Is it normal that i have a loathing for humanity?

Well, I've lived a rough childhood, I won't go into too much detail but I've been beaten, deceived, lied to, more or less stripped of humanity at times and mentally unstable. However, to get back onto topic.. I have a strong dislike for the way humanity is. The way people have sexual fantasies about raping and murdering fictional/real people/characters is just repulsive to me and to be honest, very upsetting. I hear it's completely normal to want to rape/be raped, murder, etc. yet I just can't help but feel like part of humanity's problem is that everyone seems to think that fantasizing about such violent acts is perfectly normal and shouldn't be frowned upon. I understand sexuality isn't something you necessarily choose or anything like that, but I can't help but feel as if I'm not meant to be a part of this world. Not to mention that for many love and sex have nothing to do with one another, and maybe I'm completely wrong, I just believe that sex should be done because of love, and not something as shallow as having sexual intercourse just for physical pleasure. To me, to receive sexual gratification from a hypothetical person with hypothetical feelings being harmed in such a heinous way is wrong, and I'm not trying to act as if my morals is what peoples. should go by.. but, I just can't help but feel like humanity is completely 'fucked'. Is it wrong of me to judge others based on their (in my view at least) sick and unhealthy fantasies? I try to let it go and completely ignore it but it's shoved in my face so often, it's like it's the norm. Is it the norm? Is there an issue with how humanities perceive fantasies as completely harmless due to them not directly harming someone? Or is the issue with me? Please don't butcher me with your "They're just fantasies, that's it." or "You're retarded" anything to that effect will be completely disregarded as I'm not looking for hostile individuals or anyone using the usual defenses.

So I have to ask, is it normal to be so upset with the way humanity is based on a terrible childhood and belief that humanity should care much more about one another rather than being so cruel and selfish (not that selfishness is bad, but in this regard it is.)

Thank you!

(I also apologize if this is in the wrong section, as it covers a vast spectrum of things..)
I'm also new to the site, please be kind.

Thanks again.

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78% Normal
Based on 27 votes (21 yes)
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Comments ( 29 )
  • thegypsysailor

    Where in the world did you hear that it's perfectly normal to wish to be raped and/or murdered? I'd bet your shrink wouldn't agree either.

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    • I'll bet they heard that here.

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  • Koda

    You're not alone (: I hope it helps to know that there are many people who feel just like you do about the world.

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  • Cross456

    YEAP ITS NORMAL. Okay, I admit that I merely skimmed through your post LOL. But in any case, what you mentioned are people that are screwed. They just got overcomed by their sexual desires which is definitely frightening. Having sexual fantasies is actually pretty normal of everyone. BUT HAVING FANTASIES LIKE GETTING RAPED OR WTV. that is abnormal. in fact, they are probably ignorant to how grave such acts are. Unless they are insane, they would probably wake up when one of such events really happen to them. Of course, we shouldnt be cursing them like that, just stating the facts. They are probably delusional are something, thinking that is exciting or whatever. In addition, I think that would be an extreme way of thinking even though they'd probably be like, OH, THEY ARE JUST FICTIONAL, THEY CANT EVEN HARM ME( well, they just killed your brains). I wouldnt say that my view point is right, but I dont think its wrong either. Just from different perceptions.
    Other than that, I hate the fact that humanity is ALWAYS pretentious in many aspects. Like for one of them: Im sorry, but if you want to be charitable, kind and blah blah, BE SINCERE. Why do it when you dont mean it. Some people act like they are kind just to fulfill society's typical ideals, like sorry but I rather you not be a hypocrite, thanks. But unfortunately, that is how the society works, and I hate it because it is filled with pretentious people who work towards being a perfect role model.

