Is it normal that i hate islam

I am an atheist who likes to read religious documents. Of all the religions I've studied I hate Islam, I mean really hate it. I don't hate Muslims in general but Islam is disgusting to me. Sharia law, genocidal ideology, beating women. Am I the only one who is offended by these ideas?

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Comments ( 49 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    The details of religious doctrine is not always the same as the ideals and the true meanings behind such religion. Remember that many of these holy books have been re-written and re-translated by powerful people that used religion to further their power and influence of others. Half the journey to true enlightenment is developing the ability to see past the lies and use both your logic, and intuition to guide you to the truth.

    Religion doesn't cause wars and horror just the same way Guns don't kill people, idiots do. Humanity will always try to find ways to oppress eachother and religion, sadly, has been used as a tool to do so as well. Everyone has the need to satisfy questions of their origins and questions of the mysteries of death and life, after all, no one has died and come back to tell us of it. Religion, as well as science and pot are some of the tools humans use to answer such questions.

    But if you truly disagree with their doctrine, then yes, I can understand that. I can't criticize you for doing your research before disagreeing.

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    • -WhySoSerious-

      No, the quran hasn't been changed a single bit..

      Go to the museum of London, and you'll find the first ever written Quran..

      Muslims believe that both the Torah and Bible have been altered for many reasons..

      but the Quran is believed that it is reserved perfectly.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        Hence why I say that I can not criticize the OP for their dislike of Islam considering he DID do his research and isn't just being a closed-minded prick.

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        • Hi!1!!1!!!

          But, what you can criticize is the source of his views which is distorting the religion, probably atheist or Christian site trying to convert people. And even if he did get it from a quranic translation it's not like you can pick up a calculus worksheet and understand everything, you're going to need someone or something to explain it to you, same with holy books.

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  • Ono:

    The egalitarian vision for society is an absurd presumption so of course its conclusion is pure madness. They desire everyone to be equal in society without even a basic understanding of economics. They celebrate a deluge of opinions, all different and conflicting, yet look at each other in befuddled stupidity when they see conflict erupting all around them.

    We've reached the ends of a liberal democracy. It's already here. Is this what the ideal society looks like? Is this how man was supposed to live? With poverty, deceit, conflict, and injustice?

    Is THIS the answer?

    And something being more corrosive by nature (Islam) doesn't make it more of a threat than the thing that's overtaken society.

    Put more simply: An outbreak of flu sweeping over 100,000,000s is to be of more concern than the 1 or 2 cases of deadly flesh-eating virus.

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    • Ono

      To just state the ideal 'absurd' and therefor 'pure madness' as a grand sweeping statement is meaningless if you cannot demonstrate why.

      You're obviously comparing liberalism to something else, but wont say what so it's hard to discuss. Do you consider all facets of liberalism (capitalism, human rights, free elections, freedom of religion, liberal democracy etc) 'pure madness' or just some? You feel that 'society' is under threat, but to me those facets of liberalism are and define society. I'd be interested to see how you feel 'poverty, deceit, conflict and injustice' can be countered without the facets of liberalism.

      What is your panacea to the supposed evils of liberalism? And you never answered what the those supposed 'lies' were.

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  • suckonthis9

    I think that NeuroNeptunian hit it on the head fairly accurately but failed to mention whether he was offended or not. Why is it that Western beliefs offend Islamists but that we are being coerced into not offending them or being offensive to them? Is this not a double-standard?
    If Islam is not open to constructive criticism, does this not lead to stagnation of thought and ideology?

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    • Hmmaybe

      No extreemist religion is open to the ideas of others. Extreem islam, Christianity and conversionist Aetheism are all very agressive and close minded with respect to religion. Liberal Islam and Christianity are open minded.

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      • home

        yeah it is normal i hate islam to

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        • Hmmaybe

          I hate intolerence

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          • home

            i hate you:-)

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          • BLAh81

            You shouldn't tolerate intolerance, dumbass.

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      • suckonthis9

        A very good point!

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  • DolphinAngel

    The bible is exactly the same... cruel concepts of morality, women treated like shit etc. --> it is not only the Islam!!!

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    • YngPoly

      Yes but there is a difference between Islam and Christianity. Christianity has glossed over and practically erased all the truly vulgar parts. Islam has done no such thing, it openly promotes slavery, rape, murder and many other things.

