Is it normal that i hate people who pressure others into having kids?

I hate people who pressure the childfree to become parents and conform to society's expectations. Why is society so flipping obessed with childbirth and babies? I believe that people should mind their own flipping business and let others live their lives the way they see fit. The breeders and babyworshippers are always going on how selfish the childfree are. Um, excuse me but HAVING kids is selfish. There isn't one reason why HAVING KIDS is non-selfish. So if you ask me, it's the childed folks who are selfish not the childfree.

Voting Results
89% Normal
Based on 73 votes (65 yes)
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Comments ( 27 )
  • howaminotmyself

    I have not noticed this to be a problem in society. I have never felt pressured to have kids. But it almost sounds like you want to pressure people into not having kids...

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  • NocturnePonyFan

    I get pissed off when people automatically assume that, because I'm a woman, I want kids. Like the sole purpose of my existence is to procreate. If other women want to have kids, that's fine. But I wish people would stop assuming that anyone with a vagina wants to use her existence to be a mother, and I wish they would stop being SO shocked and disappointed when they meet someone who doesn't want that in her life.

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    • I totally agree. I am surrounded by people like that and what I hate even more is when people say, "Oh, you'll change your mind." "When you get older you will want them." It's stupid. Or they treat you as being insane or just stupid. I'm lucky to have a boyfriend who feels the same way. Babies are dream-eaters, so to speak. You have a kid and your life basically vanishes. Not to mention I am absolutely terrified of just the whole...process. The little creature stretches your skin, then crawls out, ripping your vag in the process.

      I could write a whole god damn book about this.

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      • NocturnePonyFan

        Oh man, for real...I saw a video of a live birth in science class once as a kid. While everyone else was like, "OMGBAYBEEEEE" and "Aww it's a MIRACLE!", I was so repulsed by all the blood and goop that I vowed then and there to NEVER have that happen to me. Actually passed out when they cut her vag to make room for the baby's head. That shit looks like it hurts, and it's just not worth it to me!

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        • Dude, when my mom gave birth to my little brother I freaked the fuck out. I was like you too, the one kid that sat there actually traumatized while everyone else was screaming about how cute and bloody the writhing ball of flesh was. Haha.

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    • regisphilbin

      agree 100%

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  • KillerWombat

    Oh my God, I could rant here all night. I am extremely lucky in that I was able to get my tubes tied at 24; I actually had a couple of pages typed up of reasons why I should be fixed just in case the doctor tried to argue with me! I've heard the horror stories from so many other women who wanted their tubes snipped and were denied because 'they weren't old enough' and/or 'they didn't have enough kids.' Uh, what? Since when was it up to some stranger to decide that I, as an individual, must procreate? No. Fuck that. We know ourselves far better than the world would like to give us credit for. I've never had a maternal instinct, and I'm tired of hearing from people left and right that I should have one or else there's something wrong with me. I will be quite happy with my soon-to-be husband and our cats, thanks very much! :D Feline children are so much nicer and cleaner than little screaming shitsacks who eat boogers and smear their poo on the walls. I have no desire to harbour a pet monkey; very similar deal with babies.

    Sorry about the rant, but it is quite frustrating to be told by total strangers what my deepest wishes and desires are and that I'm basically damaging myself if I don't do what they want me to do. Gack!

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    • I love you. That's exactly how I feel.

      Also, can I ask you a question?
      Do you feel any different after having your tubes tied 'cause I want to do it...really bad...and I don't know enough women who have done it that haven't had kids...

      Again, you're my freakin hero, chick. haha

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  • hairyfairy

    It`s really irritating when people expect you to do something just because it`s expected of you. People used to say nasty things to me when I told them that I didn`t want kids. No wonder there`s a population explosion.

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    • Indeed. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.

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  • kelili

    I bet it's again you Rosie45!!!

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    • What are you talking about? This is Lillian63's post.

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      • disthing

        Are you sure you're not both the same person?

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        • Quite sure.

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  • Solarith

    Breeders are disgraceful

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  • Jill123

    Yeah, people should mind their own business but they're ignorant and never do. Childbirth is not always so bad. Many women have easy deliveries. What about those with 10 kids? We live in a society where people are obsessed with someone else's life instead of their own. Women especially are nosy and gossipy and think every woman on earth should have kids. It amazes me how some people are so into the lives of others instead of their own. Maybe their own life is too boring?

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  • SeverusFan23

    I agree with you. People should mind their own business. No one should pressure others to have kids.

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  • Energy

    I think babies are ugly and annoying. And I'd think it sucks for women to have to go through all that pain to give birth. How is that fair? Nonetheless, I wouldn't even want to put my wife through that. If I ever wanted a kid I'd adopt one.

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    • Yeah, i'm a female and the fact that we have to go through that does indeed suck. It's nice of you to not put your wife through that though.

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  • Mando

    I've met one person like that, just a bit. That is all. But maybe you are so good looking and fabulous that people think you should replicate! Just a thought. :)

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    • Hmmmm....I don't know about that.

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  • Ibelievethis

    I don't think anyone has the right to dictate to anyone whether or not they have children. Furthermore some people may desperately want children and may through no fault of their own be not be able to have them. I suppose it would be hard enough being infertile without closed minded people making out that a women is inferior because she doesn't/can't have children. Also karma has a great role to play as well. When I was TTC a very ex friend of mine became pregnant and yes I was jealous and her attitude was well if you can't handle that I'm pregnant and you're not then tough. Well when she was trying for her second child she was not so self assured as she had problems conceiving, I shouldn't say this but I couldn't help thinking what goes around comes around. xx

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  • Lillian63

    Well I'm not so there. I'm just saying that people can be over obsessed with kids. That's all.

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  • Darkoil

    I agree, I see like 20 year old guys having babies because it's what their girlfriends want and I just think grow a fucking pair of balls. I know shit loads of people in my year who have ruined their entire lives by having children too early. If the best thing a person can achieve in life is having a baby then I feel sorry for them.

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    • I totally agree.

      But what about guys like me who say "no", so she stops taking the pill and doesn't tell me.

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      • Dumb bitch be worthless, as my little brother always says.

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        • Smart kid.

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