Is it normal that i hate "virgin" being used as an insult?

"Virgin" is a common insult on the internet and is used on a lot of websites but I think it has to be one of the most rude and ignorant negative feedbacks ever. Just because someone hasn't *ahem* done it or had any relationship doesn't mean they are worse as a person or in any other type of way. It's fine if you're dating and fine if you go even deeper too, but ranking other lifeforms below you just because they don't want or can't get a partner is plain sad. Is it normal I hate this being used in any type of negative form?

Voting Results
91% Normal
Based on 137 votes (125 yes)
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Comments ( 20 )
  • wigsplitz

    It makes the same amount of sense that calling someone a 'slut' does.

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    • VioletTrees


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    • Depends entirely. A lot of problems can happen due to "sluts" or "man whores" that can happen by a virgin, such as S.T.D's and pregnancy.

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      • wigsplitz

        No, it's just the point that someone is 'insulting' another based solely on their personal sexual choices and nothing more.

        People have the right to have, or not have sex, and should have the right to not be insulted based upon that choice.

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  • Mando

    It never occurred to me that "virgin" would be used as an insult. But if it is you should consider the source because it is pretty immature and stupid. "Virgin" - so what - and as opposed to what? Having had sex is no big accomplishment nor is not having had it a big deal. That's just pathetic.

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  • kelili

    You're such a virgin!

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    • mightymouse

      What you've commented is not funny. That's all.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Yeah well at least i ain't an easy whore bag who gave it up at the age of 12

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  • It's normal that you hate it.

    I'm not condoning the use of the word as an insult, just hypothesizing about why it is used:

    virgin = lack of sexual expertise
    So, it's a prime word as an insult to someone who appears old enough to have sexual experience.

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  • I'm a virgin, and although I don't plan on being one for a long time, I don't plan on doing what it takes before having sex with someone (Romance).

    I will probably be a virgin in to my late 20s. Oh well.

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  • electricblueoceans

    I'm never going to do it. So I'm going to embrace it. Yay for virgins!

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  • ChaoticBunny

    I'm so sick of those trashy people brag about how many guys/girls they slept with. Its immature and stupid. Losing your virginity isn't something to rush into just to be "cool." I heard some 12 yr old kids talking about that kind of stuff on the train the other day and they were dressed like whores. I'm not saying sex is a bad thing. Its just kids are growing up way too fast these days.

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  • justsomeweirdchick

    It shouldn't be used as an insult. I find it ridiculous that anybody uses it as so. Human society is being awful.

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  • pambambam

    I hate virgins!

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  • loopoo

    Yes in a world full of slutty girls, virgins are a breath of fresh air!

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    It's supply and demand like everything else in the world. Women get sex very easily so they don't value sex as much as men do, since the latter are faced with scarcity in this domain. That's why slut is as offensive to women as virgin is to a man. I have to admit that as a shy boy I was relieved to get rid of my virginity which I truly considered a flaw and a burden. I'm still a very insecure man and always fear that my last relationship might be truly my last...

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  • OswaldCobblepot

    How very reasonable of you.

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    • VioletTrees

      It SEEMS reasonable, but I'm still on my guard.

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  • Imsupernormal

    The only people who hate "virgin" being used as an insult are other virgins. VIRGIN!!!!

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    • CheifSmackThatAss

      Couldn't agree more.

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