Is it normal that i have a loathing for humanity?
Well, I've lived a rough childhood, I won't go into too much detail but I've been beaten, deceived, lied to, more or less stripped of humanity at times and mentally unstable. However, to get back onto topic.. I have a strong dislike for the way humanity is. The way people have sexual fantasies about raping and murdering fictional/real people/characters is just repulsive to me and to be honest, very upsetting. I hear it's completely normal to want to rape/be raped, murder, etc. yet I just can't help but feel like part of humanity's problem is that everyone seems to think that fantasizing about such violent acts is perfectly normal and shouldn't be frowned upon. I understand sexuality isn't something you necessarily choose or anything like that, but I can't help but feel as if I'm not meant to be a part of this world. Not to mention that for many love and sex have nothing to do with one another, and maybe I'm completely wrong, I just believe that sex should be done because of love, and not something as shallow as having sexual intercourse just for physical pleasure. To me, to receive sexual gratification from a hypothetical person with hypothetical feelings being harmed in such a heinous way is wrong, and I'm not trying to act as if my morals is what peoples. should go by.. but, I just can't help but feel like humanity is completely 'fucked'. Is it wrong of me to judge others based on their (in my view at least) sick and unhealthy fantasies? I try to let it go and completely ignore it but it's shoved in my face so often, it's like it's the norm. Is it the norm? Is there an issue with how humanities perceive fantasies as completely harmless due to them not directly harming someone? Or is the issue with me? Please don't butcher me with your "They're just fantasies, that's it." or "You're retarded" anything to that effect will be completely disregarded as I'm not looking for hostile individuals or anyone using the usual defenses.
So I have to ask, is it normal to be so upset with the way humanity is based on a terrible childhood and belief that humanity should care much more about one another rather than being so cruel and selfish (not that selfishness is bad, but in this regard it is.)
Thank you!
(I also apologize if this is in the wrong section, as it covers a vast spectrum of things..)
I'm also new to the site, please be kind.
Thanks again.