Is it normal that i have a lot of anxiety when using the phone?

Okay so, I seem to have a problem with phones. When ever I know I have to make a phone call (regardless of how important it is) I will become very nervous and anxious. I'll start sweating, my hands will shake, and my stomach will feel like it's being tied into a knot. It often takes a long time to work up the courage to make a phone call. IIN?

Voting Results
47% Normal
Based on 55 votes (26 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • Sonotnormal_ha

    It's probably not normal but i cant use phones either. I refuse to use them because i get too nervous! Im very shy though and tend to get anxious about any form of communication with people I don't know. I dont even like calling my family or friends though

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  • nelly96

    Yeah i have the same problem. I just can't do it, abduction when I do i get all choked up and sound like an idiot. I usually just upfront tell the person my situation and apologise if im sounding weird. I had to ring for something important once and I explained my uncomfortableness with the person and they told me not to worry as a lot of people have that problem. If the person is kind and patient enough, they will bare with you.

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  • ProseAthlete

    It's not exactly normal, but it's not uncommon, either. It sounds like a mild and specific kind of social phobia, but those can be overcome with some effort on your part. Unless you work at a reception desk or a call center, it probably doesn't affect your life enough to seek therapy for it, but do some research about how to relieve anxiety and put those tips into practice.

    A lot of people don't like making phone calls. I don't like to do it either, but for me, it doesn't rise to the level of anxiety, just a mild feeling of "tsk, can't I just email instead?"

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