Is it normal that i have a fear of mannequins?

I have a really bad fear of mannequins. To the point where museums really stress me out. I have to have someone go ahead to check for mannequins and even if they tell me there aren't any I have to go into the room very slowly and still shake and have a racing heart and sweaty palms. If I do come across one I tend to have panic attacks or feel like I'm about to be sick or pass out.
Also its only really the ones with faces that are meant to look like real people. I dislike shop mannequins without faces, I get sweaty palms and feel a little panicky but can generally deal with it by skirting round them.

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58% Normal
Based on 48 votes (28 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • sheepysheepy

    mhm... i kinda think some of them are creepy too, like both with faces or without faces... they're like people but they dont move and sometimes i imagine them moving and creepyyyyy X(

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  • EnterUsernameHere

    It seems your phobia has gotten a bit out of control. You should see a therapist.

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  • BigScaryRooster

    I used to be afraid of mannequins when I was a kid. I conquered my fear by walking up to one from behind when no one was around and punched it. I still occasionally punch them from time to time, except the last one I punched was a person and not a mannequin.

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  • DarkAngel212

    Mannequins are creepy! However you should not let any fear consume you. It's really hard to overcome phobias but there is lots of help out there :)

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  • Wubwubwub

    mannequins are sexy..

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    What you are describing is a phobia and it is not normal. I understand how they would make you think "derp, that's weird" but you should probably go see a shrink and ask yourself why you are afraid of them.

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