Is it normal that i hate the news media in america?

Because they are such fucking police state war-mongering government ass kissers. They never question when the US government goes are destroying people civil liberties with unconstitutional laws like the Patriot Act and the National Defense Autorization Act, which give the government the people to arrest, torture, and kill people without a trial. And the news never talks about how the US goes around world torturing and killing people with drone strikes and bombs. I hate them the fucking American news media (CNN, MSNBC, FOX NEWS) never questions the fucking tyranical US government. And then they bash civil liberties groups and anti-war people as being "pro-terrorism" or being "anti-American." Is it normal that I hate the news media in America?

The only news channels I trust are Al-Jazeera and RT.

Voting Results
81% Normal
Based on 63 votes (51 yes)
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Comments ( 40 )
  • suckonthis9

    I agree. Americans should wake up, before they have no freedoms left.
    A good step forward, would be to vote en masse for one of the three 3rd party candidates in the upcoming election as well as candidates for congress and the senate who support these candidates.
    These candidates are:
    Governor Gary Johnson / Judge Jim Gray
    Jill Stein / Cheri Honkala
    Virgil Goode / Jim Clymer
    Why have many Americans not heard of these people?
    Because the corrupt, corporate controlled mass media pretends that these candidates don't exist and have already decided who you are going to vote for!

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    • iEatZombies_

      Thank you!! Finally, someone notices how we're manipulated into kicking our own ass! About damn tired of this shit.

      Really, we're choosing between Obama and Romney?? Nobdy realizes what's going on here???

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    • Yes...but there are actually more than three if you look at the ballot. There always are.

      Johnson's my pick. I've voted Libertarian most of my voting life.

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  • nightmare28

    I think every single news media is biased in one direction or the other, what makes the difference is whether their political side is the same as yours or the opposite. Al-Jezeera for instance always support the Palestinians and always against Israel, no matter whats the situation. One time Al-Jezeera claimed that the Jews (of course all of them being one unit responding to the same headquarters, not individual people) have been warned in advance not to go to work on the day of the September 11 attacks. Everyone just like to hear what they wanna hear.

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  • Americans fail to see that we ARE the terrorists. We use "freedom" as an excuse to kill whoever we think has some money to shake. We are the evil invaders, we are the thieves, and we are blinded by patriotism. I served in the Army for six years and deployed to Iraq in '08. I have seen the war upfront and I have breathed what is in the air. I don't blame and Iraqi freedom fighter for killing any member of the US military, or any allied forces. They are defending their way of life, their homes, their families and everything they believe in. Who are we to tell them how to live? To FORCE democracy on them, to "Americanize" them? That's like me kicking in your front door and saying "I came here to free you, now your going to do everything I say or I'll kill you all". Does that sound fair? I was disgusted when I was on a convoy out in the desert of northern Iraq and I saw a fucking McDonalds in the middle of fucking no where. American greed has even seeped into the war zone, slowly fattening and stupefying all that partake in it. All so greed fat Americans can make an extra buck. I fucking hope they blew that place up, along with everyone inside.

    I wish Americans would wake up and smell the WW3 they are starting. This IS NOT about freedom, this is about money and trying to Americanize yet another country for our personal gain. Don't shake the hands of soldiers, punch them in the face. They are the real terrorists. I'm glad I woke up out of my patriotic stupor, it took a war to do it, but I woke up. America is not even a country anymore. America is a business, a terrorist organization that consumes everything it touches. America blinds it's own people, fools us with talk about freedom and the great American way of life, even as it slowly kills us. It teaches us to be zombies, to instantly hate anything that stands against the flag, even if that thing is right. Endless ranks of "patriot zombies" slowly marching to their death. Tell ya what everyone, why don't we start fighting the real enemy. Everyone should go out today, but a flag and burn it in the street. Enough is enough, stop standing for a country that murders it's own and oppresses everyone around them. America does not need another war for money, America needs revolutionaries to fight it's own tyranny.

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    • Lynxikat

      And your in the US, why?

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      • you gonna pay for my ticket to Europe, get me a new house there and all that? No? Didn't think so. Keepy waving your flag, patriot zombie.

        I have done a lot more for this country than you, so shut the fuck up.