    Again, this is just my perspective, I am not ready to take on arguments because I cant be bothered to LOL

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    • AshesToAshez

      Hey, it's perfectly fine, I won't argue. I understand most of your post and I agree on some parts. Yes, they must really be ignorant or maybe they just don't care much.. but yes, if they were to witness such acts or have these acts done to them in it is possible that it could/would change them, yet I don't wish for said acts to be done so that's completely out of the question. Also.. I can 'respect' a person who goes by who they really are, and in-fact I agree with you to a certain degree.. however, I do not agree that you shouldn't work to being a perfect role model. If a man or woman enjoys the idea of murder, they shouldn't do it just because it's being 'them self.' But yes, you should do things with sincerity and honesty.. at least.. to a certain degree that is. You shouldn't be a 'dick' just because you're naturally a 'dick,' it's not right. You should ALWAYS try to be a better person, even if being a better person takes time and dedication.. the problem with the world is everyone seem to be content with how things are, or love to be pacified by everyone and everything. The whole "the only person that matters in the world is yourself" view is a disgusting belief in my opinion, but yeah. Thank you for your input!

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  • Pseodonihm

    In regards, as to why some women have rape fantasies this article may shed some light on to the subject.

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    • AshesToAshez

      Another thing is, I don't think it's fair for women to be considered sluts just for thinking of sex. It's really sad, but it is true for many people that the whole "If you have a key that can open any lock, it's considered a magical key. But if you have a lock that can be opened by any key, it is considered a crummy lock." I personally hate that idea, but it's very true for many people. I don't approve of discrimination or gender stereotypes/roles, etc. Women are not some undesirable god as some apparently believe they are, it's amazing how they can think that. Oh, and.. we shouldn't be animals, we clearly are more advanced than them, so I don't like that argument either.. although apparently people love pretending to be savages. Also.. the whole "rape" fantasies from that perspective is preposterous, I mean really.. they are not the same as rape, not even close. It's an insult to real rape victims by saying it's a rape fantasy. Rape is without consent, "rape" fantasies are ravishment to me. Anyways, I want people to be equal as well, but only if they truly are. A rapist is not the same as a 'saint.' Nor will they ever be in my eyes. I'm sorry if you disagree. However, one thing that did interest me is that since I know what may cause people to have rape fantasies, I can work to try to 'help' people (in my eyes) become better people. Now I'm not even going to argue about that but anyways, the thing is.. I don't think rape fantasies are even justifiable. No matter what happened to you, you are responsible for yourself. I grew up being rather sexist in a way, albeit not overly so. I looked down upon men as they harmed me so very much, yet is that right? the answer is: no. It's not, nor was it ever right. Understandable in a way? Perhaps.. but not right. I no longer even consider gender as something to judge by, so in my opinion I'm a better human being now. I wish there was an easier way to converse with you other than this, as these walls of texts are quite difficult to sort through, sadly.

      Anyways, to end this response: In my eyes, rape fantasies are wrong, whether it's about domination, seeing the lifeless look in someones eyes, or pure laziness, it's all wrong to me. Even if it is 'understandable' based on previous events, it does not make things right. I also do not approve of the Battered wife defense used in some cases, where murder is more or less completely ignored based on the premise that the woman was abused and saw no other way out. Should the receive as much punishment as a woman who goes out today and murders a man without 'legitimate' reason? that's where I'm confused.. but anyways, I believe that in this regard, it is completely wrong.

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    • AshesToAshez

      Ehh, to be honest I already know WHY these things are. Doesn't mean I agree or support them at all. If a child grows up in a household where their father abuses their mother, it does not justify them treating women wrong. I hate that defense and it's completely sad to me. I will be more empathetic, sure. But it's still very wrong.

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  • Pseodonihm

    Oh and by the way. I have a post you might like to read that may vastly change you opinion about me.

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    • AshesToAshez

      There's also so much more than what I was saying but I can't really say it at the time. Also, I don't think of pedophilia as a mental illness or anything like that.. it's really not that wrong, although I guess it is in the way this world is now. Or inconvenient at the very least.

