Is it normal that i hate waste?
My parents were survivors of the Great Depression and also country people so I grew up with recycling and composting long before such things were trendy.
I hate to see waste: good food being thrown out; lights left burning and appliances left turned on; dripping taps ... you name it, I really hate it.
I'm particularly annoyed by standby lights on applicances: what are they for except to enrich utility companies? Why do they have to announce "I'm a microwave" or "I'm a DVD player" their pointless little red lights?
I do tend to turn off lights and dripping taps in other people's houses too and I get annoyed with people who complain about the electricity and water bills but keep wasting both.
My leftover food goes to the dog or in the compost and I recycle so much I only have to put garbage out for collection every couple of weeks or so.