Is it normal that i hate my fiancés cat

I feel terrible about this, but I have never been fond of my boyfriends cat and I can’t tell if this is normal. My boyfriend decided to get a cat 6 months into our relationship. I asked him to reconsider because I hate cats but he was living on his own and really wanted a pet. We lived separate for the first 3 years of our relationship while I finished college so the cat didn’t bother me too much at first, but when we moved in together during the pandemic I had to deal with the cat more often. The cat is overweight and has health problems that effect her breathing. She has never warmed up to me and I’ve never grown to love the cat like I hoped I would. My family always grew up with dogs so I just have never been a cat person. We recently got engaged and bought a house together, and it has always been my dream to get a puppy when we can handle that responsibility. I love our dog more than anything, but I feel terrible now that I love one pet so much more than the other. Her health condition has gotten progressively worse over the years and I barely want to touch her. I can’t pick her up without giving her an asthma attack. With how often her attacks happen I’m just afraid for the day I find her no longer breathing. My fiancé and I have taken our cat to the vet countless times and she is on multiple medications, but her condition doesn’t have a cure. I really just look at her as an expensive, sick, nuisance that I can’t learn to love. Is this normal?

Voting Results
75% Normal
Based on 8 votes (6 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    It's normal to feel that way. Seems like you're tired of putting your time, effort, and money into this animal that you see is slowly suffering.

    In this situation, I say hold on for a little bit longer. You've already put this much effort into her, and she probably has very little time left, so giving her the things she needs and continuing to show her it's a safe happy, household for her is the best option.

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  • bbrown95

    As a huge cat lover myself, I don't see this as abnormal. You can't help it if you're not fond of certain types of animals, and you can't force yourself to fall in love with one.

    I'm glad to see that you still seem to at least have empathy for the cat and don't want to harm it like some people who dislike certain animals do.

    I agree with Cuntsiclestick that making the end of the cat's life the best it can possibly be and humanely end her suffering when it's time (which seems like it is likely approaching) is the best you can do.

    I kind of had a similar situation with a horse I had that was very hard to handle and downright dangerous under saddle, whose antics got me sent to the hospital once and was just always very miserable to be around (even multiple professional trainers gave up on him). It was hard for me to have many positive feelings towards him as he could be really unpleasant, but with his issues he would've likely ended up in a bad place had I ever gotten rid of him. I retired him for the rest of his life and made sure he was safe and well cared for, and have never regretted that decision.

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    • Beachstep001

      Thank you for the advice. I definitely agree even if it’s difficult at times to just hang in there and create a positive environment for her until her time comes :/

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  • SkullsNRoses

    As Cuntsicklestick said, this cat is not likely to live a quality life much longer by the sounds of it so I would just tough it out until the vet recommends putting her to sleep.

    There is nothing wrong with preferring one pet to another, like people some animals are friendly and sync up with you whilst others are annoying and kind of suck.

    Hang in there.

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  • 555

    It's not your cat, you didn't want a cat, it's perfectly understandable that you don't love it.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Poor kitty.

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    Very normal for me cause I hate fucking cats. I went with a babe who was in love with hers and talked about it constantly. LATER

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    My wife had a poodle that hated me. It would lick my toes in my sleep it was so annoying. When Id come home the dog would bark for about an hour. Anytime id walk near it it would run. And I was supposed to put this poodle on a leash and take it outside to go shit when my wife was at work. After just a few times it started flopping around like a fish and got out of the leash and ran straight into the road and got hit by a car. Tragically it survived. But I was able to convince my wife to give it to her parents where it was mostly kept in a cage.

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    • Beachstep001

      “Tragically it survived” made me laugh. I know it sounds terrible, but it’s definitely a relatable feeling.

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    • 555

      That sucks, dogs shouldn't be kept in cages.

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  • newnormal

    Put it in a bag and throw it in the river. Tell him it ran away.

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  • Wow3986

    You people are sick. This lady is probably abusing her cat, and you say this is normal. Terrible.

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  • Tinybird

    If you hate her and see her as just a sick expensive nuisance, then why did you think "I’m just afraid for the day I find her no longer breathing" ?

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    • Beachstep001

      I am really not fond of this cat.. but that doesn’t mean I’m like eager for her to die lol. This is a difficult situation, hence why I came here

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  • Vvaas


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  • Meowypowers

    So are you guys gonna ruin a dog's life next?

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    • Beachstep001

      To clarify- I just really am a dog person and not a cat person. I love my dog more than anything and I’ve changed my whole life for him. Long walks 2-3 times a day, play time with his mountains of toys, and weekly trips hiking or to dog parks. Dog just fit my lifestyle better. Both my pets are taken care of well and I would never mistreat them, even if I don’t have an emotional connection with my cat.

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