Is it normal that i have a fear of mirrors?

For as long as I can remember I've been afraid of mirrors and I'm not really sure why. I am fine when I'm using the mirror getting ready, doing my makeup/hair, ect. Then right after I'm done I have to cover it or I'll feel very uneasy and sick to my stomach. Sometimes I'll even start hyperventilating and will be scared to get anywhere close to the mirror. When that happens I usually close my eyes and run to the door. I know this is extremely irrational but they really freak me out. Does anyone else have this fear?

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32% Normal
Based on 112 votes (36 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Anime7

    I think this phobia is normal. I mean, most horror movies show mirrors as being evil. This evil actually stems from a study in demonology that states that mirrors can act as a gateway for demons, true story. However, if you can look at the mirror and get ready, then chances are that your mirror isn't haunted.

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  • chicken_wings

    wear a bag over your head, ugly

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  • ladyluck31

    You scared of yourself.... Is you that hideous, lol

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    • ellie18

      I am far from ugly lol

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  • Jeanette182

    Yes. I am so scared!!! Whenever i look in the mirror i feel like someones watching me...

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  • ellie18

    I don't believe that mirrors are "haunted". Like I said I was afraid of mirrors long before I ever saw a scary movie.

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  • ChanandlerBong

    i kinda know wut ur talkin about... sometimes i get extremely paranoid wen the light's out and i c the mirror... it has something 2 do with the whole "bloody mary" business

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  • Only because i don't have a reflection.....

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  • zeeermeno

    Wow, that's interesting, never heard of that before. I don't know, I'm guessing you're afraid of something showing up behind you or something. To have a phobia it's normal but being afraid of mirrors, I guess it's not too common, there's a difference.

    If it bothers you that much why not get some help? You might get over it c:

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  • MoeLester

    It's weird to think that mirrors (reflections) and photographs are the only way we can see our own faces.

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