Is it normal that i have a reoccurring dream?

So this thing just started last week when this dream kept happening,
I would walk in this hallway and then all the walls will become mirrors, I'll look in but can't see my reflection, I'll step in the mirror and enter a dining room, where there are jell-o cups piled from floor to ceiling, and I would trip and all the jell-o cups would fall on me, and I would wake up.
I've been having this dream almost every night, usually more dream events would happen before this, but the dreams ALWAYS ended like this.
It just started last week, and I'm so confused:
I don't eat jello, or have a fear of halls or things falling on me.
I do admit that I'm afraid of mirrors though.
But what is weird is that this dream happens EVERY NIGHT
is this normal at all?!
(This is true, I'm not making any of this up)

Voting Results
82% Normal
Based on 38 votes (31 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • RoseIsabella

    As long as you don't run into Bill Cosby you should be okay.

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    • sillygirl77

      Yes, that would be tragic. It's sad when I hear the word Jello I think of that SOB too :(

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      • RoseIsabella

        It is sad, but a funny thing is that I never liked him. In my opinion Bill Cosby always had an air of smug condescension about him.

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        • sillygirl77

          Yes, he was very quick to judge how others behave and tell them how to behave.

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          • RoseIsabella

            Very true! He was basically a hypocrite.

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  • DepressedStar33

    Please stop fighting everyone

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  • Ellenna

    A recurring dream usually means your unconscious is showing you something you need to deal with. Unfortunately the unconscious communicates in strange ways, so it's not always possible to work out what everything in a dream actually means.

    Rather than consulting one of the many bogus dream symbol books, which all say different things, you could have a go at letting yourself think about the different components, what they mean to you and what feelings they bring up.

    Of course, alternatively the dream could be caused by over indulgence in a drug or drugs, or indigestible food near bedtime.

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    • DepressedStar33

      Thanks Ellenna.

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  • sillygirl77

    All dreams are normal I think since you can't control them!

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    • Ellenna

      WTF? So anything we can't control is normal? Turn your brain on before you hit the keyboard please!

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      • sillygirl77

        Wow that was pretty rude. It's one thing not to agree, it's another thing to tell me to turn on my brain, which sounds an awful lot like calling me stupid. Even if you're not calling me stupid and just calling my statement stupid or not well thought out, it's a mean-spirted way of speaking to someone. I may be wrong, but that doesn't mean you have to say something mean to me, right? Have I done something to you to make you speak to me so disrespectfully?

        That said, maybe I miscommunicated what I was trying to convey. Not everything you can't control is normal ie: I have diabetes and my blood sugar used to be out of control. It wasn't normal. So, your point about me being incorrect with how I phrased that is correct (it just didn't need the rudeness added to it). Just because you can't control something doesn't make it normal.

        What I think about dreams is that there is no abnormal dream, because even if you dream of something that seems abnormal you're not trying to dream of something abnormal per se I guess and like you said your subconscious communicates in strange ways.

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  • mysistersshadow


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