Is it normal that i hate what people are saying on the internet?

I have a few points that I need to talk about. So I'm going to start with this threat that is being thrown out there. It really annoys me when I read a post that says 'Hurt her and I'll break your neck!'. It's such an odd way of showing affection, by saying that you will murder anyone who hurts their friend's feelings. Obviously they wouldn't murder them really, but then why say it? It's completely unnecessary.

Next, I'm getting sick to death of these inspirational 'YOLO' related posts that seem to be posted every single day. They are just useless and in hindsight, they're not going to help me at all because I'm not going laugh through the sad times or anything else they are demanding. Also, the whole concept of YOLO has been distorted into people believing they can act like complete douches and do whatever the want because YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE. YOLO does not mean get drunk every night and waste your education, if you only live once then that surely means you should live it by following your dreams and making something of yourself.

Also, what is up with people making up stories to go with photos these days? The other day, this photo was uploaded of a lad who had his back sliced with a carving knife, and the supposed caption was said that he was a PE teacher who repeatedly raped one of his students, and a mother walked in to find them (IN HER HOUSE) and cut him up with a knife. I looked this up myself because there was no evidence to suggest that the story was true or if the photo was linked to it, and had my theory proven. Not only is this a sick story, but it paints the person in the photograph, who may or may not be a victim, as a criminal and a rapist.

Last point, when people say 'like for a paragraph' and the paragraph is always ended with a 'don't change'. Well, they are going to change whether they like it or not because we change every day. It's such a pointless demand.

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88% Normal
Based on 48 votes (42 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • dom180

    What I find a bit worrying is all these things which say "LIKE IF YOU REMEMBER THIS!!!1!!" and have an image of an incredibly well-known pop culture reference, like an image of a terrible 90s sitcom or kid's TV show.

    The worrying part is that you see these images get literally millions of likes. People are such sheep that they will click a button to like a picture just because the picture told them to. It's as if they can't even think for themselves.

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  • Tend to be fifteen year old girls making them in attempts to make a soppy input to Facebook.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Lol, I have a few friends that believed in Yolo.
    Now they are living with their parents/boyfriends, broke, jobless and taking care of babies while me (the lame one) is going to college, working, and Iunno, trying to be something. Yolo my ass.

    However, people are people and people need to express themselves and their true thoughts and like you, it feels better to have your thoughts read and possibly appreciated than to write them into some journal to be locked away in some closet as if they never mattered or existed. People need validation and for many people who come from families of people that might as well be deaf, blind and dumb and circles of friends that are too self-absorbed to lend a listening ear, the internet is the closest thing they can come to to the uplifting human experience that is being validated.

    It's normal to be annoyed by the stupidity and normal to be annoyed by the stupid-ass mentalities being projected (Yolo being among the top 10, the glorifying of violence without the balls to commit it, etc.), but it is what it is and I would rather someone go onto the internet and type their feelings away furiously at the keyboard than say... come to my workplace and shoot me in the back as I try to flee :P

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    • Haha that makes a lot of sense!

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Totally understand you, especially about the YOLO thing.

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  • Terence_the_viking


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  • kelili

    It's normal to disagree with the way other people talk, write, think etc.. It has been like that since humanity exists. I think that you take yourself too seriously. We are all different and that's what make discussion so good.

    I partly agree with what you have said.

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  • thanksforthefreecar

    The internet is kinda terrible

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    • bristexai

      Can I use your profile picture for a newsletter?

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      • thanksforthefreecar

        Its a kalydoscope

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      • thanksforthefreecar

        Yes. Why didn't you ask me that on one of my stories?

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  • myweirdself16

    I agree. There are a few things I would like to add, too.
    All of the people called "trolls" and how they just screw up a comment section or page with hate and insults. Why do people feel the need to make others angry for their own enjoyment?
    And the spambots! Those people who make accounts just to post something like "I work at home and make 1000$ every hour, click on this website to learn how!"

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  • Yolo that my friend.... Yolo that

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  • bristexai

    I love and hate the Internet.

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  • thanksforthefreecar

    Yolo is the stupidest thing ever

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  • cantheist

    I love the Internet for those reasons. It's a termite eating the wood of the coffin named society.

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    Cool story bro

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