Is it normal that i hate religion?
I hate that people have to justify their lives with silly made up stories. I hate how religion causes so much violence, and I hate the homophobia caused by religion.
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I hate that people have to justify their lives with silly made up stories. I hate how religion causes so much violence, and I hate the homophobia caused by religion.
I understand people require the support and security that religion brings. But when it comes down to it, you will eventually have to look at the world for what it is and deal with it. Hard truth.
Religion is all belief, not fact. That's the beauty, yet the annoying part about it. You can never be sure whether it's true or not, but some people become so stubborn and so sure that their views are "right" that they just disregard all other views and don't actually think about what the other views are saying. All religion actually does is give people something to believe in so they can try to understand the world, but who knows what's right and not.
all truth, religion is all a load of bollocks imo. its not a problem if people believe this crap in silence, but invasive religeons such as islam which believe that all non islamic should be converted or killed preach hatred and cause division and conflict. and its such a fucking load of BS anyway
Religion is actually very misunderstood. No God promotes hate, fear, homophobia... none of that. It's the humans that ruin it. When priests molest children, does that mean God endorses it ? NO . People, wake up. You guys need religion... we are steering off in a very wrong direction as a whole. Look at our media... we glamorize sluts. What has come to this world when a term such as "casual sex" exists? We need morals, and for a very long time, religion has helped uphold our righteousness. Nowadays, religion itself is corrupted and used by powerful people in manipulation. Follow your heart. Do good and you will do no wrong.
you sir, talk shit.
religion has ever and will ever be corrupted, since it is a tool to control the masses. what people need is NOT religion. but what some people need is faith! you dont need anyone who leads you, takes your money, forces you to go to a certain building or say your payers for that. that's the hypocritical thing about it. faith is a great thing but faith is not based on religion.
religion is somehow based on faith (and fairy tales) and then uses it to gain power.
Religion doesn't lead me, take my money, or force me to go to a certain building to say my prayers. I think I might agree with you though if you are saying that there is a difference between religion (as in organized religion) and having a relationship with God.
thank you you get 20 points no no im not been sarcastic i mean its a very good answer people like you are awesome
What doesn't make sense to me, is, why aren't we shown every religion and given the option to choose which religion WE feel is accurate? We are force fed ONE religion as fact since childhood instead. Seems fishy to me. What I find compelling is studying the texts of every religion, the mahabharata's account of history (India) and the ancient texts from all cultures around the world and THEN compare each one and you can study it more in terms of anthropology, with a scientific perspective keeping an open mind that there can exist mistakes in the record. What makes no sense to me, is after studying the awesome ruins from ancient Egypt, the technology still apparent, the 'unknown' means of the advanced methods they used. It's so awe inspiring, and a forensic record of the past. What I don't understand is why in the hell isn't there anythung in the bible that is consistent with what we see in Egypt? Egypt was close enough that it obviously was a powerful place that the bible should reflect that.
I think that god might exist and religion might of been provided by him in some way.....
But people just fuuuuuked it up!!!!
And a hell lot more....
I was born Jewish......
And I am f&king tired of listening
you r the chosen religion....
you have to give the example....
F&k THEM!!!!!!
I want to have a dam life.....
I like Buddhism though....
its nice.... their philosophy....
They don't seem that bad......
don't take me wrong most religions philosophy I respect and admire,,, Including the once above...
But i just cant stand the fighting the hating on one an other, the I am better than you.......
Get off that cloud...!!! DAM!!!
Don't you think there is enough hate in the world? Why do you want to add to it?
I agree with you. On balance religion does a lot more harm than good. All religions divide!
fuck religion religion is retarted thats why im Atheist with pride you are welcome :)