Is it normal that i have a fear of scabs, cuts and grazes on my knee?

Ever since a child, my Mum has always said when I've fallen over, I've 'made a mountain out of a mole hill' - meaning I overreact and milk it when I hurt myself. But I am now 19 and I fell over recently, causing me a lot of pain. My mum put a plaster on it and then a day later, I attempted to get the plaster off but it was stuck in my scab and after viewing this, I threw up at the sight! Scabs just really repulse me. Wow writing this out definitely sounds weird.

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57% Normal
Based on 54 votes (31 yes)
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Comments ( 1 )
  • FredSumper23

    It usually does sound weird writing something out. I get the same feeling sometimes when asking a question

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