Is it normal that i have a fascination with serial killers
i know im not one but i just want to know what really makes them tick,its not about the killing im just interested in their minds
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i know im not one but i just want to know what really makes them tick,its not about the killing im just interested in their minds
They are very interesting in a sick twisted way. Watch the show 'most evil'. Some doctor guy rates them on a scale that he developed to judge just how evil they are. He interviews them and finds out stuff about their childhood and whatnot. Very interesting
It's interesting to me too. I love forensics and psychology. I think the criminal mind is facinating. What makes people like Joran Van Der Sloot tick? He had every advantage and a normal childhood. It's very interesting.
This kind of interest can grow into a career as a researcher or forensics investigator - or even author. :) good luck!
Me too... I wonder what happened to them to make them so evil.. I think of them as babies and with their moms innocent and then they grow up to be horrible ppl. If your that interested become a pschologist or phyciatrist. I have a friend that is a phchiatrist and works in the prison systems... Super facinating but I don't think I could do that. I don't have a thick enough skin.
I'm interested in them too. I don't say i love them! But mind is playing weird games with humans. i've heard that many of serial killers, kill people that they know, just because they want to give their self a reason to suicide or get killed. Can u imagine their psychological condition?
Absolutely normal!.. It's actually very interesting object..
I think it's quite normal - that's why there are so many movies and books on serial killers and what they've done.
I find them quite interesting too.
I'm the same, I wonder why they would do it and what made them or brought them to that point.
It's normal curiousity.
Do you find school shootings fascinating as well? (serious question btw)