Is it normal that i have absolutely no sense of direction?

I've been living in the same house for about 7+ years, and I can't even find my way home from the grocery store. Seriously, when I say I have no sense of direction, I MEAN IT. NO. SENSE. OF. DIRECTION. I have to use a GPS to drive to school, the same school I've been going to for a year and a half, and to make it worse, it's only about fifteen minutes away.

What's wrong with me? Am I normal?


No, it's not normal. 29
Yes, it is normal. 8
I feel like that too. 14
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Comments ( 14 )
  • Couman

    What I don't understand is why you even need a "sense of direction" to drive to school. I'd have thought 18 months was plenty of time to learn the way by rote. You don't need to know which way north is remember "Left on 18th, right on Gruman, get on highway 40. exit at Parker Street..." or whatever. I doubt if there are more then 10 steps involved in a trip of that distance.

    I do wonder if relying on the GPS might be hindering you in that regard.

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    • Francophile22

      I am like the OP. I have to drive to a new place 5 days IN A ROW to remember it, and if I haven't been there in a month, I have NO CLUE, not even what freeway it's off or any major streets. I do well in grid-like cities where no streets curve and all the avenues are J, K, L and 15th, 16th, because then I can use math to count how far to go.

      I can't even tell west unless the sun is going down. I get lost in my own hometown.

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  • Frosties

    You could get a compass tattooed onto your forearm.

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    • %sherlockholmes%

      i dont think you need a tatoo but what i think you have not tried it to go outside without gps , human brain is like a muscle you have to practice it again and again its just simple no hard issue its just practice

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  • lc1988

    you must be male

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    • blablablah221

      I am no male.

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  • Cheese123

    same but worse than you

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  • megadriver

    You would be the worst navigator for a trip!

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  • robbieforgotpw

    Do you get lost in your backyard

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  • Antir0b0t

    I'm SO BAD with directions. I need to be reminded constantly and forget easily where things are. I'm just directionally challenged. The more effort I spend on recollection the better it gets.

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  • Only when i drive

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  • myownopinions

    It could be a psychological disorder, but either way, I don't think it's normal to have NO sense of direction.

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  • if u point to the sky thats up

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  • zchristian

    I can find around the whole city i have a sort of map in my head which means if i have been there before around 2-3 times i can remember the way there.

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