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  • -WhySoSerious-

    You haven't done your research mister. You are an example of a person who hears something from Michael Savage and passes it on.

    Read the Quran, point to me where it says that beating women is ok in Sharia law. Your perception of Islam is probably from people who are biased against Islam. My advice to you is to learn the real deal and then from there you can take a legitimate decision whether you hate it or not. Don't just believe what ever is told to you like. That's called ignorance.

    I'm Muslim, and it's true, that when you look at what some of the Muslim people do in the name of Islam is completely absurd even though those actions are not Islamic in anyway. They justify their actions using the most sacred thing to the other Muslims around them, RELIGION.

    So, please, do yourself a favor, and read about it.... And when you do read about it, leave your personal biases aside, otherwise you're being ignorant.

    Also, I can assure you the amount of domestic violence here in America is much, much more than in where I'm originally from.

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    • HydroMendeleev

      That's the most true comment here. I'm Muslim and I find it hard to tolerate how most people are so ignorant as to start pointing fingers when something happens in a mostly Islamic country.

      For everyone else on this post, I'm just asking that you do your research before you post a highly opinionated comment.

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  • zchristian

    No your not.

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    • YngPoly

      Please clarify your statement. Most people seem to Agee with me which makes it normal.

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      • VsegdaTemnata

        Oh, ignore him. zchristian is one of the users on this site that usually posts comments of little to no meaning.

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        • Ono

          zchristian didn't personally attack anyone in their response, debate the topic not the person.

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  • Islam is of no consequence next to the threat of Liberalism/Leftism.

    Really I shouldn't say threat. It's already here, vomiting it's lies upon the common man doing all the damage it possibly can.

    Anyway. Yes it's normal.

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    • Ono

      a) Please list the 'lies' of liberalism. It's once of the central tenets of liberalism that gives you the freedom to make the claim, so how about backing it up.

      b) And are these supposed 'lies' worse than flying planes into buildings, bombing girls schools, 'honor' killings, gang rapes, the subjectification of women, the murders of homosexuals, beheadings, stonings etc.

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      • YngPoly

        List of lies: global warming, peak oil, over population, socialism. The choice is hard left communism (socialism) or hard right nazism/fascism(both socialism) so the choice is socialism or socialism. Lies about the "evils of capitalism". People are born gay or straight (if anything we are born bi). They lie about trickle down economics not working.

        Are they worse than the threat of Islam? Maybe... Progressivism/socialism is a worse threat in some ways and not nearly as bad a threat in another way. In comparison Islam a man with a gun pointed at you while the "left" is an assassin with poison. Conservatives are assassins with a different flavored slower killing poison.

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        • Ono

          - global warming/climate change: If over 95% of doctors told you they'd looked at your test results and believe you had cancer, you would wait until the other 5% agreed before you did anything about it? I don't have a problem with people being skeptical, science by it's nature is skeptical, but there is a wealth of science to demonstrate changes in the climate. Even the hardened anthropogenic denialists are acknowledging changes in the climate. But hey if you can prove it's all a 'lie' then there's a Nobel Prize waiting for you.

          - PeakOil/Overpopulation/socialism. Yep, you stated a few words. Well done. Now what exactly is the 'lie' in each of them?

          - Trickle down economics not working. It's highly debatable i'll grant you, but a 'lie'? Real Average Hourly Wages in the US are pretty much the same as the mid 1960s. Wealth has concentrated even further and the gap between the rich and poor is growing wider. But this is all somehow still a 'lie'?

          Just stating buzz words just proves you recognise them. Just stating something is a threat doesn't actually prove it is.

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        • Miss_Anthrope

          Just because you choose to be a denialist and other denialists attempt to create controversy over scientific findings that don't suit their agendas doesn't invalidate or mitigate the existence of global warming and the FACT that heads of science and scientists themselves agree it is very real, and that it is human-induced.

          Human overpopulation is also an accurate and scientific depiction as well. Merely because man-made religions exhort their believers to continue to produce large litters of offspring doesn't mean that there isn't a capacity issue. There is. In all natural closed systems, like an ecosystem, there are warning signs when a given population has exceeded the point at which the ecosphere can support the population of individuals within a species. Did the fact that humans are artificially manipulating the planet with polluting and damaging consequences to produce food somehow escape your notice? Both overconsumption and overpopulation threaten the all other species and the planet as well.

