Is it normal that i hate hugging old people
well i have a lot of old relatives and i love them and all but i hate hugging them! idk what it is but it bothers me how theyre really slow and the hug is really awkward! is this ok?
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well i have a lot of old relatives and i love them and all but i hate hugging them! idk what it is but it bothers me how theyre really slow and the hug is really awkward! is this ok?
The elderly smell weird sometimes, but I still like to give hugs to my relatives.
I don't think it matters.. My elder family members are dead. At least you can hug them.
I feel like I can't fully hug them. Like they will break in your arms or something. So I can see why. I don't know why you're getting so many trolls and assholes.
Totally get what you're saying. I like real hugs if I'm going to get or give one. Not some awkwardly light embrace where they kind of pat you on the back. I always feel I really can't hug old people because they'll just crumble in my arms if I ever really DID hug them.
It's a natural reaction, don't worry about it. The human brain is afraid of death, and what represents death better than old people?
I often feel like I will hurt them when I hug them. Like they're so fragile that I'll hug them too hard.
My mom always got mad at me because I never wanted to hug or shake hands with my greatgrandfather, but it is not my fault that he never washed his hands, never took baths and always pee'd in his pants. I know it wasn't very nice of me either, but I couldn't help it. It was gross D:
My gran used to give me west coast coolers when I was six... Only condition was I wasn't to tell mum.
I miss my gran.