Is it normal that i have a phobia of music?

I love listening to music on my own, however having music played out loud terrifies me. There's kind of an unspoken rule in my house not to play music out loud because I will tense up and start to shake. I even avoid a lot of tv shows in fear that they will start playing music. My main worries about public music sharing is people judging the music negatively, people asking if I know the song, people asking if I like the song, someone singing along, and people dancing along. I have no problem when I'm with friends, but when I'm with family I develop this intense fear. Heck my family can't even name a single artist I like because my fear of music sharing is that strong. Is this normal? How would you suggest I overcome this?

Voting Results
18% Normal
Based on 157 votes (28 yes)
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Comments ( 33 )
  • The bullshit detector is through the roof, infact I think one of the gauge casings even broke.

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    • The OP needs to listen to Panasonic youth by the Dillinger escape plan. That should calm them down.

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      • I'm a huge Mike Patton fan and loved their "Irony Is a Dead Scene" EP they did with him.

        I haven't heard much else from them though besides a bit of the Ire works album.

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        • Please just get their first album 'miss machine'.

          Trust me on this one.

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          • "Calculating Infinity" was a little earlier I think, but I'll check it out. I do so enjoy this math-core craziness from time to time.

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            • Yes miss machine was their first full album and in my opinion the best. They demonstrate the range of their skill with different styles, electronic industrial, rock n roll, and pop. Lyrically,it is so artistic and serious. I love this album.

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  • RoseIsabella

    It sounds more like you are über embarrassed of your family than afraid of music.

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  • Sog

    There's no shame in being yourself. Don't be offended if other people don't share your taste in music.

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  • Paradiddle

    Honestly I can't say this is normal at all. In the game Elite Beat Agents for DS, you could be mistaken for the aliens who tried to turn the citizens of earth into stone because of their highly annoying music they happen to be weak against. Very fun game that spawned Osu! for PC, definitely try it if you have time. Or is that counter productive of this story~

    Anyway, I'm confused on somethings. You said you're okay around friends and you have favorite artists so you're okay with music in general and have your likes, you just don't like the music played loudly? Or is this all out of the fact that you mentioned how people would judge and question the music? If that is all it is then "that" part is normal as I hate that myself. But if it is more than that then I'm not sure what is going on here unfortunately.

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  • RougeTheBat

    Consider yourself lucky,music is horrible these days.

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    • In your genre? Bad luck

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      • RougeTheBat


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        • What music do you like?

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          • RougeTheBat

            Rock,alternative,indie and international.

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            • Listen to 'Jeniferever'

              They are from Sweden, one of the best alternative/indie bands I have heard.

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            • There's a lot of fresh music in rock and alternative. Perhaps you need to broaden your search.

              Check out ' bat for lashes' , they are an alternative band from the UK.

              Also Devil Sold His Soul, another British post rock band! Stunning.

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    • shuggy-chan

      lies, "main stream music" is horrible, real music is still alive and strong thank you

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    • disthing

      Some of my favourite music in the universe has come out 'these days'. I think you're looking (listening) in the wrong places.

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      • RougeTheBat

        Correction:main-stream music is horrible these days.Thanks shuggy-chan!

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  • Drummerguy729

    This is kinda in the middle. I do although suggest talking to a professional because you can't control music wherever you go.

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  • MissCooper

    I also have this Fear when I comes to Seventh Day Adventist Gospel music. When it comes on like if my friend messes with my phone and plays a Heritage singers song then I become panicky and shake!! Thinking they will Judge my music!

    So your not alone!

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    • noid

      Hey Are you SDA?

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      • MissCooper

        Yes sweetie

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        • noid

          Cool, me too.

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  • Kathleen_Brown

    I don't think it's weird at all. You're not self-absorbed like some people are saying on here (for who knows why). Listening to music on your own is your best bet. This way you can engage yourself into songs of all sorts and doing this is completely normal. It could be your music comfort zone. You may not like songs with words or the songs with fast tempos (like a lot of modern music). I'm suggesting you try pandora and the music station Rob Dougan. It has music without words, with violins, pianos, tech pop, computer noise-like engagements, and my favorite part is:
    None of the songs get stuck in my head beacause there are no words.
    Start off with the song, "clubbed to death" on YouTube when you have 8 minutes to spare. It is a beautiful song that is 7 min and some odd seconds long.
    Good luck and again, you're not self-absorbed. Tv music really can stink anyways.

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  • Antimacy

    Maybe you just need to get over yourself.

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  • bodazzy

    well this aint good

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  • Ükskakspum

    I can kind of relate to this. It's not that severe for me. It doesn't terrify me and I don't start shaking, I just feel uncomfortable when someone is listening to music out loud. Or when someone is singing or dancing along the music, I feel embarrassed for them. I also hate sharing music with people because I'm worried about their ignorance and prejudice. But that's probably because I have social anxiety.

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  • kingsleycrowne

    I have no idea sorry. I've never heard of anything like this before.

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  • Faceless

    You're that self absorbed? Hmm. I've got an idea. Listen to soft core porno soundtracks on the bus and raise your eyebrows at whoever makes eye contact. That will completely help your situation. Trust me. I lie only somettimes.

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  • IwantYou

    u take a rifle a sling shot a samuri sword and a spear and go on a fkn rampage

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