Is it normal that i hate people who are against nudity?

Everyone is born naked therefore nudity is a natural thing. Why is it that society must force people to clothe themselves? I believe that nudity is a pure, innocent state that shouldn't be constantly tagged to sex and sexual intentions because it isn't sexual. Why can't people be more accepting of it? I think that those who are non-accepting are close-minded bigots who cannot see past their tiny bubbles. I believe that people should stop being prudish morons and allow people to be naked alot more.

Voting Results
72% Normal
Based on 75 votes (54 yes)
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Comments ( 18 )
  • Anime7

    I can get where you're coming from, but I disagree with you on calling people "prudish morons." I attended a nude party before, a couple of times, just being naked with people and you know what I learned, being naked is kind of uncomfortable. Sleeping naked is uncomfortable. I don't think people who hate nudity are prudes (I'm sure some are though) but I do think that some of those people have good reasons for disliking nudity.

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    • iezegrim

      I can't see how sleeping naked could possibly be uncomfortable but it can get cold and it can be a hassle when you want to get up and go to the bathroom or whatever or even sit up in bed and read a book. I guess if you define discomfort as coldness or inconvenience, you do have a point.

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  • Cock.

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  • redneckgirl1507

    I don't think it should be as tied to sex as it is. People are too hypersexualized.

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    • iezegrim

      I totally agree. When you cover something up, you make it more mysterious, unattainable and desirable. Do you think that clothes are responsible for hypersexualising us?

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  • malkiot

    I don't mind people being naked as such, I just don't feel like seeing ugly/old/disfigured people naked.

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    I totally agree that nudity is natural and should be more widely accepted in our society, but the taboo against it goes way back to the Puritans. You shouldn’t let it bother you, but if it does consider movug to a country where it’s acceptable, like Germany.

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  • Alquen

    I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with nudity, and I do agree that nudity should not be viewed in a sexual way (probably easier said than done when it comes to non-asexual Westerners though).

    There are several problems from a practical standpoint to allowing nudity in many public places though, especially where motor vehicles or other heavy machinery are being operated.

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  • Swan_Theif9854

    Nothing says is sucks to be a woman like a man being able to take his shirt off in the blazing heat -_-

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  • Devyn

    Everyone is born with the sole abilities of sucking and screaming. That doesn't mean that people who can only suck and scream as adults are normal!

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  • iezegrim

    Clothes, like jewelry, are a way of showing status. Without clothes, we'd all be (sort of) equal, and that just wouldn't do for the powers that be. Clothes cover up beautiful bodies so they are also a good way of ensuring that naturally beautiful people don't have too much power, which is probably a good thing because beauty does not confer wisdom.
    Clothes impart and demonstrate status and humans love to accumulate status, probably even more than money, although the two overlap. It was only a few centuries ago that we had Sumptuary Law which forbade common people from wearing the fine clothes associated with the aristocracy. Amazing, but true. We might as well still have it because how often do you see poor people wearing fine, designer clothing from head to toe even though you can buy it cheaply second-hand on eBay or from a second-hand designer clothing store? Often it's cheaper than buying brand-new clothes from Walmart.
    It's important that we always look deeper into humans do the things we do and history is good at answering these questions.
    Another reason is that Western society came from Europe where it's too cold to go nude. Other cultures in hot climates, invariably primitive, have a lot of nudity. There are reasons why people from Europe became far wealthier and more technologically advanced than everywhere else (prior to the discovery of the New World) but I'm not here to write a book. Read "Guns, Germs and Steel" by Jared Diamond. It's a great read.

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  • iezegrim

    I think nudity is fine but to hate people who don't agree with you and I is a bit of a strong reaction. Our social conditioning with regards to living public life clothed is incredibly strong and there are going to be a lot of people who are unable to overcome something that powerful. The thought of walking down the street wearing nothing right now terrifies me and I'm an extremely liberal person. Also, public nudity is against the law and a lot of people equate the law with morality because that's what the law is supposedly based on. BTW, good for you for being at one with your body. it's healthy and good for your sex life.

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  • dirtybirdy

    It would be pretty fuckin crazy if people were born with clothes on

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  • pappusharma

    I am with you.. Support and a vote for nudity....

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  • NotStrangeBird

    Damn straight. If I want to lead a nudist climbing expedition up Everest, that's my right.

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  • Mando

    Surely nudity and public nudity are two different things.

    Nudity in private, like child birth, is obviously natural and acceptable. Public nudity is accepted where people can have a choice - like designated beaches, peeler joints what have you. You decide if that's where you want to be.

    But anywhere anytime? Nope. Too much information.

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  • Energy

    What about rape victims? I'm sure they'd love walking around naked and seeing all those naked people!

    I rather not see cocks everywhere I go. Thank you very much.

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  • Ldizzy1234

    Hmm... good post. I don't know what I feel about this one, but it sure has made me think.

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