Is it normal that i hate old fashioned people

Is it normal that I hate people who are old fashioned when it comes to dressing and doing other stuff.

I have no problem with old people dressing up in old fashioned clothes and doing their stuff. But I really dislike young people who who look out dated. I feel like they are a disgrace to our generation.

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23% Normal
Based on 30 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 30 )
  • Tommythecaty

    Your opinions are a disgrace to your generation.

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  • Boojum

    It's nice to know that, since I came of age in the seventies, I have your approval to wear my long-collared paisley-pattern shirt (with two buttons undone to display my hairy chest and gold medallion), beige flares and platform shoes.

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    • a-curious-bunny


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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    Anyone who wears new/trendy clothes just because they're new/trendy is a tool.

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    • SmokeEverything

      People who do anything cause its trendy are always toolish and boring.

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  • libertybell

    I like 1800's clothes. Prairie dresses, knee breeches, pocket watches.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    so is my lime green leisure suit cool or not?

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    • Not at all cool.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        wearin it while playin pantera and dabbin at the haters makes it cool

        plus its me wearin it so thats automatic cool right there

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  • RoseIsabella

    I miss babydoll shirts, bootcut jeans and Doc Martens!

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  • SwickDinging

    I don't spend much time thinking about how other people dress.

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  • Bluishorange

    Old fashioned? You mean you prefer trendy but not hipster trendy. Why do you care? Are they hurting you?

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  • freakyman69

    I dont care how other people dress. not my problem.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    What qualifies as old fashioned? My fashion sense is still stuck in 2006. XD

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    • RoseIsabella

      I miss the turn of the century.

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    • Like some hand knit, warm sweater,some hipsters etc.

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      • SmokeEverything

        That's not really old fashioned though. Like if somebody wears old clothes because they bought them at a thrift store because they're poor that isn't a hipster, its just wearing outdated clothing. Ive always condisered the qualifying factor to hipsterdom is that they're purposely picking things other people wouldnt wear or like specifically just to seem "different" Hipsters go to "vintage clothing stores" and spend $80 on a jacket that would be $5 at a real thrift store.

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  • Meatballsandwich

    Well, the problem is, there is actually nothing that is new nowadays.

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    • a-curious-bunny

      I'm pretty certain the fashion industry is trying to kill itself. It seems like every year its more and more acceptable to show more skin. I used to work with a 15 year old girl who wore shorts so short they could be underwear. Like they left nothing to the imagination. Talk about craziness. My old job sold dresses in the preteen section that is something I would wear when I go clubbing on the prowl for some dick(I dont do that but you get the idea) this was at target to. Fucking crazy.

      Parents need to stop letting there kids dress this way. Its common in my area to see 10 year olds in fucking leggings. I swear the world now days is a pedos dream with the way parents let kids dress

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      • I have to agree with you coz your comment is pretty strong. Didn't really think of

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      • justdippinginthecesspool

        It might be some pedos' dream now, but not for long. Everyone shows more skin = everyone gets desensitized.

        Ever heard of a modern guy (without a fetish anyway) getting hot and bothered 'cause he saw a woman's ankles? I doubt it, but back in ye olden times, it was indecent for women to show ankles.

        It's a similar deal for indigenous peoples and animals who live with everything on display too. The showing of the body doesn't always have to be sexual.

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        • a-curious-bunny

          Thats true but we live in a world were animators removes animals sheaths from cartoons. A very natural and important part of their anatomy. We secuslize the shit out of stuff in first world countries at least here in the u.s yet we have kids dressing sluttier and skuttier and heck parents 2. There has to be a line no? I just don't get it a 19 year old sleeps with a 17 year old and everyone freaks out but you have little kids dressing like strippers and no one cares

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  • my_life_my_way

    I found it annoying when people have overly old fashioned or conservative views but I don’t really have much problem with them wearing out dated or unstylish clothes.

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  • jodi1955

    it is discrimination to judge someone because they dress different that what you think they should. maybe they are happy dressing that way after all its their right is it not?

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  • floral_cactus

    I think being narrow minded is normal but not very likeable. It really makes your life unpleasant too.

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  • bbrown95

    I don't think you'd like me very well then, lol. I would consider myself horribly dated, but I have had hairstyles and a few articles of clothing that are/were not currently the trend anymore at the time. I simply wear what I like and what is comfortable and have literally NEVER been concerned with whether or not it is in style. That sort of thing has just never been a priority to me. I'm 25 for what it's worth.

    When it comes to my house on the other hand, I actually do prefer a very dated look and for an older house with most of the original cosmetic features still intact. I really cannot stand the current trends for homes, as I think they are extremely boring and do not make a home feel inviting or comfortable to me. Not to mention that as someone who does work in multiple houses, mostly new builds and remodels, there is a blatant difference in quality between what was considered "high quality" and "nice" 40+ years ago vs. today, and the older is usually much better made, from a time when things were built to last and quality mattered much more than the very disposable society of today. Maybe I sound like a cynical old fart, but I've seen how the older things hold up vs. the newer and have seen the very obvious difference in quality and craftsmanship/workmanship hands-on. But, I also simply prefer the "dated" '70s look (I know, the horror, many people hate it and it has given me a huge advantage on buying a very nice house for a great price), probably since I grew up with houses that were styled similarly and find that look to remind me of home. Plus, I like the more ornate details and fixtures, more colors than just beige, gray, and white, and nice natural REAL wood (not the crap particle board being used a lot these days, even in higher end homes).

    It's definitely normal to not like the dated look, as many people don't, but I wouldn't go as far as to actively dislike someone over their choice in fashion/trends. Everyone has their own tastes and that's what makes the world interesting.

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  • Unknown_player

    I follow people that cosplay but sometimes they cosplay as medieval times folk.. is that what you mean by old?

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  • ellnell

    I have a thing for hipsters personally....

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  • Somenormie

    For me I dress up in gothic clothing I make sure it is new and trending.

    I mean its fine if someone chooses to dress up in obsolete clothing.

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    • SmokeEverything

      I mean goth clothing isn't exactly new.

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