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        • Lynxikat

          Then why don't you SAVE your money and pay a ticket to Europe and get a new house? I'm getting really tired of the "I don't have money" excuse as to why anti-Americans still live in this country. That's a pretty lame excuse. You're in a country where you're ALLOWED to leave you know.

          You should be lucky that you're in a country that's ALLOWED to express thoughts like you do with your pro-Nazi shtick you have going.

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          • iEatZombies_

            You apparently know nothing about bad financial situations.

            Oh, you can't just 'Leave" either. Even with the cash, you still have to find a decent country that wants to take you. I don't feel like explaining this to you. Point is, I've looked into moving and renouncing my citizenship. It's not possible for me, it's certainly not possible for everyone.

            Freedom of Speech is the biggest slap in the face these days. It's like "You can say what you want, we're gonna eff you in the a anyway so what do we care?"

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          • Shit, you're right. Let me just tap into my Swiss bank account to get some funds. Oh shit never mind, this is reality isn't it?

            Oh, and maybe I will stay right here. You know, spread the word and fight the government.

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      • Look at his profile. He's trying to emulate Hitler, who turned an insignificant little socialist party, which blamed the Jews for all of Germany's woes, into a national platform.

        Hitler swayed the masses by expressing benevolance, standing up for the working man, and touting his militarty service...and the sheep followed the crazy man. It's easier to do than you think.

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        • Lynxikat

          Nowadays, I don't think that anybody like Hitler (who was racist, homophobic, and had a goal of eliminating an entire race of people specifically because of the religion they practiced) would ever come into office in the US, or Europe again (Or I could be wrong. I fail when it comes to keeping up with the current status of other countries).

          Personally, I think this guy could care less about the working ma, as long as America and every democratic country that shares even a little bit of America's ideals, is whipped off the planet.

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          • iEatZombies_

            History repeats itself. It will happen again. It always does, it's supposed to.

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    • Sorry, kinda wen't on a rant there. Forgot to add that the media profligates all of this. It makes sure our red, white and blue blinders are on nice and snug. The media will make you see black as white, and evil as good.

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    • rosa333

      Finally, someone who knows what they are talking about.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      Actually you are wrong. Patriotism seems to be dying in this country due to the America haters in the country starting from our own leaders.

      There used to be a thing called American exceptionalism, but now we go around the country bowing and apologizing to the rest of the world. Do you think they respect us more because we've become more tolerant?
      No they just think they can conquer us and force sharia law on us.

      You don't like this country? Wait til you are forced to live under sharia and their backwardness, women having no rights, outlawed modern culture, no religious freedom, etc.

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  • lufa

    Al-Jazeera and RT are both anti-American propaganda arms for Islamic and Communist (Russian) totalitarian regimes.

    You're bitching about America, meanwhile you're supporting news media belonging to the most repressive, backwards and anti-freedom states on the planet. Talk about irony.

    I hate the US news media for lying to Americans about the real threat of Islam. They sugar-coat it and stay silent on the fact that this death cult is more dangerous to humanity than Nazism was.

    The MSM has also become the Obama regime's lapdog and no matter how much he fucks up and bankrupts the country, they refuse to put him in a bad light.

    Your complaints are fictious and overly-exaggerated. You should be grateful that the US has spent it's blood and treasure to try to bring freedom to your shithole countries.

    We have the Patriot Act because being laxed allowed muslim terrorists to attack and kill 3,000 Americans and destroy important institutions in a brazen act of war. Muslims should be thankful the US didn't drop nukes on the mideast, but don't count that out completely.

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    • I was with you till the last paragraph. The Patriot Act is nothing more than another tool to chip away at the 4th Amendment. Doing so is more dangerous than terrorism...but everything else you said is exactly right. I bumped you back up for the rest of the content.

      The IIN community can vote me down now...

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  • dom180

    Because capitalism dictates that the networks make more money if they give people what they want. What people want are absolutes and over-simplifications of facts, so that's what the news gives you.

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    • iEatZombies_

      You're young, right? I think you said 17, once.
      Whatever the case, you're a smart one, and you should totally set yourself up for a meaningful career. I think you'd make a big difference.

