Is it normal that i hate only certain kinds of dogs?
So, let me start off by saying I have only ever had one dog in my life. She was a Siberian Husky, and when my family and I ended up putting her down, I slept with her on the kitchen floor the night before because I didn't want her to be alone... I cried for days after she passed. I was the only one in my family that forced myself to stay in the room as she passed because I didn't want her to be alone.
Now, reading all of that, you would think I'd love dogs, right?
I hate very specific types of dogs. Particularly smaller ones, however some slober-y dogs really get on my nerves, too.
I have no idea why. I have tried to force myself to like them, tried to force myself to interact with them, and it just... Never works...
I was chased and attacked by a smaller dog when I was a but younger, so maybe it's psychological??? Because sometimes when I see small dogs I get an urge to attack, like a "hurt them before they hurt you. assert dominance." type of deal.
Obviously, I know that's irrational thinking. So I repress those thoughts. I always thought this was something I'd grow out of. But I haven't, and I need to know if this is something I need to reevaluate.
I've never hurt a dog on purpose- Some small ones would trip me up and I'd occasionally step on their paw by accident, but I was always remorseful after and tried to check them to make sure they were okay, even if I disliked that particular dog.
My boyfriend had two dogs, and one recently passed, the one that really annoyed me a lot. I didn't take pleasure in his death but I felt relief, and I feel GUILTY for feeling relief. I love animals and I don't want to feel relief at an animals passing unless it was suffering and needed to be put down.
This particular dog of my boyfriends was very annoying, however. He would whibe constantly if he didn't get his way. He would bark incessantly. He would somehow get into my bag and chew up my clothes. One time he took my underwear and dragged it out into my boyfriends living room, where I assume his mom found then, as they were neatly folded on my boyfriends bed when we got home... Covered in holes and slobber. I was disgusted. And mortified. To the point where I almost felt physically ill. I disliked him before this incedent, but this really made me hate him a lot.
His family was also really big on "Oh we let the dogs do whatever in the house" which is fine, that's their house. But I expect tou to keep tour dogs away from MY things if you invite me to stay there! I would think that's just common curtiousy???
Anyway, from then on i started asking my boyfriend to close his door everytime I was there. Well, we would close his door when getting home and his dog would sit outside of his door and whine. He sat there for Two. Fucking. Hours.
And did anyone try to discipline the dog, or take him away, or tell him that whining would not be rewarded?... No, they open the door and tell my boyfriend the dog NEEDS to come inside because THE DOG wanted to be inside!!! Is it just me or is that crazy??? The dog decides on if my boyfriend and I get to spend alone time together (which we don't often)??? I didn't want to be disrespectful but god did that annoy me.
Other than that, this dog was overly pampered. And I tried being nice so many times. I tried to bond with him by buying sqeaky toys, by taking him for walks, by sitting on the couch with him... Nope. Just felt uncomfortable the entire time.
The thing that solidified me hating this dog particularly was when I was having a panic attack and trying to quietly go outside as to calm myself down and not alert anyone that I was sobbing. I am embarrassed easily and hate crying in front of people but panic attacks are inevitable for me and fresh air calms me down... What does the dog do? Walks up to me, sees me sobbing as I'm about to go out the door, and starts barking wildly. I tried to shoosh him and he just started running around the house barking like crazy. Woke everyone up. I was, yet again, embarrassed as hell. And the second everyone else woke up, what did the dog do? Laid down and went to sleep. Like he had a vendetta against me and once it was fulfilled, he could rest.
I don't have anything I can pinpoint that sets off this emotion in me.
I hate the way dogs smell.
I hate how they can eat their own poop, lick their butts, lick their ballsack etc and yet I'm heartless if I don't let it lick my on the face/mouth let alone my hand (not to mention, the feeling of a dog licking is absolutely disgusting).
I hate how they bark at EVERYTHING. E v e r y t h i n g.
I hate how they jump on me and claw up my legs and arms.
I hate how some dogs are allowed to literally do whatever to whoever and if you say something then the dogs owner (or should I say the dogs pet?) says YOU'RE the one with the issue
I hate how it's perfectly normal to hate cats yet if I tell someone I hate dogs, I'm somehow subhuman...
But, again... This is only some dogs... Others that are well trained and don't take run of the house over their owner, I am okay with. I feel stable around dogs like that.
So, my question is- Is it normal for me to only hate PARTICULAR types of dogs? (Not based on breed but more so their character)
(I apologize in advance for any typos)