

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          • KillAllDogHaters

            The people in this comments section are UNBELIEVABLY STUPID. What else is new?

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            • lmgg25

              Stupidity is the lack of intelligence, not the lack of sick philias to filthy mutts.

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        • dustcollector2

          DEPORT ALL DOG LOVERS TO MEXICO! The perfect environment ruled by emotion above common sense and a pervasive corrupt "nastiness" is OK, dog shit, rats, garbage, be headings, bodybags, cockfights whatever attitude.

          The "dog's are king" society's ultimate paradise. Let's start stuffin 'em all into trailer trucks for their migration SOUTH -of the Great Wall of America!

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          • bowfin57

            Most people love dogs you idiot. You want to deport the vast majority of the country?

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            • Adia

              Dogs are disgusting nasty beasts , and you have no proof that "most" people love these filthy curs. Nuts like you that "love" them , do so blindly (and it seems as though MOST owners do) without regard to another persons preference of not wanting them around. So , yeah. Deporting you kooks and your noisy , disease ridden filthy animals isn't a bad idea.

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      • dustcollector2

        I agree but do it "softly". On a website called "can i feed my dog this?" there's a whole list of items which I learned you can feed a dog which will DEGRADE it's health, strength, energy,bark etc and shorten it's life or make it sick and force the owner to take it to an EXPENSIVE vet for a cure! (pepperoni, onion, semi-sweet & dark chocolate

        If they can't afford the treatments OH it goes. He'll just have to git ANOTHER MUTT and our 'project' will start over again soon :)

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        • bowfin57

          You sir need your face beaten in.

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          • daedra

            Sounds like you have an annoying dog lol!

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            • lmgg25

              And probably his/her only pathetic friend in this world.

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      • wistfulmaiden

        Ive always wondered about these yappy dog owners: how the hell does the barking not bother the owners?Id never have a dog that barked it would drive me nuts. Unless they are not home, in which case they shouldn't have a dog to begin with.

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        • dustcollector2

          I wonder if you make a recording of the barking dog then blast it back at them from a stereo system would they keep barking at "themselves" ??

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          • bowfin57

            Nope tried it. Works with cats about half the time though. Test subjects were a black lab and a orange shorthair.

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          • wistfulmaiden

            lol probably

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    • KlondikeSam

      It's the "poor animal" barking, not the owner. Kill the barking barking!

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      • KlondikeSam

        I meant to say "Kill the barking dog!"

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        • bowfin57

          That's a dogs way of communication. Should I go around killing people who talk a lot?

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          • lmgg25

            An "annoying noise" and a "coherent information exchange" is the same to you? Genius alert!

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        • pupluver

          ''Don't kill the barking dog!'' Puppies are so cute!

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  • daydreamer394

    Rehome any pets you might have, you need serious mental help before you step out of the house to inevitably kill again. Any dogs have my fullest sympathies if they'd only attack you, because they'd be put down for having more sense than the human race. You are a worryingly soulless shell; and I hereby denounce you as living with Miserable Bastard Syndrome.

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    • lmgg25

      Says the one with the I-Would-Kill-People-That-Think-Diferent-Than-Me Syndrome.

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  • bowfin57

    So many pessimists. Wah! they stink wah!! they poop wah!! They lick their balls wah wah wah!!! Let me explain some things to you sorry bastards. First off drooling, can't help it now can they? Do you hate the mentally retarted people that drool excessively? As for cat lovers, I've owned cats and liked some of them, but cats spray, lick their junk, drink out of toilets, piss everywhere, and whatever they piss on has to be thrown out as cats will continue to urinate on it, they kill things just for the fun of it, constantly rip each others eyeballs out if fights etc. Cats are not saints!!! They poop? So does every other animal in existence. Ever been in the woods? Seriously any animal will defecate in your yard, it's just that dogs are more common and aren't living out in the woods. In fact where I live deer and goose crap is a huge problem. Butt sniffing, dogs have scent glands on their anus they're not doing it to be perverse, grow up!!! As for eating feces, very few dogs actually do that. Barking? That's their way of communication, so dogs shouldn't talk? Dangerous? In the united states, dogs kill around 30 people a year, most of the fatal/nonfatal attacks being done by pit bulls and Rottweiler's. Humans kill over 160000!! Humping is for dominance and can be controlled by neutering. Once again grow up. Dogs are known as mans best friend for a reason. They can sniff out drugs/criminals/lost children, deter/attack burglars, show affection towards their owners, are generally protective of children, can be used as seeing eye dogs, can be taught a wide variety of tricks, can retrieve game, etc. News flash, most people like dogs. Usually only pessimistic clowns or people who've been attacked hate dogs. They stink? So do a lot of people, do you hate the homeless because they usually smell worse than a dog. Filthy vile beasts? What is this the dark ages? Insulting an animal, as pointless as it is classless. I used to hate dogs because I was attacked by one, but after owning a lab, I learned to like dogs. Not all dogs are misbehaved hump happy butt dragging, begging, good for nothing mutts!! Yes dogs do gross things but they're animals. you should judge them by their intelligence, which is very high for an animal, and temperament, not primitive behaviors like drooling, pooping,and body odors which they can't help!! Let the snide/ idiotic remarks fly!! And if your going to hate on dogs, please list me a better pet. Chimps are to wild and aggressive, pigs will eat you if you badly injured/unconscious, cats are generally self centered and antisocial, horses are real shit machines, and parrots just mimic,

