Is it normal that i have a phobia of holes?

I have a fear of holes. Like holes in walls, or in beehives, or ant holes. Mostly small ones. Sometimes like gaps too, like for example: when my mom poured more water into my fish tank the pebbles moved out of one place and left a circular gap and I wouldn't go near my fish tank until my fish moved the pebbles back in place. Sometime I cry when I see holes though. Anyone else have this or something similar?

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Comments ( 11 )
  • Moonbow

    Then I'm surprised you're on this site since it's overflowing with ***HOLES!

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  • diaperwolf21

    Youre afriad the fabric of time/space is going to suck you in the hole and you will be never heard from again. lol

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  • That's why you never wipe your ass after taking a shit?

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  • Cordelia

    I have a similar phobia. Although, it's not as severe as yours I feel you. Clustered holes in large numbers just make my skin crawl.

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  • ProseAthlete

    Phobias aren't uncommon, and while yours isn't yet listed in the DSM-IV, it probably should be. It's called trypophobia, but be forewarned: if you Google it, you'll see a lot of pictures describing the phobia that you might find traumatic.

    Your phobia seems more severe than most, though, if it makes you cry or be unable to go about your usual business. Cognitive behavioral therapy can help with anxiety disorders and phobias. You can also try desensitizing yourself.

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    • TheSecret

      yeah i already tried looking it up but quickly closed the screen when pictures came up, very scarring. whats desensitizing mean?

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  • imadragon

    It's a common phobia. My boyfriend has it.

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  • Archbang

    You need medical help.

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  • Orangemarie

    Yes, I have the same fear. I look away when I see too many uniformed holes or clusters. It could be because I was bitten by a spider as a child. For some reason multiple holes developed where the bit mark was. I dunno. But this is a normal phobia. Crazy huh?

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    • TheSecret

      omg the spider thing is gross! Yeah if I see holes in the skin or hear about them it drives me the most insane. It sucks to have this phobia, but I'm glad I'm not the only one. Well not glad that other people have to suffer with it but glad that It's not abnormal. Thanks for sharing!

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  • Avant-Garde

    I've heard of this fear before. It's uncommon.

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