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    • AshesToAshez

      Actually, I have no issue with you being a pedophile. Pedophile means love of children, it is not wrong to love a child. I could be considered a pedophile too, in a way.. I guess? I don't know. Any who, I have absolutely no issue with you loving children. I'm quite glad you do not go around trying to have sexual intercourse with children as you'd probably go to jail and that's a shame, but you don't dream of harming the child, do you? You don't have to have sex just because you love someone, and I think since everyone associates any form of love t'wards children in a romantic way as something heinous that anyone who has feelings t'wards children thinks it's extremely wrong. Do I have a problem with you loving children? No. Do I have a problem with you wanting to sleep with children? Probably not. (It doesn't work because of how society is.. let's be honest.) I assume science has something to do with it as well.. too a certain degree. But anyways, I'm not incompetent nor do I buy into pedo hysteria.

      Basically, as long as you're not (even if not on purpose) trying to harm another living being, I have no real problem with what you do. Whether attracted to old women, old men, horses, whatever-- I can't really argue about consent, as consent never really meant the same to me as it does to others. But, as long as you're not trying to cause harm or anything like that, I don't see much of a problem with it. Again, I could be considered a 'pedophile' in a way, as my love isn't bound to what they are but who they are, the way someone looks and such are just.. bonus? something like that.
      However, as a person who cares so dearly about pedophilia (mind you, I do not dream of harming children either, I just wish for people to be free to love whomever they desire to.) Well, of course.. that doesn't always include having sex with them, as sex is not mandatory.

      Eh.. sorry for the long reply, but yeah. I have a strong belief that sex should be done with love, yet if you love someone you shouldn't force them to do something against their will, or try to harm them, etc. If pedophilia was on the board to be legalized and it was 100-100 votes and I was the last vote, yes or no.. I'd say no. Why? Because humanity would abuse it severely and then it'd be extremely hard to really argue if it was rape or not and such. But, yeah.. Pedophilia? I used to be ignorant and scared of it, when I was younger I was spoon fed that it was oh so very wrong, just like communism.. (not to compare the two) but.. as I grew up, I learned it's really not so bad. There's people who genuinely care about children in a non-sexual way, and even in a sexual way, many do not have the desire to force the child to go against their will to do so. AT LEAST I hope and pray there's quite a few like that..

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  • Pseodonihm

    So to end this little rant of mine. I would like to add, that I, like you see the act of act of "sport sex" as wrong. Sex and love can be mutually exclusive. And that is a shame. I view the act of love as almost a holy thing. It is a pure expression of our deepest desires and urges. It is raw. It is natural. And it is beautiful beyond words. I think, if the society in which I live (America by the way) had this same view we would all be better for it. But alas, it is not so, My culture sees sex as a shameful thing. Something you don't talk about. And that, is a shame as well.

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    • AshesToAshez

      The way I live my life is, I wish to be the best example of what a human should be. Of course that's all subjective, yet I try to not harm others that are innocent, even those I disagree with I try not to harm. I'm still thoroughly confused on life and what my hopes, beliefs and goals are.. I have a general idea but how to go about them and what I truly want or can expect to actually happen I am unsure of.. but I agree, I find it a shame that love and sex are mutually exclusive, I always wished they were paired with one another, not that you couldn't have love without sex, but you couldn't have sex without love.. but I guess that's part of humanity. I'm in America as well, I mean.. I think you mean USA, in which case I am too. However, I don't know, I'm sorry. I try not to judge people based solely on their fantasies but it says a lot about the person if they can enjoy something like rape fantasies (going both ways). I also feel like if X is better for humanity, I should settle for no less than trying to get X. If I die before I become the human I desire to be, so be it.. but I don't want to be the average person content with the way things are, but I won't go forcing others to accept my views or anything, in-fact I completely understand why humans are so reluctant to change and other things. However, I am not talking about someone thinking "shut up", "get out the way" or anything like that as something I find wrong. I find it wrong when you're having fantasies of stripping rights from other human beings, as if they were animals yet worse. (I do not condone the violence inflicted upon animals either.)

      But.. thank you very much for your replies.

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      • Pseodonihm

        I'm still thoroughly confused on life and what my hopes, beliefs and goals are.. I have a general idea but how to go about them and what I truly want or can expect to actually happen I am unsure of.

