Is it normal that i have a reoccurring dream?
So this thing just started last week when this dream kept happening,
I would walk in this hallway and then all the walls will become mirrors, I'll look in but can't see my reflection, I'll step in the mirror and enter a dining room, where there are jell-o cups piled from floor to ceiling, and I would trip and all the jell-o cups would fall on me, and I would wake up.
I've been having this dream almost every night, usually more dream events would happen before this, but the dreams ALWAYS ended like this.
It just started last week, and I'm so confused:
I don't eat jello, or have a fear of halls or things falling on me.
I do admit that I'm afraid of mirrors though.
But what is weird is that this dream happens EVERY NIGHT
is this normal at all?!
(This is true, I'm not making any of this up)