Is it normal that i have a lot of illnesses?

It seems like almost every illness I look into I match most of the symptoms- schizotypal personality, dyslexia, GAD, bipolar, drug/alcohol addiction, binge eating, etc.
I've been diagnosed with ADHD and depression but I'm afraid maybe I skewed the results somehow, that I have hypochondria or something, because I feel like it's not realistic that I'd have that much wrong with me.

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36% Normal
Based on 47 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Terence_the_viking

    Get a second opinion.

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    • Mando

      Clever. And so true!

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  • Iamtruman

    This is why you do not self-diagnose. You are aware you have other illnesses and this creates a biased precursor. It's like a matching game where you match something you do or feel with a certain symptom then if you've gathered enough you must be suffering from it. If you want to be safe about it, talk to a psychologist. Often disorders like adhd and depression lead into other disorderssuch as OCD. When you have an imbalance with your head you tend to have an imbalance with your actions as well and thinking. You're just worried about other illnesses as you're aware of their symptoms and already having a disorder pushes you towards thinking that "If I have this, I may as well have others". The only way to end the questions is to get diagnosed by a professional.

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  • Me too. I have gastritis, eye problems, depression, anxiety and according to what my doctor thinks and what he's treating me for I have prodromal schizophrenia.

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    • Avant-Garde

      Prodromal Schizophrenia? I've heard of the other kinds but never this one.

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      • Symptoms/warning signs before full blown illness.

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  • VioletTrees

    It's not unrealistic that you'd have both ADHD and depression. It's pretty common to have both.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Get a second opinion and diet wise switch to more natural things. Having a healthier diet should hep with any physical problems you may have. A word of caution about doctors is that often times, I feel, they misdiagnose people and "claim" they have a certain condition to get them to take on these medications. Medications which believe me, you should NEVER be on. My ex psychiatrist was a jackass who I believed misdiagnosed me on many different things. According to my health report I have: OCD, Anxiety, Depression, ADHD and some other stuff. I looked up the criteria for some of the things they claim I have and low and behold, I don't match it! In fact, I meet the criteria for: Aspergers, Schizophrenia and I think something else. You should take most of what they say with a grain of sand. Also, if you see another doctor see a Therapist not a psychiatrist. They can't proscribe medication, which is good, and they actually talk you through your problems.

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  • LilyAmongTheThorns

    Hypochondria is probably your most likely culprit, here.

    The only person who can diagnose you for any of these is a professional. Sometimes it's easy to get caught up reading about things and get carried away imagining or fearing what we might have.

    I would recommend seeing a professional, though. They can help you sort out a lot of this stuff and can help with some of the issues you're worried about as well. A good therapist is there to help! ^-^

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  • davesumba

    It's all in your head. if you think there is something wrong with you, and do extensive research to convince yourself that there is something wrong with you, then there is going to be something wrong with you.
    imo, mental illnesses are all a sham and only affect the weak minded. why does there have to be something wrong with someone just because they aren't like the "norm," or don't have a support system/good group of friends to keep them happy. why can't we all just be ourselves and love each other.

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  • Its normal that if you meet the criteria for one mental illness you also have other ones. Co-morbid mental illnesses often are seen in the same person. Thats because very few people are going to fit into a predescribed pattern of behaviours and psychology is not a very accurate science. It would be more rare for someone to have all the symptoms of one mental disorder and not have symptoms of any of the other ones.

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