        I can't help you with your hopes, as I don't know you. And hopes and dreams are a very personal thing. I would like to think that your hopes are like mine. I hope to improve the world. To make it a safe and nurturing place for all beings.

        I can't help you with your beliefs because, I don't know what they are. Are you a religious person? I am. But my religion may not be the one you are thinking of.

        Your goals, I might be able to help you there.

        If you will excuse me, I am going to make an assumption. That assumption is that you are a young adult. Maybe in your twenties? And you are now forming your own view of the world. From the brief glimpse you have allowed me to see, I think you are in a good place. You want to make the world a better place, you abhor violence, you want to correct what you see as wrong. But you have to accept the fact that we live in a society. And some people will have different views and values. I'm not saying anyone's particular views are right or wrong, just that they have them. And once you accept that they have different views, you can, if you wish, begin to change them. You can do this by examining the foundation of their belief. Then you can apply a counterpoint, changing their view. Some are more stubborn than others.

        In short, if you want some advice. I would take you're apparent passion and invest it. Become a writer, express your views. Start a website, or a blog. It might not change the world but it might make a difference in someones life. Even a little change is a good thing

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      • Pseodonihm

        It is a good thing to lead by example. I have what many consider very odd habits. I open doors for other people. I let ladies, and men with children, and the elderly go ahead of me in line. This is often very confusing for other people, as they are not use to it. Which is a shame in my opinion. I still say please and thank you. I say would you, and may I, as opposed to can you and can I. So, I understand where you are coming from. Your goal is a noble one.

        I know the people you are talking about are actively thinking these things. And that is what you are perceiving as wrong. That is fine. But if you are trying to be a noble and righteous person. You have to accept that others have the right to think what they want. Anything else is tyranny. And that is wrong.

        I would suggest that when you come in contact with these people that you express your opinion and your motivation behind it. Then ask them not be so forthcoming in future discussions with you. If they continue, then simply leave and find somewhere else to be. The internet is a vast place. I'm sure you can find a site that shares your views and opinions.

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        • AshesToAshez

          Also, to be honest. I'm not trying to take a moral high ground.. at least I'm not entirely sure I am, I'm not trying to claim to be some shining knight or anything, I've done things wrong too, not nearly as bad as others but it doesn't justify it, now does it? All I can do is try to become a better person, I'm imperfect even in my own view, but slowly.. after time I get better and better and well, even if I die tomorrow I can take pride knowing I tried to do the best I could. I'll be honest, I can't really argue a whole lot based on the premise that I have no idea what I truly want and desire or how to even accomplish it. I can do things for myself, I know how to make myself better (in my opinion) I try to be empathetic, I try to give sympathy as well, I try to be so caring and understanding most of the time but I just simply cannot when it comes to the harm of others, I know it's kinda hypocritical in a way, and I know everyone says "There wouldn't be a problem if they were like x in the first place." in which I cannot truly reply because my position is the same, I will be honest, I have no problem with nearly any fantasy or sexual fantasy as long as it does not involve the innocent being harmed. You know? I already know something is wrong with me but.. I'm not sure what it is. Do you have any idea? Thank you for responding by the way.

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        • AshesToAshez

          I'm very proud of you, I try to lead by example. I try to be the best I can and it's come to the point where I don't even think twice about doing the 'right' thing. I'm not so sure about the whole "don't become a monster to stop a monster" idea, as much as I'd love to think that, I'm still very unsure. I am 'okay' with them thinking the sort of things, I mean I'm not but I don't tell them that they should go die or something, nor do I try to force my opinion on them. Also, I don't really wish to be pacified. Not that I go out looking for trouble, but I don't really enjoy people who share my own views and opinions due to the fact that some may share some views of mine, but they misinterpret it or don't feel the same way about much. I'm not saying I'm purely unique or have a god complex but I don't think if there is any, that there is many-- people like me.

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  • Pseodonihm

    Is there an issue with how humanities perceive fantasies as completely harmless due to them not directly harming someone? Or is the issue with me?

