Is it normal that i have a fear of peple?

I have a really bad fear of people. It is so bad, that it keeps me from talking to anyone but my best friend. Even if just one person comes up to me, I freak. I keep on saying to myself, "what if they hurt me? What if they lie? What if they kill me? What if..." Ect, ect. Is that normal?

Voting Results
35% Normal
Based on 86 votes (30 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • answerme

    What is a "peple"? People don't just kill people for fun. Besides what happens if your in danger and no one helps because no one knows you?

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  • imadragon

    Can't believe anyone has mentioned social phobia yet.

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  • 12345678oct

    I used to be the same way, and I continue to fear others' for their rejections. It isn't normal to suffer this much, but that doesn't make you weird for feeling the way you do. I hope that with age, you will be able to silence those thoughts that prevent you from making friends. Therapy also helps. Good luck!

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  • Imsupernormal

    Well then quit being a pussy and saying "what if" just go out there and just talk to people without thinking.

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  • disthing

    Yoo shud Luv tha PEPLE!

    (On a serious note, you could have a social anxiety disorder, or a problem with paranoid delusions)

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  • Sithis

    I would say that that is not normal. However I am curious what triggers the fear of people and what specifically do you think about when the anxiety sets in.

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