Is it normal that i hate mentally retarded people?
I just have no humanity towards mentally handicapped people, is that normal?
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I just have no humanity towards mentally handicapped people, is that normal?
I don't hate mentally handicapped people at all. I just hate that they always end up being elected to congress.
You're just scared because they're outside your comfort zone and you don't know how to deal with them. Translating fear into hate is very common when you're unsure about yourself (almost every story on IIN that starts "I hate" can be translated as fear). As you get a bit more confidence at dealing with the world, your hate will diminish.
I don't hate them but they piss me off when they come up all in my face and touch me. Some like that need to either get a dildo in their ass or have their therapist fuck them in the ass.
I know your post is two years an 10 months old but you must have read my mind I have had not 1 but 4 MR people touch me without consent.
No Matter how many times I politely ask them not to touch me they keep touching me.
They do not understand no means no and that people do not like being touched.
It happened to me at a night club and at my mother friends house I psychically removed myself from the situation only to be followed by them.
its annoying when I used to get in trouble for running away from then when I was younger.
something tells me that has never happened to you like you I don't like people touching me unlike you I know when to back away
No one cares about them except for thier parents, no offense to the parents of retards but like I dont know why random people other than thier family care about them. Like really there special big deal, they dont know anything, why do they even go to school and distract students that want to learn, when I was in High School, this annoying retard kept moaning and like I could not concentrate, I had the stupid thing next to me. And the question on what you would do if your kid was special, if early enough abortion, but if later, give up for adoption, I hate them but I dont want any of them to die or will I beat any of those things up,No.
It's true that no one cares about them except their parents. Often times only the mother. Thank god for moms. But then the parents (usually the mom) has the expectation the world will bend over to accommodate/help/put up with their precious little defect. And we all have to....until they're 18....
There are a few reasons to send special needs kids to school.
1.) Just because Timmy will never go to college or live on his own doesn't mean he can't learn how to do SOME things, to make his parents' lives easier and his own more enjoyable. Learning to read, handle small money, etc. can go a long way.
2.) Give the poor parents a break! If the kid isn't going to school then when is the parent/caregiver supposed to get sleep/alone time/have a social life?
3.) Half the "normal" kids won't do shit with their lives by choice, so if they're allowed to waste everyone's time by attending school anyway, why not disabled kids too?
yea and what facts do you base that on special Olympics is supported by celebrities and politicians the world over and most don't have children with disability's there are thousands of non profit charity's that raise billions of dollars and thousands of volunteers that help the disabled everyday
That's very cruel to hate somebody for something they can't help. I'll admit I don't know how to interact with people who are severely retarded, so it's slightly awkward being around them. But you're mean for hating them.
We fear what we don't understand, this is normal. however, it is not normal to say that you hate them because they are Retarded. It's just that you don't step away from yourselves long enough to give them a chance. they have all the same emotions as you, they are more like us than is different! I should know better than you", my little girl has D/S.
First off, in order to be ahead of the curve, that is to say ahead of the norm you can't be norm you have to be abnorm. So don't be typing that if you are abnormal then you are mentally retarded. It is those who are in the below the curve, hence negatively abnormal, who are mentally retarded, and those who are normal are comparibly retarded to those of us ahead of the curve. The problem with pseudo (false) sciences like psychology and psychiatry they teach that all abnormality is a bad thing and geneusis like Einstein are considered retarded as absurd as that is. They try to tell others that an illness is abnormailty when it means sickness. I hope you bigots can understand this.
They are people and they do have feelings have some compassion.
What happens if something happened to you causing you be handicapped/disabled?
I hate them sometimes. I had a retarded kid in my class at school, and it made me really impatient having the whole class stop to explain things to them.
I guess that I don't actually hate them, but I feel awkward around them and they can get very annoying, even though I know they can't help it. I'm gonna vote Normal, just because I think that most people wjo said Not Normal just had an instant shock reaction without really thinking about it properly.
They make me feel uncomfortable.
In the wild they kill the weak.. Just cause we're humans we can't? They're useless.
Why the hell would u hate them? Its not their fault they are retarded. and, im going to admit that they scare me sometimes but i dont hate the. thats cruel
yes it is, they annoy me too, very normal, and to answer the question above "what would you do if your first child was mentally handicapped?" i'd get the mother fucker put down.
