Is it normal that i have a fear of a mass of roaches?
Well, I'm not sure if its a fear or something, but I'm having difficulty trying to even explain what it is. And its not one roach. I can see one roach. If it was like 10 or more roaches all in one place I just shudder and I clench my teeth and I just freak tf out.
There was this one time (not at band camp) when I was walking with my bf in our neighborhood in the street (not a busy street) and a car was coming so I got on the sidewalk. (I don't walk on sidewalks at night when there are a lot of trees because I think roaches are going to fall out of the trees on me). I had a strange feeling to stop and look down, and I was standing in a bed of them. (Later I learned I conveniently stood where there was a sewer leak. Ah the joy.)I nearly lost it I couldn't stop shaking and literally gouging and scratching my skin like something's crawling on me. I was literally stripping in the middle of the street, my bf had to intervene. I can't even think about it without twitching and clenching my teeth. I even leave welts in some episodes. And for some odd reason the only thing I see or can think about is a mass amount of roaches and its hard to recover my sanity. I have to let my mind recover and stop producing the imagery before I can regain stability.
I freak out all my friends when we're watching something like Total Blackout and I obsess with saying "Is it roaches, it can't be roaches, tell me if its roaches, I can't look" and start spazzing out like above.
And as I said its only with multiple roaches. One roach, cool. Mass of roaches.... am I even making sense? Sorry its so long....
Trypophobia? Not even.
Katsaridaphobia? Ehhh idk, like I said one roach is w/e. Its the thought of masses...unless that's all under the same category...I'm rambling...
Basically what I want to know is:
1.) Is it a fear? If so what is it called?
2.) Does any of this sound normal?