Is it normal that i have a fear of talking?

Ever since I first entered my teens,I've been afraid to talk. In school I was able to comfortably talk with just one girl - I rarely opened my mouth infront of any of my classmates even though I saw them every single day. It's not as if I don't want to talk or don't have what to say,because I do. But everytime I feel the urge to say something,fear just takes over and I end up just thinking about talking,instead of actually doing it...
The only people I can naturally talk to without feeling uncomfortable are my family and a very few close family friends. My mother has always been very concerned about this but she says I'm just a bit too shy and I will grow out of it.
Thank you for taking your time and reading this.

Yes,it is. 22
No,it isn't. 9
It isn't normal,but it's common. 17
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Comments ( 5 )
  • marleyyy33

    Sounds like you have social anxiety maybe if you find the root to where this is coming from you can pluck it and little by little youll open up and eventually you wont ever have this fear i was like that all through grade school and middle school taking speech in highschool kinda helped it but at the same time i dreaded going there just have to suck it up and grow out of it

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  • Talking I was never afraid of, but for the longest time I dreaded driving. Hated it.

    What got me through it was repetition; being forced to do it over and over again. After 3 years of continuously driving I think nothing of it. No fear whatsoever.

    Try talking whenever you can; no matter how badly you feel about it.

    As a sidenote, it's always good to know the origin of things. If shyness is why you can't talk, then why are you shy?

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    • ekptwsi

      I'm shy around people because I always assume they think I'm not good enough and that just scares me.

      Thank you for the advice. :)

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  • awwwtiger

    Let's play a game: drink vodka, smoke weed.. then.. just talk and talk that talk to me, LOL. it works

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  • Shackleford96

    Sure, it's normal. You can break this tendency if you really want to though.

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