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      • dom180

        Yes, I'm 17. Making a difference is something I want to achieve in my life; it's just a question of scale and the route I take.

        Thank you :') (: (:

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        • robbieforgotpw

          Just don't be deceived that socialism is the way to go. Socialism (current path we're on) may work short-term but you eventually run out of EVERYONE ELSE'S MONEY(the half that actually pay taxes).

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          • dom180

            America is not, and bears zero resemblance to, a socialist country. There may have been a slight shift to the left in the last 4 years, but what the hell did you expect when the Democrats got elected? But the Democrat Party are not socialists, they're just slightly less conservative than the Republicans you're used to, so you can stop quaking in your boots about becoming the next Sweden.

            Does anyone in America know what socialism even is?

            I'm not a socialist, but I sure as hell see exactly as many benefits to socialism as capitalism.

            I'll give your point a chance though. Explain what is so terrible about socialism.

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            • robbieforgotpw

              We may actually skip socialism here in the US, and go directly to world government. It would only take the collapse of Europe. The US would not be able to support the rest of the world, we have a hard enough time here servicing our debt with our trillion dollar plus annual deficits.

              But we've been moving in this direction for decades now. World government is the ultimate goal for the puppet masters. Have you read about agenda 21 associated with the United Nations? Have you seen the small territories that they want Americans to pack like sardines in? Did you know our govt just purchased over 1 billion rounds of ammo? Some speculate it could be for policing its own citizens-conspiracy theory??

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  • Darkoil

    If the news actual showed the footage from the drone strikes that would be awesome. My mate got to pilot a drone strike on a shitty village in afghan, he said they hit right at the point when two terrorists were having gay bum sex on a roof which is hilarious.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      Well, fag sex is punishable by death in Islam. So judgment was carried out swiftly!.

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  • RT = Russia Today?

    Everyone has their bias. It doesn't seem right to blame people for their human nature.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    The news stations that you have cited are more entertainment-news if anything. If you are getting the news from CBS, MSNBC or Fox then you are getting your news from the wrong place. We, as Americans, have to be conscious of where we get our information from. We value our 1st Amendment rights but those rights also belong to the media and they use it to their advantage to get the people riled up or to entertain and make big ratings.

    This is a capitalist country, we actually have to research shit to find the truth here.

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    • iEatZombies_

      You know a couple of years ago Fox did a story on 'emo kids'? Retarded. Ooo >.< So dumb.

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      • Lynxikat

        And that related to her NeuroNeptunian's post, how?

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        • iEatZombies_

          She was stating that Fox News focuses on entertainment. That particular story was entertainment, not news. I was telling her an example of their lack of news which she spoke of, which directly relates.

          That's how.

          Apparently two other people needed me to spell it out for them, too.

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  • donuthell45

    it's because bill kristol and Rupert Murdoch own the media right now.

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  • MeHTa

    Kaiser, let me just say this, I wasn't born in this country and in a lot of ways I agree with things you have said but I stand behind this country and would never desecrate the flag. How fucking dare you to say that you cowardly piece of shit. I bet the only reason you survived the deployment is because you were hiding behind fellow soldier's backs while they got shot. More do i can bet my life on the fact that the only place you ever even make your opinion heard is here as here you don't have a face or name, you cowardly piece of shit.

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  • MeHTa

    Trusting Al Jazeera (fell of the chair laughing) are just new or stupid? Al Jaserra is just like Fox pushing their agenda and lying through their teeth! I lived in Israel, I have seen terrorism through my own eyes. Go to the middle east and see for yourself. And by the way, I have Iranian friends, Iraqis, I worked with Egyptians and never had ANY problems. Thank governments for fueling the hate on both sides. But Al Jazeera is far from being truthful. They only show hatred towards Western World, United States and Israel. But hey, you don't like politics here, you are free to go to syria for example.

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  • Lynxikat

    I don't like the media because they're soulless pieces of garbage who humiliate people just because they're famous; I also don't like the media because they're the ones who made people like the Kardashians and the cast of Jersey Shore famous and treat them as though America cares about them.

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  • yesnomaybeso

    I'd say this happens everywhere...

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  • Singingcutie4

    Hooray for RT! I totally agree with you. It's all propaganda.

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    Fucking foreigners

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