Is it normal that i hate summer?

I hate summer. Why, you ask? Because it is hot, humid, and there are mosquitoes everywhere. Simple as that. People look at me like I'm an alien when I say I hate summer. I look at THEM like they are aliens when they claim they DO like summer. Why would anyone like being covered in sweat and mosquito bites? In autumn, my skin is comfortable regardless of whether I am hiking up a mountain or relaxing in the shade, and there are no bugs. That is ideal. People who like summer are indoorsy city trash who are always either in an air-conditioned room, or at the beach. I would like to see them forced to march through the woods in summer, and see how much they like it then.

Voting Results
75% Normal
Based on 107 votes (80 yes)
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Comments ( 22 )
  • Anime7

    Right there with you. I'd much prefer a long winter break over a summer one.

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  • infinitron

    I LOVE overcast weather. And fog. And clouds. And snow. And the cold.

    You know what doesn't have any of those things?


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  • SparksTheGoldenFoxie

    Indoorsy city trash eh? I work at a job that requires me to be outside most of the time and we have some of the hottest summers due to humidity on an average day the heat can get as hot as 117 with the humidity! i have grown used to it you should think about how some people have it worse than you

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  • Avant-Garde

    I only like summer because of the break. In general, I hate summer. I can't stand the sweltering heat, the annoying and bloodthirsty insects, the loud neighborhood parties, the beach, etc. When it comes to the seasons, my favourite is Winter. It's traditionally cold and snowy. The trees are naked and the world is silent. The colour scheme is another thing that gets me. I love the black and white.

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  • Mario24

    You hate summer and people dont agree with that making you an alien and you make them alien and you hate them and they hate you... so many haters....

    Advice. You don't like the weather, buy a cooler or air conditioner and don't roam around in the woods. Don't hate others if they don't dislike something. Try to make yourself more comfortable and happy.

    I don't like the weather either but I like summer because my relatives visit me during the break.

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  • billy06

    Indoorsy city trash????? Wow.

    I live in Toronto. Winter sucks. Driving is a pain, public transport is a pain with people wearing big jackets and all.

    I totally agree with feeling a bit uncomfortable in the summer heat but seriously there are worse things (like winter) to complain about :D

    With that said I do enjoy end off summer/beginning of Autumn. I've rarely met people that hate the summer I think only my grandma. I'm sure because this is an internet poll that is why 80% say its normal otherwise it would be the opposite.

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    • bristexai

      You got a problem with Netizens?

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      • billy06


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  • Imposturously_yours

    I've considered moving further north, but people's "getting in shape for the summer" shit pays me well every year, so I have to tolerate it.

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  • avia

    The only thing I like about it is there is no school, I wish they had Autumn break instead of summer break x)

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  • snowtail802

    i love summer with geting a nice tan and wakebordiing and jetskiiiing

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  • It would depend on where you live. If you lived in a colder climate, the summers are mild - it's the deep of winter that you'd be complaining about then. I mean weather so cold it solidifies the rubber on your tires so when you go for a drive it feels like you're driving on square blocks.

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  • f41th_n0_m0r3

    Ohh I have some more reasons; there are people everywhere... like everyone just duplicates 4-5 times when the temperature rises or they simply have no reason to go outside when summer passes.
    And the light! It's painfully bright all the god damn time! It's painfully bright when you wake up and it's still fucking sunny when you wanna sleep...

    The only good things I can find about summer is the fact that icecream and beer somehow tastes better in the sun ;)

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  • Mmmpfh

    I hate summer because I hate the feeling of sweat on my back. I HATE IT SO MUCH.
    Winter is bestest. :D

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    the only thin i like about summer is the off time and no school besides that ants and stuff come in your house due to heat

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  • BurnaBaby27

    Agreed. Every season has its faults in my eyes. Summer has the heat and the bugs / insects, Fall means school's back in session (can't wait til I'm done with college), Winter's typically freezing and I hate snow and ice, but where I live, last winter was pretty lovely actually. It only snowed once I believe and it was only a few inches. It melted within 24 hours. And Spring is allergy season.

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  • NotFloydzie

    I don't dislike the summertime but I despise the excess of heat.

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  • dappled

    I know I'm a swine for finding the positives but it being summer means autumn, winter and spring are coming. You only have to suffer one bad season to have three great ones.

    P.S. People who hate winter, you can apply the same logic.

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  • bananaface

    Summer is my least favourite season, although I don't hate it. I can see why you would, though. No need to call people trash for it.

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    • bristexai

      I hate people who say trash like that, I really do!

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  • dirtybirdy

    Totally blowwwwwsss

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  • anti-hero

    I agree it sucks ass.

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