    To be blunt, yes. The issue is with you. To judge someone on there beliefs is common. But it is not right. It's the actions of these people that should be the basis for judgement. For only actions can hurt others.

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    • AshesToAshez

      Thanks, I understand that them taking action is the most important thing, however.. I still think deriving sexual gratification from a hypothetical person with hypothetical feelings being harmed is simply wrong, however, I wouldn't send them to jail or something over it.

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      • Pseodonihm

        And that is good. You have an opinion, but you are not willing to impose your beliefs on others. This is a very good thing.

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        • AshesToAshez

          Thank you, I try not to do so. I've tried persuading people, I've even shown people that certain things are in-fact wrong, yet they still see no issue with it or desire to change.. would you care to indulge me with information as to why they might do that? Is it lack of willpower, content with the way things are, or what? You seem like a rather intelligent human being so I implore you to answer my question: What should a human's goal in life to be? To be completely selfish to live a 'happy' life? Or to strive to better humanity as a whole?

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  • Pseodonihm

    Is it the norm? (to have sick and unhealthy fantasies)
    No, it is not the norm. Only a small percentage of the populace has these thoughts. Are they bad people. No.

    But here is a question I would like to ask you. How are these people with such fantasies shoving this in your face? I have to make an assumption that it's a profession where this occurs. And if so, why would you still have this profession if it bothers you so?

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    • AshesToAshez

      Well, no. My profession has nothing to do with this, it's just a common thing, especially on the internet. It's weird, I know.. but people love expressing what they're into to me, even if I say I do not agree with it or like it they will continue doing so because in their opinion they have every right to do so, but I'm reluctant to completely block/delete/whatever them because I've never been one to do that, sadly.

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      • Pseodonihm

        Not to be harsh, but if you don't like what you see, do something about it. Stop looking in those places where it is happening. The internet is a free place, so people do have the right to say what they want. While you might disagree with what their saying, you are the one who is engaging in the conversation.

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        • AshesToAshez

          I'm not looking for places just to feel depressed, I don't take pleasure in self-loathing. You cannot earnestly say it, I apologize but you are wrong in this regard. However, based on the limited information I cannot blame you at all. I'm not sure what I can do about it? I'm also not one of those people who think that since something is out of my view that it's easy to ignore, nor should these things be ignored.

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  • Pseodonihm

    "Is it wrong of me to judge others based on their (in my view at least) sick and unhealthy fantasies?" This question can not be answered. Thoughts are just thoughts, they're neutral, they can't be destructive as long as they remain thoughts. Many times our thoughts take on a darker nature to express feelings we are not ready to assimilate into our conscious minds. Or, express actions we would like to do but know in our hearts, is wrong. Everyone has them, tho we would like to deny it. The urge to impose our will on to others. Shut up, Get out of my way, your boring, your stupid, WTF. These are thoughts that seem to cross my mind on a frequent basis. And I know everyone else has them as well. Society at large would view them as wrong, but on a personal basis they have no problem with it.

    So to answer the question. "Is it wrong of me to judge others based on their (in my view at least) sick and unhealthy fantasies?" I "think" you "think" they are wrong and that is right, for you.

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  • Pseodonihm

    ^people to abuse^ Sorry about that.

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  • Pseodonihm

    You ask several questions, and if you don't mind I would like to answer each one.

    Is it normal that I have a loathing for humanity? Yes
    You will find several posts on IIN that ask the same thing. I, myself, find most of humanity reprehensible. Specifically the all consuming greed, the complete disregard for other beings health and safety, especially children. And the HATE. Everyone has something that they hate, this is fine. But the magnitude of hate is so ridiculously excessive as to border on madness.

    For example "road rage." I have been witness to this several times. Normal, every day, peaceful people, who get behind the wheel and turn into monsters. Tailgating anyone with the audacity of driving the speed limit. How dare they obey the law. Don't they know you have people abuse? cigarettes to smoke? Beer to swill? ARGG, WTF!!!

    This is just an example.

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    • AshesToAshez


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