Is it normal that i have a wolf-like personality?

I've always loved wolves, they're my favored animal and I have a certain kinship feeling when I see them at a zoo or watch documentaries about them. Now I know, there are tens of thousands of people out there that probably love wolves just as much as I do, but it feels different. I act like one, not just as a joke, but I feel like when I act "wolfish" that its right and it makes sense for me. Growling and baring my teeth at people I don't like, nuzzling and softly biting my friends and family to show affection. There are moments that I have put my teeth to a friend's throat and snarled when they do something that upsets me, and once in a while pinning them in domination. They don't mind so much, they know I like wolves. But some people don't understand, think that my touching them is weird. I tend to do that, brushing against people and touching them like a wolf would among it's pack, and it feels fine to me, though most people are creeped out by it. I have this pulling feeling, standing out in the forest and sniffing the air feels right, padding down trails and even marking territory by pissing feels natural too (I stop doing this as soon as I come back to the city, people wouldn't be so forgiving if I started pissing on sidewalk corners.) When I look up at the sky and howl, my sound isn't just a sound but a song, it means something. I howl often to show what I'm feeling. I make sounds in my throat to show displeasure. When I walk, I imagine a tail swaying behind me, and it raising or lowering depending on who I'm nearby, or wagging when I greet someone I like. When I hear things, I can almost feel my ears turning as they would if I were a wolf to catch the sound. Smelling people is another thing too, I recognize someone by their scent and remember it. It's a big part of meeting people for me, as it would be for a wolf. I know this is probably not normal, but is there any explanation for it? Or am I just weird.

Voting Results
70% Normal
Based on 294 votes (206 yes)
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Comments ( 37 )
  • Bone1999

    YES!!! I do it too! Like I treat my friends like a pack, and I'm the alpha as I'm the clever one with the most experience. I brush walls to leave my scent and I sometimes howl when the urge is to strong. When my dog disrespects me I snarl and attack. I regurgitate food when she licks my mouth for it. And I ensure my leadership by growling at her and she lies on her back with her tail between her legs. I recognize people by their smell and the thing I have noticed along with everyone else is that my senses are much more powerful. Especially hearing I can here stuff that everybody else doesn't.
    Good luck fellow wolf!

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    • human,boy,wolf

      I recognize smell too! And I howl when the urge is to great as well. HUMAN WOLVES RULE!!! woo woo. :)

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      • Jairo_Blitzel


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    • Kota

      I do the same thing, every time I go in the woods. I'm drawn to the night l. My friends understand me in every way cuz we r the same. So I made a pack with them. And I am very protective, I mark my territory to. And I have secret dens in the woods. But some ppl make fun of me for it and my friends stick up for me. When a strangers dog attacks the others in my yard I show my dominance by growling and showing my teet. When I do that I feel free. I hope you feel free fellow wolves.

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    • Wolfblood-freespirt

      Back off you have no idea you don't understand it so just shut up. People like you will never understand!😡 you're the kind of people I hate and love to watch parish 😡. Just because it's not what you believe bc it's different to you doesn't mean its pathetic or not real. You humans disgust me think you're better then anything different from you. Well you're not you're just a bunch of people that'll do anything for power and control even if it hurts the other living things around you. You're messed up in the head. And one of gods creations gone wrong. We the ones that are physically and spiritual connected to nature care for the things you take for granted. Like love and loyalty to everything around you😡. You're lucky god still loves people like you so I must live with it. But i won't sit back and watch you disgrace my own. I'm loyal to all others like me even if their not in my pack bc we r still the same. And I will portect them.

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    • human,boy,wolf


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    • Ugh im curious how you know how everyones senses works? stop trying to think your special and different and wolflike because you are none of these things. You are like evryone else no amount of fascinationj with wolfs will change that, your pathetic.

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      • jared018

        Ya well you don't know how we feel some of us are dangerous but some of us are protectors

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      • human,boy,wolf

        hey LIAR!

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        • You're not a wolf. You're a human being. You're not special, you're like everyone else. Accept that.

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    • Ntower

      I do too

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  • Pika-girl

    *gasp* PUPPY!!!!!

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  • Wolfdasher

    I feel the exact same way, one time i scared my uncle who was in the army with me growling. When i watch shows on descovery and see a deer die, i feel like i want some. I can tell weather my mom is making chicken or pork chops from my room, My mom says its because im asain. Sometimes when im sleeping i feel like a have a tail and wolf ears.

