Is it normal that i hate pregnant smokers who don't try to quit

Something I've noticed is that people don't get annoyed at pregnant women who continue to smoke or drink. When I've tried to talk to them about the possible consiquences of these things, (low birth weight, increased chance of a miscarriage or stillbirth, under developed lungs, eyes and brain, SIDs to name a few), I'm always met with defensive and nonsensical statements like "I have an addiction!", "it's MY body", and of course, "my first kid turned out fine!" My thought is that if you've decided not to have an abortion, then it's not just your body anyone. I realize addictions are hard, but why not wait until you've quit before deciding to have a baby? I guess, I just can't help but see it as selfish, because their addiction will most likely negatively impact their kids throughout their entire lives. Is this crazy?

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83% Normal
Based on 84 votes (70 yes)
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Comments ( 34 )
  • Hamid37USA

    When I last wife smoke when pregnant it make her have girl. I had to have my wife put down for bringing shame to family.

    your welcome

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  • anti-hero

    Yeah it is pretty stupid.

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  • Having kids is all about making sacrifices for yourself. I get that quitting an addiction can sometimes be suffering for the quitter. However if your not willing to suffer for your kids then you obviously are unable to love them enough to deserve to be a parent.

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  • elowen

    It's incredibly trashy and irresponsible for someone to do that to their child.

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    • kelili

      It's trashy but it's her business, isn't it?

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      • The_Flying_Spaghetti_Monster

        I don't care that it's trashy. It's irresponsible and selfish. If that woman has a sick baby or miscarries due to her actions, it affects everyone around her and it's then no longer just her business.

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        • kelili


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  • The_Flying_Spaghetti_Monster

    I should clarify that I'm not talking about smokers who are still in the process of quitting while they're pregnant, because addictions are difficult things to get over and pregnancies, in most cases aren't planned. What I'm talking about are women who didn't even try, who are 6, 7, 8 months along and shamelessly smoking a pack a day.

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  • thegypsysailor

    What makes you think it's any of your damn business? Why don't you worry about your imperfections?
    It's busybodies like you who drive me crazy.
    Mind your own business!

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    • elowen

      You're probably the trash that does shit like this. Smoking can cause birth defects in children, no one cares about the mother's health.

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      • Bullshit. Smokers have become the new, politically correct scapegoat...someone for the masses to beat down to make themselves feel important.

        My wife smoked and all three of our children were above average weight at birth, are above average intelligence, and athletic.

        I'm reminded of a story I read in our regional newspaper about a pregnant woman who, in a psychotic rage, murdered her husband...and, in the midst of sawing his body to pieces, stepped out onto the balcony to have a cigarette...
        ...public reaction? Good God...everyone who wrote in was appalled that a pregnant woman was smoking.

        Mind your own fucking business and quit being bated by your own insecurities. You don't have to have a group of people to hate to feel better about yourself...or maybe you do.

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        • The_Flying_Spaghetti_Monster

          Getting kinda defensive. Are you sure YOU'RE not insecure? You're right, sometimes nothing does happen. It's often hard to tell until kids are older, but it does lessen the oxygen going to the fetuses brain and can cause cell growth, specifically in the lungs, which leads to cancer. Smoking while pregnant can result in your children developing lung cancer later on in life, even if they never smoke. I know a family where the mother smoked: her first became diabetic at 6 years old, her second is blind and her third has horrible asthma. They're all quite a bit shorter than their parents. Smoking can cause serious problems; you just got lucky.

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          • I'm not the one who needs a subculture to belittle in order to prop up my own image and feel better about myself.

            ...let me explain how statistics work with one example:

            1 in 500 children in the general population get ear infections. 1 in 100 children of smokers get ear infections. Despite causation not being proven (do smokers' kids tend to live in lower income homes subjected to other influences?...that and other questions are never addressed), the result is...five times as many smokers' kids get ear infections...hence...second-hand smoke causes ear infections. Conventional wisdom claims that second hand smoke causes ear infections in to it, even though 99 out of 100 smokers' kids never get them.

            ...same rule applies with your assumption that women who smoke while pregnant ARE KILLING THEIR FUCKING KIDS! It's bullshit.

            ...other bullshit claims made about smoking:

            low birth weight
            ingrown toenails
            early aging
            premature birth
            cancer?..(question mark on this one...could be)

            No factual causation exists for any of these claims.

            Smoking is bad. It causes copd (including emphysema and chronic bronchitis), weakens the heart, and may raise the risk for lung cancer. Beyond that...leave facts as facts, and quit looking for sub-groups to beat down. I'm glad I don't feel like I have to humiliate people to feel better about myself.

