Is it normal that i hate my cat?

I hate my cat. I really do. I also love him though. It's a little confusing to me. He does these things, these normal cat things that just anger me so much. I can't stand it. I can't leave my laptop plugged in because he chews wires, I can't leave the bathroom door open because he destroys toilet paper, I have to lock my cupboards because he goes in and destroys everything. Basically he destroys everything I have. Ugh. I love him when he sleeps.. I think that's the only time I truly love him.

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59% Normal
Based on 46 votes (27 yes)
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Comments ( 21 )
  • wistfulmaiden

    Are you sure its not a funny looking dog?
    Seriously pets do stuff. Please don't get any more pets if you just want a sleeping cat trfy a stuffed animal.

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  • Sara0303

    I'd kill a cat that did that.

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  • Vozix

    I feel your pain. Just wait until that asshole gets old and refuses to die, like the 22+ year old cat that lives with me. I use to have to worry about leaving things out and closing doors for clawing and chewing, but now have the pleasure of this cat using the entire house as a litter box on a daily basis. And, then decide to gorge itself and puke everywhere. Fortunately, she gives us a break on this one and only does it a couple times a day, four or so days out of the week.

    Ahhh... there's nothing like the pungent smells of feline excrement. It's a wonderful perk of having a cat. What fun it is to search out the source of the stench in your home. Even better are the joys of stepping in pee, feces or vomit when you get up in the middle of the night for something.

    Oh, but the cat must be neglected, or not played with, blah, blah, blah... Wait, this one always cracks me up, "The cat knows you hate it. Thats why its being a jerk." No. The cat is an asshole first. Then you eventually hate it. It's not the other way around.

    The little gem that lives with me has always had a clean litter box (it now has two) with the perfect litter (several kitty litters have been tried and this one works the best when she does, on the rare occasion, actually decide to use the box). The boxes are cleaned a minimum of once a day when used. Over the past year or so she slowly decided to stop using them for no reason except the fact that she's an asshole. She has always had a full bowl of food (gorging herself is unnecessary). My roommate loves and gives that thing enough attention for 3 cats (it is in no way neglected). Trust me, I would move if it were an option.

    This cat destroyed what she could by clawing and chewing when she was younger, and is now working on finishing the job by shitting everywhere in her old age. If your cat is a dick now, most likely, it won't change when it gets older. Only if your lucky, it won't get worse.

    Get rid of the little fucker now before it's too late and all your stuff and more importantly your relationship is destroyed.

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    • fbiprofiler62

      Well said, Vozin!

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    • dontlookatmeeveragainokay

      Why the fuck do you have a cat if you hate cats? You sound pretty fucking retarded.

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    • roxandham

      Wow. I really want to get rid of him now. Definitely don't want shit in my house. I always say" at least he doesn't shit everywhere ". Thanks for confirming that I'm not crazy and cats really are jerks

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  • thegypsysailor

    You'd love him even more if you smother him in bar-b-q sauce, roast and eat him for dinner. yum, yum.

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    • SpecialAgentF.Mulder

      Cats are better served in ground meat since they're very stringy. Dog meat is better suited for what you are describing since the meat is gamey and tough.

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      • thegypsysailor

        The only times I've had either cat or dog, to the best of my knowledge, has been roadside stands in the Orient and they've always been meat grilled on a stick things. Quite tasty, but I don't ask what it is.

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  • SpecialAgentF.Mulder

    It's a good thing cats sleep sixteen hours a day.

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  • dontlookatmeeveragainokay

    I have a solution to your problems. My cat got into trouble as a baby, but he knows right from wrong because I play with him. It gets his energy out and he loves it, so he doesn't feel the need to chew or rip things up. They only do things like that for stimulation, not to make you mad. And I agree, INTERACT with him. Play with him, pet him, talk to him, etc. If you want a pet that just sleeps all day or does nothing, try fish. A cat needs attention. If you find he's being bad, just divert his attention and start to play with him.

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    • roxandham

      I play with him daily. He has all the toys, scratching posts and trees he could dream of. Lots of stimulation but it isn't enough. It's never enough. You think he's tired but then he gets up and destroys shit again. He's just a dick. I've had previous cats that were great but this one just sucks

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      • dontlookatmeeveragainokay

        Idk what to say lol, is he not a kitten

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  • Ellenna

    That poor cat is bored out of its brain. For a start, if it's still a kitten you should be training it not to be so destructive and making sure it has plenty of harmless activities to keep it busy.

    If it's a fully grown cat, you've left it far too late and it would be kind to find a home somewhere it won't be hated.

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    • roxandham

      That poor cat ? Shithead has everything it could possibly need, a million toys , scratching posts and a cat tree. I also play with it daily to tire it out. He's still destructive. Cats are just assholes

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      • Ellenna

        OK you didn't say any of that earlier. Cats in general aren't aresholes, but maybe yours is just genetically nasty, so find it another home and you'll both be happier.

        If you think it doesn't know you hate it, I have news for you and maybe that's why it's so destructive: which is cause and which is effect?

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        • roxandham

          I would rehome him but my boyfriend loves him and won't let me. They have each other at least.

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          • Ellenna

            So you have a cat that destroys your possessions and a boyfriend who won't "let" you get rid of it? Isn't it about time you grew up?

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            • roxandham

              I may hate the cat but the cat is in a good home still. With everything he needs and one person that loves him very much. Growing up has nothing to do with this. I keep the cat for my boyfriend because the cat makes him happy. There's nothing I want more than his happiness. Even if it means living with a creature I hate. I don't yell at it or hurt it. Instead I come here to bitch, get a laugh and move on.
              Now would you like to criticize me some more?

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      • Sara0303

        Agreed. I'd get rid of it. I hate cats

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  • MR.SexyJesus

    Your cat is a right dickhead. I've met him. he gave me dodgy catnip. did absolutely nothing for me.

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