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    • Adia

      In case you missed it , this thread is for dog haters. Find a dog lovers thread , cause no one here cares what you think.

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    • lmgg25

      Scening a tantrum wont make you seem more mature. And on to refuting everything:

      - A mentally retarted may drool, but has infinitely more feelings and intelligence than a filthy mutt.
      - Cats are easily trained to poop and piss wherever you want them to.
      - A bark is only an obnoxious noise, not a form of communication. Communication requires intelligence, but i think it's valid for a dumbass like you to compare it to "talking".
      - They are human friends because they sniff out drugs, etc? They are intensively trained to do that, and used like a tool, but no smart person would call a hammer a friend.
      - Dogs may kill much less, but are the only ones that kill babies and very small children. And thousands will have severe injuries for they lifetimes, but they are alive and thats good, isn't it?
      - Protective of children? Already said. Next.
      - Comparing the stink of a homeless with a filthy dog? The homeless did not choose to stink, you know?
      - Why being worked up sow much for insulting an animal? You should be worked up when you are the insulted one? Do you consideer yourself an animal?
      - I will now judge dogs by their intelligence as you ask. They do not have it. Human species is the only that has. Period.
      - I will list a lot of better pets than dogs: Hamsters, squirrels, guinea pigs, fishes, cats, birds, iguanas, snakes, beetles, turtles, silkworms... want more?

      - "Chimps are to wild and aggressive". So are dogs.
      - "Pigs will eat you if you badly injured/unconscious". So do dogs.
      - "Cats are self centered". So are dogs. (And cats are independent, it's not the same as antisocial, you know?)
      - "Horses are real shit machines" So are dogs. (And vomit machines)
      - "And parrots just mimic". This time I agree, dogs just obnoxiously bark.

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    • daedra

      Dog smell makes me nauseous. I do not foresee just "getting over it." They are annoying and high maintenance. I mean, if you have nothing better to do with your life, then get a dog. But for me, my bed is clean, my house is clean, my car is clean. I can't stand people that allow their dog all over the furniture, simply disgusting. Might as well roll around on the floor.

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    • Momof5

      Nope. All pets suck.

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  • moonstruck

    Animals are pure of heart... especially dogs, not capable of being selfish and cruel like people can be. If you can't see that and hate dogs your not the kind of person I want to be around.

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    • Bubbles12

      They evolved this way to get fed. Nothing that loving about them. Possibly even sneaky and manipulative.

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      • Nayf

        You clearly don't know what you're talking about. My dog is 100% obedient and it has nothing to do with food. Goes without saying you'd have to be ignorant and uneducated to believe what you wrote

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        • Adia

          I will feed your dog New York strip steak twice a day for one week. You continue to feed it it's normal food. After the week is up , we'll see how obedient it is. You will LOSE that bet.

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    • dustcollector2

      MOVE TO MEXICO asap Adios!

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  • Wotisnormal

    ....Lmao...............and btw...i have seen people eating eachother's shit before you go making out that you are a superior being or humans are so different from animals....get a real life.....!!!!.....thanks for making me laugh..

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    • BananaGirl

      I CAN'T STAND DOGS! What is the fu*%king attraction? Needy, stinky, shitty - ugh! Disgusting. And all the smug in considertae dog owners think EVERYBODY should love their stupid mutt. HATE THEM! Always have, always will. Glad there's other people that feel the same way - it's not a popular stance. I find most people who are over the top with dogs - have some psychological problems.

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      • dustcollector2

        Ever notice some of THE FATTEST PEOPLE ARE DOG LOVERS! Get the connection?

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        • bowfin57

          No. Rather the opposite.

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      • KillAllDogHaters

        I don't think everyone should love my "mutt", but if you call it names you have no right to complain when you get the same response back, you dumb whore.