            I would expect someone with the username of a tongue-in-cheek belief that ridicules mainstream, deontological religion would view the world with more skepticism.

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      • thegypsysailor

        Maybe you've had a few too many and still got behind the wheel, "it's only a couple of blocks...".
        You probably use your phone while driving, texting?
        Are you that perfect? Does that mean you have the right to criticize others who aren't hurting you?
        Again, mind your own damn business.

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        • The_Flying_Spaghetti_Monster

          Wait, how does drunk/irresponsible driving not hurt anyone? This kills people everday!! I get what you're trying to say, but your example was awful :P

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          • thegypsysailor

            I'm sorry if I wasn't clear. I was talking to those who feel they have the right to criticize others; are they perfect?
            Of course drinking and driving can hurt others, as does phone driving, that was the point.
            What is the saying, "let those without sin cast the first stone...", though I am not religious it does suit this thread.

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            • The_Flying_Spaghetti_Monster

              Drunk drivers and pregnant smokers/drug addicts share the same attitude: "I do what I want! (even at the risk of another's life)" Having lost my best friend AND my grandmother to drunk drivers, it makes things like that hard to overlook, as my life experiences have made me critical of people with that attitude. With MOST things, I agree, I have no right to judge because I've made PLENTY of mistakes, but I can say none of mine have been at the risk of another person's life or health. I think that is where the line between acceptance and judgement is drawn. between

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    • The_Flying_Spaghetti_Monster

      Because people are knowingly harming their kids. Would you think I'm a busy body if I confronted a parent who beat their kids? The kid could be fine or they could die, just like with smoking. Wouldn't it be better to inform parents of potential risks?

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    • kelili

      I was about to say the same thing. This comment is exactly what I wanted to say.

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  • TZ79

    I personally dont think it should be legal for pregnant woman to even buy cigarettes or alcohol. The baby is underage.
    It is a mothers job to protect her baby & unfortunately a lot of woman are too selfish to care.

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    • The_Flying_Spaghetti_Monster

      I don't think it should be legal either. I think it should be considered child abuse.

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  • kittykat9930

    People who do that really disgust me. They should keep their legs closed instead of making life more complicated.

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    • The_Flying_Spaghetti_Monster

      You cant expect people to stop having sex. It won't happen :P The responsible thing to do, if someone is pregnant and doesn't intend to quit smoking/drinking/doing hard drugs is to have an abortion. I think some people just can't admit to themselves, or to those around them, that they value their addiction(s) more than the fetus they're carrying, and if that's the case, they're not ready to be a parent.

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      • TZ79

        So... let me get this straight, you think that if someone is too selfish to stop smoking, they should just kill the baby? Wow....

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        • The_Flying_Spaghetti_Monster

          I'm pro-choice, so I don't see it as killing (or as a baby) until around the second trimester. In that case, no I don't think that would be better, but I do think they probably won't make good parents. It's not my business to make those choices for people, but if they asked for my advice, that's what I would/have told them.

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    • kelili


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      • kittykat9930

        Lol sorry, I said that wrong! I meant that women shouldn't have unprotected sex or try to have a baby if they can't follow the procedures to keep it healthy and safe from toxic things like cigarettes or alcohol.

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  • hairyfairy

    My mother smoked while she was carrying me, & she wonders why I did badly at school, & was a "difficult" child!

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  • CockMonglerTheGreat

    I just hate the fact that these people plan to have kids... In my opinion if you can't straighten your self out... Get a fucking abortion or send em off to an orphanage.

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  • Hate the pregnant, not the smoker.

    Smokers are killing themselves and others, at least doing something of use, unlike fat pigs.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    Having an abortion is destroying a living child inside you. That really is not your body you are killing. I do get the point you are making though its not considerate to the child. I do agree with that part. For similar reasons I am not sure about if I want kids. Since I don't want to risk my child having any medical problems that run in my family.

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  • TZ79

    I quit when I was pregnant. Immediately. I worked in a gas station and heard the "oh its just so hard" bs many times a day. Yes it is hard. Stop whining and be stronger than your addiction.

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    • The_Flying_Spaghetti_Monster

      AGREED! I typically tell people that, "yes, It is hard, but not as hard as a stillbirth, your child dying from SID or having a special needs kid while knowing it was your own fault". They don't like that ;) People get quite defensive when they feel their addictions/parenting skills are being attacked.

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