Is it normal that i hate forced tolerance, respect, etc.?
I have always loved to analyze the world around me, the people, how they behave, etc. And recently I've witnessed that a lot of people tend to force tolerance and respect onto kids, young adults, and everyone else.
I am sick of those people, and sick of everyone who supports this. Among all the reasons why I feel this way I can name a few:
First of all, the people who do support this usually don't care about moral values at all, and don't really care for tolerance or any form of humane act. They usually do this to present them as good people, and to paint a better social image of themselves. They usually do good deeds and act as if they support these ideals in order to ''look better'' to the audience. I hate these people, but as time goes on, I've started to realize more and more people are like this. I'm afraid I might end up hating everyone in a matter of years...
Secondly, forcing someone to respect someone else is idiocy in my opinion. I believe respect is something you earn. You can't force people to respect you or your opinion. I feel like people are trying to force everyone into respecting everyone in order to produce a better community. But they fail to realize that humans are smart, and all that is happening is lies. People end up lying about respecting others, and just nod their head, say "I agree" and then proceed to doing whatever they please. All this results in is having the other guy feel shattered afterwards.
Third, I am sick of everyone who goes all batshit insane and butthurt over people who enjoy racist/sexist/homophobe humor. Why people get offended by humor is beyond me.
Additionally, these people who try their hardest to look tolerant and all-respectful often contradict themselves and just ignore that. They usually call me ignorant because they're supposedly on a "higher level" of tolerance and whatnot, than I am. And fail to see how ignorantly they behave when for instance someone openly expresses their support for homosexuals, and afterwards, honestly says that they find homosexuals weird and unnatural, but that they support gay rights in either case - as all humans should have equal rights. And afterwards these self proclaimed activists and "good people" who call me ignorant for criticizing them, go as far to deny every support the mentioned people have shown towards homosexuals, and automatically call them homophobes or gay haters because of what they HONESTLY FEEL. It makes me sick to know people are so close minded and brainwashed to function under a pattern like machines. The worst part of this is, that they actually believe they're tolerant of all views and all thoughts, but in reality they are not, and they function under a certain pattern just to "look good" to the public.
I am disgusted by these people, and forced tolerance, respect and other democratic values which produce this sort of thing.
Is my view normal?
EDIT: I completely forgot some people are way too sensitive and might perceive this as some sort of "I hate democrats" or "I hate respect and tolerance" post. I don't I just hate people who force and who accept forced tolerance, but usually don't agree with it. I hate the people who act like they're tolerant but they're not, and they just do it for the sake of looking good.