          As for peak oil and socialism being on the list; that was a tip-off that you're more given to believing knee-jerk rhetoric and tired old political refrains than actually doing any real research for yourself. Be very, very careful labeling what you don't like as "lies" simply because you don't understand the issues, the science, or anything else out there.

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          • YngPoly

            Ma'am I read six books a week, my personal library is huge. I read everything I can get my hands on from psychology, philosophy, biology, chemistry, economics, science fiction, religion, marx, Mao, Kant, Freud, Ericsson, einstine, hawking, hitler, mises, rothbard, Socrates, Aristotle, st Thomas aquinas, Anton LeVey and more. I do not believe communism/socialism is evil because I have heard other people say so, I believe it is evil because I have read the words of socialists. A friend of mine once gave me a pin that said everything I know I have learned from reading banned books, very apt. You assume too much when you insult my intelligence and my belief system, especially when you have no clue what it is.

            Starting with your quip about politicians I will give you a saying I am fond of "the only thing worse than a republican is a democrat, which is like saying dog s#!+ is better then pig s#!+, in the end it's still s#!+."

            As to global warming there is a documentary produced by the bbc which you should watch "the great global warming swindle". I will post more below in response to another person. I would strongly suggest you really look at the facts about so called man made global warming before you actually make a decision. You might start with looking up the fact that the earth goes through periods of warming and cooling (see maunder minimum. The truth is global warming is politics not science just like the DDT scare.

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  • gay

    islam is tottaly a safe and secure religion. its not normal to hate islam. ALLAH created this universe

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  • Samuelcarbon98

    Just thinking about the word islam gives me cancer

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  • BLAh81

    I'm EXACTLY the same way!

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  • informedtweaker

    if you live in a multicultral you have to hate all religons equally. but at the same time some are more of a threat than others its not your average sunni muslim to worry about it's those salafi/wahabist types fuck those people the follow the hadiths to the T

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  • wisdomseeker

    It seems you didnt read or simply read views of ppl who hate it. You need to go on youtube and search for: legacy of a prophet

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  • dude_Jones

    I wish moderate Muslims would stand up for their interpretations of the Koran. By they can't, or they will be tortured at best.

    American Muslims, please publish some reasonable voice of religious moderation on the internet for the world to read. You have free speech here. The grip of hijacking extremists must be broken.

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  • blackbeautie07

    Hello to all, haters included :)... I am a muslim woman, who does not feel oppressed and think that islam is a beautiful way of life. The problem people have these days is they confuse religion with people. Example, extremists, wars, etc it is the people who choose to these things not religion or God. We all have free will and choice! Islam teaches peace, manners, morals and rightiousness. If you were to really look back before the torah and the bible were tampered with you would see that they are practically the same rulings and teachings apart from little adjustments that came with age. People need to stop blaming religions and realise it is the peoples actions not religions. I will completely agree with anyone to hate islam if the quran indeed did teach us to kill, rape, etc. But unfortunately this all seems to be mishaps by hearsay. Thank you for reading, please do not take offence, I wish for a better world and peace :D! X

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  • Crudhouse

    I hope the OP really has read religious texts. I think that Islam is a great religion and that the prophet was a great man from the translated bits and other information I've gotten about the religion.

    You are discouraged from hurting others and are only allowed to hurt others if you have exhausted all other options and there is a threat to your life (as in what Americans are doing in the Middle East).

    Sharia law (the laws that I know at least) would take too long to explain here though there is good logic behind each law as far as I can tell.

    The 72 virgins and all that nonsense isn't in the koran and has been misquoted (not even misinterpreted as there is nothing to interpret in that manner).

    I'm a Buddhist, but it's a great crime to pigeonhole something that affects 1.6 billino people around the world. If you don't know something, please don't spread crap so that others lap it up as well

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  • bakerj99

    You have a point, but i could say that we'd be arguing the rest of tomorrow if we started to even get into this topic. I say, that this isn't a question of you being "normal" or not, and asking stupid questions on this site, but more of a fact to, let the Muslims just be muslims, and let them be.