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      • bowfin57

        So the vast majority of Americans have psychological problems? Most people love dogs. The attraction is an animal that can show affection towards it's owner. Shitty? Every animal shits pal. Do you consider yourself a pessimist?

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      • probably

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    • Why the F would you hang out with people who eat shit?

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    • hoojamuflip

      Nice confession. There are probably posts on here for that too.

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  • Wotisnormal

    1. Dogs were wild animals before humans domesticated them.

    2. I bet you have given or give oral sex to someone, what is the difference in a dog licking it's dick than you swallowing someone's bodily fluids....heck you may even be into licking ass.

    3. People's house's stink because the dirty bastard's don't clean them. Most house's I go into with animals are spotless, it's the animal free zones that stink.

    and ...finally

    ...I wish I had pepper spray to put in your eyes for being a stupid, smelly, incompetent excuse for a human being. I think you are in the wrong job, or are you one of these nut cases who hides behind a facade...???

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    • KlondikeSam

      1. Dogs were NOT wild animals. They were NOT domesticated, they were created by man from wolves, jackals, or whatever, that's why they're called BREEDS.

      2. People may indulge in oral sex, but, unlike dogs, most people don't eat shit. When you kiss a dog, you're kissing something that eats dog shit, human shit or any other kind of shit! Shit is like ice cream to dogs!

      3. The reason that people with animals can't smell the stink in the houses of other animal owners is because you can get used to anything, including a house that smells like a shit-hole, which is what any house where a dog lives smells like!

      and...finally, and this proves just how fuckin' dumb you are... What kind of idiot would spray peper spray in the eyes of a paramedic who came to help them? I hope something happens to you and you do spray a paramedic with pepper spray and he beats the living shit out of your dog-loving ass!

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      • littlelulu1999

        Well said...thank you for posting THE TRUTH!

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      • KillAllDogHaters

        1. WRONG WRONG WRONG!!! Dogs CO-EVOLVED with humans, you stupid shithead. The first dogs never even interacted with people, they'd just roam around the outskirts of human settlements eating scraps. The domestication came later. More "knowledge" about dogs from a dipshit idiot who hates dogs.
        2. Dogs eat shit because it has enzymes that are useful for digestion. 90% of dogs will stop eating shit if you feed them right. Dogs can't go to the store and buy vitamins, they have no choice. More ignorance from someone who never bothered with dogs.
        3. The reason people with animals can't smell the stink is because most of these people actually keep their houses clean. Either that, or it's all in your stupid head. Considering your completely irrational fear of domesticated animals, I'd wager the latter.

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      • bowfin57

        They are the definition of domesticated dipshit. Domestication (from the Latin domesticus: "of the home") is the cultivating or taming, of a population of organisms in order to accentuate traits that are desirable to the cultivator or tamer. The desired traits may include a particular physical appearance, behavioral characteristic, individual size, litter size, hair/fur quality or color, growth rate, fecundity, lifespan etc. Did you ever take a biology class? Most dogs don't ingest feces by the way.

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  • pupluver

    You are so dumb and STUPI*! Dogs are cute and cuddly! They just slobber on you because they love you. ...........Get a REAL life where you LOVE dogs! You should do some research on dogs, and you will find them nice and loving. Hope you do your research!

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    • hoojamuflip

      I think this person has already done pretty extensive research as their argument states very well. You however, are sadly just another sad dog lover probably of the type that dresses your pooch in nice little outfits and worships every piss shit and fart that your mutt does. And the person writing this post is definitely not dumb and stupid, they are obviously highly cogent and intelligent. Take a look in the mirror, woof.

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      • KillAllDogHaters

        "Extensive research"? This whole article is LITERALLY an anecdote you daft idiot. A retailing of personal experiences. It takes a VERY SPECIAL kind of idiot to harp on about logic and reason then use anecdotes as evidence of your world view.

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      • bowfin57

        "They"? You mean "he/she"?

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  • dexter99

    WOW. I really hate people that don't like dogs. There is a great saying...
    "never trust a person who doesn't like dogs"
    I hope if ever need a paramedic YOU are not the one I get!

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    • littlelulu1999

      you better hope there is a HUMAN paramedic around if you are ill at home alone with your pet because your pet ain't gonna do shit for you but eat your remains when it finds itself alone without food...

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      • dustcollector2

        Probably another immobile OBESE fool who pepper sprayed one paramedic then needs seven other ones to carry her out on the trampoline (oops I forgot the firemen who have to cut out the walls to extricate that very heavy, sloshing trampoline!

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        • lmgg25

          I think there is a greater saying...
          "Never trust a dog lover"

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