Is it normal that i hate glitter?

I hate glitter. I don't like how it's so hard to get off of you. I don't like how it's very noticeable.
When i was in high school, i liked to sleep on the bus in the morning. Til someone little fuckers brought some glitter and decided it would be funny to shower me with it. I woke up to a little girl in elementary school throwing a handful in my face.
So i punched her in the face so hard her back hit the other side of the bus.
.. okay, no i didn't but in that moment tired, covered in glitter and humiliated.. reeeaallly wanted to

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84% Normal
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Comments ( 29 )
  • howaminotmyself

    A friend of mine likes to call them "raver scabies."

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    • dirtybirdy

      Hahaha that's the best thing I ever heard! High five your friend for me.

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    • Hippie

      Lol that's a new one.

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  • lexi958


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  • Terence_the_viking

    Retarded vampires have glitter all over them.

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  • Hippie

    Woo! My thread is popular!

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Getting a piece of glitter in your eye can really damage it for real, though.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Is it normal I really was hoping op did hit the kid since that would have been hilarious. Yes I had this done to me but I did not care about it. I guess you hate strippers too? Anyone think of twilight?

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    • Hippie

      I don't hate strippers.
      Don't care for twilight.

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  • DameInDistress

    Tbh, I quite like glitter. One time in Primary school me and my friends got the glitter and sprinkled it over each other and we got done by the teacher because we looked like glitter bombs..

    Ah, youth.

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  • FunkyHuskyCoolGirlYuki

    I hate Glitter, my friend did that to me whilst I was sleeping in my favourite class, it pissed me the fuck off...but see, I hit her in the head with a baseball bat...

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  • alv1592

    Unicorns n glitter !!

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  • thanksforthefreecar

    I was walking down the street and some kid (teenager) tried to throw glitter on me but the funny thing is, none of it got on me because the kid's grandma (I think) got out of her car and the kid went running.

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    I once made glitter out of different sands and some other shit i mixed with it. I was like 7 so i felt like some sort of scientist. That's the only attachment i have with glitter.

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  • VioletTrees

    I recognise that these things are terrible flaws of glitter, but I still love it.

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  • dappled

    I agree with you. Oh, and don't ever date a woman who uses glitter bombs in the bath tub. You'll be picking that stuff out of unexpected places for months.

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    • VioletTrees

      It's so much worse if it's somebody you don't know. A very drunk girl started hanging on me at a concert once, and when I got home, I noticed I was covered in glitter.

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      • dappled

        Heh! Once upon a time, when I was a very drunk boy, I bumped into this girl late on our Christmas party. I remembered her as absolutely covered in glitter and shiny stuff. And she wouldn't move out of the way so I did that thing where I tried to get by on the left, then on the right, then asked her if she wanted to dance (because we kind of already were).

        What sparked my memory is that I was covered in bits of sharp, sparkly stuff and some of them were stuck in my skin. Then I seemed to remember I'd tripped the girl up and landed on her. Although I didn't believe I actually did that.

        The pub was closed for Christmas (it was a student pub and they'd all gone home) but when I went in after Christmas, I asked a couple of people what happened and if everyone was okay. Yes, they said, apart from the Christmas tree which I'd tried dancing with and then fell into and then couldn't get out of so, at one point, it looked like I was wearing the Christmas tree. Apparently there are photos and every Christmas, I dread them appearing on Facebook.

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        • VioletTrees

          Haha, I agree that larger glitter, the kind that's itchy, is awful. Also, that dancing thing is my life. I'm in a perpetual state of trying to walk around people and not knowing how.

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          • dappled

            Ahh, it wasn't glitter. I left the best bit out of the story! They were shiny glass baubles and I crushed them and the glass shards penetrated my skin.

            Also, I've been for a job interview with glitter on my eyelid and cheek because someone kissed me good luck first.

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            • VioletTrees

              Haha, shit! I got what I thought was some glitter on my foot recently, but then I realised it wasn't on account of all the blood.

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        • Dr.Wigglefarmer

          Alcoholism... You should go to rehab!

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          • dappled

            Wee! Thanks!

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        • Shackleford96

          Wow, you must have been REALLY plastered to mistake a Christmas tree for a girl!

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          • dappled

            Ahh, it was Christmas, and they let us out at lunchtime. I can't remember for sure but I wouldn't have really thought it was a girl. I'd have been pretending and making a joke and then fell over. But when I woke up the next day, I didn't remember any of that, but remembered the joke and thought it was a real girl. I can be reasonably lucid even with enough to fell a field full of horses, but the next day? Blah! I once had to carry round a notepad just to record what I'd got up to.

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    • Hippie

      Heeeelll no. No sparkling fickle matter. XD

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