Is it normal that i hate dolls?
I really hate dolls! When I see a doll I get a rage inside me and if I don't get away from the doll right away I will destroy it. I'll rip it's hair out and tear it's body parts off. If it's well-constructed and I can't rip it's head off I will beat it against a hard surface until I am exhausted.
The bigger a doll is, the more I hate it, also if it has curly hair that really sends me over the edge.
My father-in-law called me once and mentioned he had these 2 dolls that he was going to send to me and I flipped out on him. When he said "doll" and "send" it was like a switch flipped in my head and I started screaming at him and it felt like I was outside of my own body as this happened. I wasn't really in control of the words coming out of my mouth but everything I said I meant.
I was watching Hoarders one time and this lady hoarded dolls. They said she had so many dolls in her attic that her house was about to collapse. House collapse due to the WEIGHT OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLS, that is he most fucked thing ever and I'm so damn MAD. I got so mad at the fact that there is this many dolls in the world and this made me start drinking alcohol.