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  • toxicshane

    I AM A WOLF AND I'M PROUD, im the same way, and the more people judge and try to suppress the real me, the more i let my inner wolfen side come out.
    PS, im judged and suppressed a LOT.

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    • hotbananasandspicesgalore

      Prove that you are a wolf then. Because if you were a wolf, you wouldn't have flexible digits on your paws and you wouldn't be able to type. Man, I can't believe some people literally believe they are wolves. I mean honestly, if you were a wolf, you couldn't even survive one day of being one. I don't mean to criticize you, but wolves truly have hard lives.

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  • XxDemonicaxX

    go on you be a wolf as am I there a packs of human wolfs who r just the sam fined them and show your self and never ever let somone put you down for am I I AM A WOLF

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  • GothicWerewolf

    i wouldn't say its 'normal' in the sense of the word that everyone does it, but that does not mean it is wrong/bad/unhealthy. i act alot like this as well, high-paw pack brother! ^V^

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    • human,boy,wolf

      high paw!!^^^

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  • wolfveins

    you may be a therian. someone who can shift into an animals mindset. or phantom shifts (feeling a tail or limbs) and a sensory shift (wolf senses) . have a look on google. theres a website called therian-guide which is really good. if u are a therian, me too! im a wolf theriotype too. hope that helps x

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  • 62704

    Yep, describes me (except I only do this in my house so I don't look weird.)

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  • shawdy17

    I don't know if it is normal persay when compared to other humans, but in my culture it's called skinwalking and many of us are like this. We growl when angry and even bite. We fight out our differences and then go back to normal. We fight for dominance. I'm usually dominant in my family even over my mother and sisters despite being the youngest, however I recently met a fellow who is a completely platonic friend and is dating my best friend. I have a completely non sexual urge to bare my throat to him and give him lead. Growing up most of my friends hissed, growled and made animal noises. There are many names for this but when mixing myth with science I would say that it's people who are simply more in touch with the limbic system in their brains and go more on instinct.

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  • WolfricJK

    I feel the same way sometimes i will eat raw beef without cooking it and i show more dominance to my friends and family

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  • Jairo_Blitzel

    Wow me too!!!! I'm still learning how you all do things like this. I'm still a wolf that's learning. And I have a friend who we thought was weird because he acted like a wolf. Not until now I found out that he's a wolf. He likes wolves, he acts like a wolf, he is a wolf. Now I am too! Everyone, I wanna join your pack!

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  • human,boy,wolf

    I feel that way to!!! I also saw the reviews saying it was normal so that is a confidence booster. though I don't feel my ears moving or a tail. :)

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    • Jairo_Blitzel

      Yeah me too! I Dont now why but when school ended, it felt like nature was giving me signs that theirs a wolf inside of me. All these comments really help :)

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    • Kota

      Feel with your heart.

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  • But actualy whats funny is this isnt a plus its a negative you are acting more like a wolf than a human and humans are the biggest predators in the world and far more dangerous and smarter.

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    • redscratch

      Well I never said wolves were smarter or more dangerous than humans, I know a human could easily kill a wolf or outsmart it. I'm not acting like one because I think wolves are better than people, I'm acting like one because it feels normal.

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    • Kota

      *TSK* NOPE, a rat is smarter then a wolf and human. Bit wolfs can out smart both

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  • I feel no kinship with any pack animal.

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  • Tempest-au

    Before you all go jumping into a pack, remember that in a wolf pack, it's only the alpha male and alpha female that mate. The rest of you miss out.

    Enjoy your butt sniffing.

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  • Theplayfullone

    Well I act basically the same as said above with my to best friends. In basically the "alpha" in my little "pack". Those I do not claim to be a wolf of some sort it do have to say, that this wolfish behavior started as soon as if turned 10 years old. It since stayed that way.
    My behavior might be weird to some but then there are other people who see to like me for my playful manner

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  • Jimmy76

    It's not normal, but it's not bad. I do a similar thing but I associate the behavioural traits as more fox-like I growl when feeling some negative emotions. Whimper instead of crying when sad, when in pain I yelp, I mark things with my scent, I have abnormally fast reactions, and I have sensory hallucinations of having fox ears, a bushy tail, claws, etc.

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  • Ntower

    I do

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  • human,boy,wolf


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  • Liking wolfs and pretending to be a wolf doesnt make you anything other than someone fascinated with wolfs. Its not different from anyone, quite alot of people do this.

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    • WolfricJK

      No it doesn't everyone is more of an animal than you think

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