Is it normal that i have a fear of a mass of roaches?

Well, I'm not sure if its a fear or something, but I'm having difficulty trying to even explain what it is. And its not one roach. I can see one roach. If it was like 10 or more roaches all in one place I just shudder and I clench my teeth and I just freak tf out.

There was this one time (not at band camp) when I was walking with my bf in our neighborhood in the street (not a busy street) and a car was coming so I got on the sidewalk. (I don't walk on sidewalks at night when there are a lot of trees because I think roaches are going to fall out of the trees on me). I had a strange feeling to stop and look down, and I was standing in a bed of them. (Later I learned I conveniently stood where there was a sewer leak. Ah the joy.)I nearly lost it I couldn't stop shaking and literally gouging and scratching my skin like something's crawling on me. I was literally stripping in the middle of the street, my bf had to intervene. I can't even think about it without twitching and clenching my teeth. I even leave welts in some episodes. And for some odd reason the only thing I see or can think about is a mass amount of roaches and its hard to recover my sanity. I have to let my mind recover and stop producing the imagery before I can regain stability.

I freak out all my friends when we're watching something like Total Blackout and I obsess with saying "Is it roaches, it can't be roaches, tell me if its roaches, I can't look" and start spazzing out like above.

And as I said its only with multiple roaches. One roach, cool. Mass of roaches.... am I even making sense? Sorry its so long....

Trypophobia? Not even.

Katsaridaphobia? Ehhh idk, like I said one roach is w/e. Its the thought of masses...unless that's all under the same category...I'm rambling...

Basically what I want to know is:
1.) Is it a fear? If so what is it called?
2.) Does any of this sound normal?

Voting Results
82% Normal
Based on 39 votes (32 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • RapidlyRotatingPanda

    Starcraft anyone? Hm? No? Mass roaches...christ I'm lonely...

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  • dirtybirdy

    Well they are disgusting. I like bugs too but not those indestructible heathens. I recommend getting an old Toyota truck. This way when the end of the world comes, you'll be OK because old yotas are indestructible as well. Just stay in the truck. Stay. In. The truck! That's my plan anyway. I think I went a little off topic there.

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  • ThatCreepyWhiteGuy

    I plan on stitching together live cockroaches to create a horror that shall ravage the entire world!!!

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  • sky915

    I start to freak out when i see 1 & OMFG DID YOU KNOW THEY FLYYY !!! Im like scared to death of them & i was watching this show on animal planet called infested one crawled up in the ladies ear . Ewww :( 1 time i was sleeping & i felt something on my leg so i shook it off & turned on the light & saw a big ass roach i freaked out screaming . Scarred for life right there !

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