Is it normal that i hate waste?

My parents were survivors of the Great Depression and also country people so I grew up with recycling and composting long before such things were trendy.

I hate to see waste: good food being thrown out; lights left burning and appliances left turned on; dripping taps ... you name it, I really hate it.

I'm particularly annoyed by standby lights on applicances: what are they for except to enrich utility companies? Why do they have to announce "I'm a microwave" or "I'm a DVD player" their pointless little red lights?

I do tend to turn off lights and dripping taps in other people's houses too and I get annoyed with people who complain about the electricity and water bills but keep wasting both.

My leftover food goes to the dog or in the compost and I recycle so much I only have to put garbage out for collection every couple of weeks or so.

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90% Normal
Based on 21 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • howaminotmyself

    Good for you. Waste is something we are all too comfortable with. I don't get angry at dripping taps, although my housemate once dismantled the faucette because of a drip. But it was the noise that bothered her. And I once had to explain what composting was to my boss. Silly city boy knew nothing of gardening. My city has a composting program, it's helped reduce so much waste. And I love that kids today are learning that trash isn't a catch all term. Paper and boxes aren't trash. Plastic containers....dont get me started.

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    • Ellenna

      Thanks for your positive response: I was (and still am) expecting posts saying I'm an enviro-nazi or something equally ridiculous.

      I forgot to mention that I also put all my vegie peelings & scraps into a container in the freezer and when it's full I boil it up for 1/2 an hour and have my own vegie stock! I haven't been doing it for long but it's made an amazing difference to the flavour of rice, pasta, sauces etc. After I've strained it through a seive & put it in a bottle in the fridge the pulp goes into the compost - double recyling!

      I got the idea from my daughter's thermomix, but I can do it with an ordinary large pot on top of the stove and the thermomix receipe has heaps of salt in it, which mine doesn't need because I use it in a few days and then start another one.

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      • howaminotmyself

        I live in a hippie mecca, nothing about recycling shocks me. I don't reuse nearly as much as I did pre kids because it is easy to be lazy. But it pains me to see my in laws throw paper plates and soda cans in the trash. And they have curb side recycling!

        I don't make veggie stock as much as I should, but I always make chicken stock. That's just what you do. My biggest environmental effort is ditching the car. I have a personal goal of getting strong enough to take my toddler for rides in his bike trailer.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    well todays society must be tough to deal with

    id be more worried bout yalls microwave and dvd players and everythin else wearin out every few years then a dimes wortha power a month for the light

    i bought myself and everyone led bulbs for last christmas and installed em they uses8 watts use 80 watts light and i got em at wholesale cost but if yall shop round theres deals

    funny story tonight i made asian stirfry chicken with a buncha vegetables a buncha fresh ginger & garlic and rice noodles

    i split it up into 2 dishes and made about 1/3 with curry and 2/3 with soy

    i used hot pepper oil as a base for everythin and aint never used it before and it blew my face off when i tried the food

    too much and too hot and thats from a feller what had a misspent youth in the big easy

    fuck it im gonna eat it anyway ill be fucked if it goes to waste

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    • Ellenna

      I hardly ever use the microwave except to thaw out the dog's bones and I've had it for about 5 years, the DVD player ditto. I'm about to take the VCR to a local bloke who actually fixes them

      Hmmmmmm........ about your cooking, I hope your mouth & internal organs don't get too much a shock from all that hot stuff. If it weren't for the chicken you could compost it. Don't you know any dogs you could give it to?

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        my dawg gits dawgfood only

        plus i git the feelin that any dawg eatin my napalm chicken would be shootin flamin shit all over the fuckin place

        as unpleasant as eatin this foods gonna be i can handle it for the next few days

        i aint puttin ol roy thru that

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