Is it normal that i hate it when people say they hate the human race?

There seems to be tons of people here (Or on the internet in general) who claim to "Hate all people".

This gets on my nerves so much! It seems like everyone who says this is just trying to look cool and edgy (Another thing that gets on my nerves)or is just trying to feel superior ("Well, I suppose you're just not as mature as me").

Plus they always give awful reasons. It seems to usually boil down to some people being dicks. (Or more than dicks in some cases, but moving on...) Yeah, we all know that mate. I'm not going to applaud you for being such a world weary twelve year old. Just get on with your life and stop defining an entire species on its worst specimens.

Is it normal that these people irritate me so much?

Voting Results
65% Normal
Based on 49 votes (32 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • KnightNigelWellingtonXXI

    God I hate that too. Especially when it involves One Direction or Justin Bieber. Wow some people listen to music you don't like, the whole human race is obsolete.

    Knight Nigel Wellington XXI

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      My good Knight, yet again we find ourselves in agreement. Cheers!

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      • KnightNigelWellingtonXXI


        Knight Nigel Wellington XXI

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I think that some people really are legit when they say that they hate the human race, though. Some people have had bad experiences with others growing up and others may not like the negative nature of humanity. I will not deny that I get annoyed seeing the post over and over again on this website because it seems like it pops up more than it used to, but I don't think they are saying it just to be edgy. I have moments where I'm not too, happy with people myself, and it's not because I want to be "cool" or "edgy" that's just how I feel. I think a lot of people may feel the same way.

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  • Moonbow

    Even worse is when they claim to "love animals," but "hate the human race." Only losers say such things and their posts aren't worth reading. (However, I admit replying to them occasionally just to tell them what losers they are.)

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    • ETCR

      Haha I know exactly what you mean. Like "HUMANS R EVL BT ANMLS R GUD ND CUTE". It wouldn't be that bad if:
      1)They liked animals that weren't cute, cuddly and domesticated (Like dogs, cats, rabbits, ect) or hopelessly romanised (Wolves).
      2)They accepted that animals are pretty fucked up (Ducks gang raping, male lions killing cubs to mate with their mothers, hamsters eating their babies... I could go on for days about the fucked up things that other species do).
      3)They accepted that humans do a whole lot of good in the world (The red cross, adopting, helping people in third world countries etc).

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    The whole "I am an enlightened, educated, open-minded intellectual and you are a sheep because I have a different opinion from you" attitude bothers me, period.

    The whole "I hate all of mankind" one being thrown into the mix makes it a complete and well rounded asshole.

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  • thinkingaboutit

    I usually just think they are losers who can't make friends, whatever.

    yes, it is very annoying.

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  • Mando

    You are right on the money - the big worldly know-it-alls are really just attention seeking cry-babies.

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  • Drawingmud

    Let the haters be the first to eliminate themselves

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  • bristexai

    I love the human race but society sickens me.

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  • abominus566

    i dislike the human race, for the reason that, one alot of them are stupid when it comes to certain things, second many of them dont care about anything but them selves,third they are just destructive especially to the land we live on anymore of that type of thing we will not have a planet to call home anymore. and then there are the rich people who are selfish and dont care about others. not saying everyones bad but a great number of people are not so good

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  • bemah

    People who are always on the internet, must have a reason for being here, maybe they think the whole world hates them because they don't have any friends or something. Anyway, for whatever reason, they hate the world, they see the internet as a place where they can go to rant and rave about how much they hate it! That's why we have so many haters here, well in my opinion anyway. I'm sure there lots of people out there who would beg to differ.

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  • Shadoweyes

    I don't think its wrong to assume all people that hate people are completely off... but I don't support them fully either. It's like the people who really are homophobes as opposed to the non-homophobics who CLAIM homophobie to be assholes to a certain LGBT community.
    But I agree with you, really. I don't see why one or two people with like one shitty experience should pin the blame on us all. I can, however, understand if the world is manipulated to think certain things that one person possesses; such as, everyone MUST hate Jewish people for being Jewish. And assuming that the person with different views IS Jewish, it can be hurtful enough to convince someone to post something in such a flurry of emotions that they don't even have the benefit of the doubt in knowing that perhaps there are sympathizers in the 'wrong'.

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  • Shackleford96

    I love it when people hate things :P

    But yes, I see where you're coming from.

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