Is it normal that i hate pregnant smokers who don't try to quit
Something I've noticed is that people don't get annoyed at pregnant women who continue to smoke or drink. When I've tried to talk to them about the possible consiquences of these things, (low birth weight, increased chance of a miscarriage or stillbirth, under developed lungs, eyes and brain, SIDs to name a few), I'm always met with defensive and nonsensical statements like "I have an addiction!", "it's MY body", and of course, "my first kid turned out fine!" My thought is that if you've decided not to have an abortion, then it's not just your body anyone. I realize addictions are hard, but why not wait until you've quit before deciding to have a baby? I guess, I just can't help but see it as selfish, because their addiction will most likely negatively impact their kids throughout their entire lives. Is this crazy?