Is it normal that i have an intense fear of showers and (some) taps??

I'm not afraid of washing/ cleanliness and will still shower and bath even though the extreme anxiety is basically controlling me but when (not so much baths) I get into a shower I have multiple panic attacks and my heart races. I don't know why and I am constantly trying to overcome my fear. I'm not sure if I am afraid of the small space and it being considerably hot (lack of breath) or just water coming from above me? Does anyone else have similar? every time i try and search it on the internet it says that I have a fear of being clean and washing but that is really not the case? HELP PLEASEEEEE

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Comments ( 3 )
  • MrsEdGein

    For me it's plug hole in bath tubs though it's more of a dislike than a fear. I get paranoid that something will come out of the plug and pull me in. That's what watching too many horror movies does to you lol.

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  • flyingnostalgia

    You are not alone my friend, i have the same problem i,m afraid of toilets...the flushing, showers especially when the water start coming out. i,m also afraid of water tabs especially if they are in the bathroom. I,m not afraid of my own bathroom cus i,m used to it...but if i,m on airport or new places i do get few panic attacks. i have been like this since i can remember (since i was 3 or 4 years old). I dont know why i,m afraid though.

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  • Showers are relaxing for me. I could sit in the shower and drink beers all day.

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