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  • disthing

    Some will wield the word of whatever god the people follow like a weapon. Others will use the word of their god as a guide, as motivation to do good and be good.

    Hating a religion is misplacing your hatred. Hate those that abuse innocent people's trust, those who use religion as a leash, those that are happy to stain their hands with blood as long as it furthers their interests and power.

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  • lalalajapan

    beating woman ??? THAT IS NOT ISLAM !!!
    Where did you hear this ?? beating women is never in islam !
    i totally agree with MunchkinTheNerd !
    infact islam is the first religion who gave property rights to women and during battles women used to loose their husbands and to survive they had no means this is why islam has given rights to men to have four wives ! but then beating is not allowed in islam . If you read newspaper columns of western countries you can read that women are more abused in western countries than islamic countries .

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    • disthing

      "...women are more abused in western countries than islamic countries", are you kidding?

      In many Islamic countries abuse of women is essentially written into the law. Of course it depends on what you consider abuse, but I'd say imprisoning a woman because she has been raped, killing a woman because she has dishonoured the family, female genital mutilation etc. is abuse. There are Islamic governments who not only permit such horrific activity, but encourage it with laws that render many vulnerable women helpless. These are governments that twist Islam into something with which they can oppress women, and societies that justify their patriarchal totalitarianism with Islam.

      Please educate yourself more before you make such claims.

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      • lalalajapan

        now your just blaming the government ! this has nothing to do with islam .

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        • disthing

          It's not just the governments in certain Islamic countries, it's also the societies, as I said. It does have something to do with Islam, in so much as some people use Islam as a tool to oppress women. I'm not saying Islam is inherently bad, nor that all female muslims are oppressed.

          You said "women are more abused in western countries than islamic countries", I'm explaining how that isn't true. If you disagree, then please explain to me how women are more abused in western countries than islamic countries?

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        • YngPoly

          In the middle east Islam is enforced. its not a matter of just blaming the government because they government is a theocracy. Islam needs a separation of church and state.

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  • MunchkinTheNerd

    Beating Women? That's Not The Islam I Grew Up With. Everybody Thinks They Know Islam, But They Don't. There Are Different Types Of Muslims, Like How There Are different Types Of Christians. People Who Beat Their Wives And Believe In Any Sharia Law Made Up By Whomever, Are Wahabis. The Muslims That Hit Themselves Because It Supposedly Brings Them Closer To God Are Called Shias. The Peace Loving Muslims Are Called Sunni. They Are More Like Buddhists- Moral Wise. Sunnis Believe In Non-Violence. This Is The Difference Between What You Think And What Is The Truth From A True Muslim.

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    • VsegdaTemnata

      You really don't need to capitalize every single word of the English language. Only the first words of sentences, names of people, names of places, brand names, and special days (i.e. New Year's Day.) Thank you.

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    • Ono

      Ah the peace loving Sunni's who don't beat women. Pakistan and Afghanistan are mostly Sunni aren't they? So the land of 'honor' killings and gang rape of a women to punish her family and the great nation that blows up girls schools amongst other horrors are peace loving? If you say so, but i barely scratched the surface.

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      • -WhySoSerious-

        You idiot.....

        You're talking about people who do things in the name of Islam. When someone does something in the name of islam it doesn't make it islamic.

        We're talking about Islam as a religion. Show me in the Quran where it says you could do an honor killing....

        You probably haven't read the quran, and all you're doing is hearsay.

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        • Ono

          I'm happy to have a discussion, but we can do it without personal insults. The only thing I ask is that you respond to what I write, not something else.

          I responded to a sweeping claim that Sunni's are peaceloving unlike other types of muslims. I don't doubt that most are peaceful, never claimed otherwise. But when Pakistan and Afghanistan are overwhelmingly Sunni (which they are) and they are home to some of the most vile and hateful treatment of women, then I just want to point out that some Sunni's are obviously lacking with regards to their treatment of women. I don't think that's too unfair a point to make.

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  • BreeBees

    It's normal to dislike a religion .

    I don't agree with Catholicism, but my boyfriend is a strong catholic .
    I don't mind him at all :)

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  • Dozis

    Their countries...
    their rules.

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