Is it normal that i have different "personalities"?

I have different people inside me. Not necessarily voices and whatnot, but sometimes I feel inclined to act as different people. Like, one day I'll wake up and know who I am that day. My personalities, I guess you could call them, have different music tastes, different pronunciations of words, different friendships, and so on and so forth. Everything is just separated from the other personalities. I apologize if this sounds unclear, I've never tried to explain it to someone before. I can sometimes change who I am and it isn't always one personality per day. It honestly scares the everliving out of me. I'm too embarrassed to ask anyone, so, is it normal?

Voting Results
43% Normal
Based on 151 votes (65 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • RomeoDeMontague

    It is called multiple personality disorder. It is a mental disorder.

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  • It's fine that you have different personalities. I can act like someone else sometimes.

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  • We all kind of do, why do you think we're always in conflict with our inner monologue?

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  • canyounot

    Guys, I probably should have mentioned that I'm 17. I don't know if that makes a difference or not.

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  • ucipher8

    um hope that helped, lol

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  • ucipher8

    Once (this is real) upon a time at a restaurant. I was sort of being bullied by some chefs who, for lack of a better observation were of the same race and same "tribe". Culinary graduates... (know em alls). Long story short, it got to the point where i had some college graduate try to tell me that im not working hard enough or that i dont have passion in my eyes or shit like that...

    I didn't punch him, i wanted to smash his face into the cutting board, cause he was sloppy with his work and slower than a freaking snail with knife. Instead, i calmed myself down, spoke in a broken english accent, And all of a sudden, i had something called respect! (oh, look at that...)

    The picture im trying to paint is, not trying to be political. But in response to your posts, i can identify with you. I am a pure product of local programming, cartoons, full house, broadcast, cable, pop culture you name it. I dont want to think of myself as a schizophrenic, obviously (actually) i am so well versed in the American english language that i can emulate american english cultures.

    I can even emulate, foreign american cultures. Dont, judge yourself on the level that "Psyches" do, not completely anyways.... Think of your favorite comedians and actors, the impersonations they have to create to fulfill their roles. You think, Uma Thurman in Boys dont cry and Kill bill are different people? (cause they aint!)

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    • canyounot

      I see what you're saying, and, kudos for not turning the situation into a violent one.. I don't choose to act how I do, or, we do? I don't even know how to write it. It just happens, I wish I could turn it off.

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      • ucipher8

        you do choose. it's not like we are in prison with our rights revoked, but we cant let society imprison us in our own insecurities. Hell thats my family's job and my divine privilege (yours too)

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  • sanan22

    what you're mentioning here is called "dissociation".
    google "dissociative experience test" and take that test.

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    • canyounot

      I took the test, woah. Some of those were me, dead on. I did some more reading. Not sure if I want to tell anyone about any of this yet. Thank you for showing me that.

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      • sanan22

        just don't fall into the traps of "chasing symptoms" or "fitting into a diagnosis". everyone is different. so if you don't relate to something, don't try to relate. or if you do relate to something don't assume that you'll relate to the next thing

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        • canyounot

          I made sure to put never to things that didn't apply. But it was shocking how much I could relate on some.

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    • ucipher8

      so i scored a four potentially adhd. Does the pill get me blazed? Is it cheap (lol, i kid)

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      • sanan22

        dissociation has nothing to do with adhd.please do everyone a favor and read about it online

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        • ucipher8

          must have taken the wrong quiz you were referring to. Didn't mean to offend and or steal your thunder.

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  • Terence_the_viking


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