Personally I feel awkward around retards and sometimes they piss me off but your methood is just fucking crazy. If you have a retarded kid you should just put it up for adoption not put it down.
I'm sure if you were put down "motherfucker" the world be a much better place. Don't fall and damage your head we wouldn't want your parents to put YOU down. Seriously "put down" they're mentally retarded not dogs.
The fact that this is 69% normal is just sad. There is nothing normal about hating a group of people for no reason.
If its any consolation i dont really like mentally retarded people either
You know it's not their fault, right...? And there are autistic people that can tell the "moods" of people.
So let me ask you this, what would you do if your first child was mentally handicapped?
Hey cat lover, why dont you ask your mother why she didn't put you down?
You are absoultely awful. Do you honestly think that they chose to be like that?
No it's not Normal.I have a Learning disabilitie and we just like everyone else we have feeling's just the rest of you . Just a little FYI The word (Retard) Ain't cool. We would rather be called a person with special need's
After the period separating the first and second sentence, you need a space. "Disibilitie" is spelled disability, and the "we"s and that sentence should be "we're". In your third sentence, after "FYI", "The" shouldn't be capitalized, neither should "Ain't", but congratulations on putting an apostrophe in the right place. Parenthesis aren't quotation marks, honey. In your last sentence, "need's" should be "needs". You're wencome :)"
I will refuse to use special needs. If you want to be treated like everyone else you do not need Special care.
Why should I have to change my vocabulary just to avoid your feelings getting hurt.?
The word special has been tainted because of your feelings.
Catlover I'm sure cats don't love u by the way but soon a billion mental kids r gonna hunt u and the poster of this story down and kill u slowly and painfully with no mercy :)
Assuming that they'd ever have the mental capacity to form a group/plan.
If a billion mental kids were in the same place, that would be amazing, because one drone strike missle could kill them all and cleanse the earth.
Yes, this is very normal. I cannot stand retards and I think they should be humanely "put down". For their benefit, for the benefit of their families, and for the benefit of society. The ancient Greeks had it right, if your child is mentally retarded, just throw it off of a cliff.
No, it is fucking not.
It's normal to be annoyed, indifferent, creeped out, and in some situations, *less* sympathetic to mentally handicapped people. But hating them? Why? I thought hate was reserved for people who have done something terrible, like murder or rape. Why would you hate someone just for being mentally disabled??
I am only assuming here but I think they hate them because they hate the emotions they feel around them.
People that are MR are confronting and can be hard to handle when they start acting in a creepy way.
When I asked them to stop touching me and they keep doing it I tend to start having homicidal thoughts towards them.
If I do not like to be touched and someone keeps touching me and they keep invading my personal bubble When they keep talking and never shut up I tend to start hating them.
growing up a Mentally Retarded person I had to deal with a lot of harassment from the same type of person these people are on the lower side of normal as they might call themselves did poorly in school and not all that intelligent in their own right they made fun of me and people like me to mask their own low self esteem, because they don't have a lot to be proud of.
Now there are all kinds of stupidity but arrogance is the worst, to look down on others is a sign of low inelegance. to use the word retarded to describe the mentally handicap is racist and says a lot about you as a person. In other words you are worse then the people you put down
You are so stupid. I can barely read what you type. I earnestly hope that you are dead by now.
the word Retard means slow retard
verb: retard; 3rd person present: retards; past tense: retarded; past participle: retarded; gerund or present participle: retarding
delay or hold back in terms of progress or development.
"his progress was retarded by his limp"
Depending on the context the word is used it can be viewed as either an insult to under developed or slow.
the parts of something written or spoken that immediately precede and follow a word or passage and clarify its meaning.
"skilled readers use context to construct meaning from words as they are read"
depends on the retards but i really dislike when retarded people are SO retarded that they cant tell my gender just cuz im a dude with waistlength hair but worse is they mostly just assume i am female and i pretty much dont look like female on da face
yes its normal for all mentally normal people to hate all not mentally normal people be it mentally ill, mental disorder or mental disabilities. The whole mentally normal race is full of discriminative bigots and assholes like you.You mentally normal people are a inferior species and should be killed because of what your species have done.
That's possible. Just don't see things from your perspective if you wanna change it. Try seeing it from the people you hate.
That's why one of them is going to kidnap you, rape you, torture you, and kill you one day.